Is this true? BK?

On 4/24/2003 6:43:41 PM AC AA LA FA wrote:

When you have walked a mile in my shoes, all you "outsiders"..FF..mgmt types.ect..hold off on your flight attendant bashing. In reading your posts over the months, it has become so obvious that you have NO idea..none..of what we have been put through..and how hard it has been for us as a work group to try to stay as unified as possible and make the right choices..for this will not stop at AAs back speeks to all flight attendants..and their future as back off with your bitter commentary till you have been hired..completted training..and become a line flight attendant working under a management team moraly bankrupt and rotten to the core...................

Boo Hoo. Cry me a river. The other two unions are comprised of much smarter individuals (on average) and their acceptance (twice now) is some proof of that, especially if the APFA rejects and causes CH 11. Doesn''t take much to be an FA compared to a pilot or MX.
To all you f/a bashers out there. First of all the line f/a''s have no say right now on what we vote. We had no say on changing our votes until our vote wasn''t what the company and Ward wanted. We would of probably ratified it the first time around if we had been given the chance. I do not know what is up with John Ward and our BOD. They tell us nothing until decisions have been made. So do us all a favor and SHUT UP.
On 4/24/2003 7:01:25 PM AC AA LA FA wrote:

I am sorry to hear this...but I stand by my work group as always being professionals when it come to our pax. Right before the strike of 1993 our CIF ratings were as high as they have ever been....we do not take out on pax the frustrations caused to us by anyone outside work...mgmt, family, friends..ect....


Save you breath. Half of these clowns, on this board, HAVE NEVER, DON''T NOW, and WILL NEVER(AND DON"T EVER WANT TO KNOW) what it is to be a UNION member, especially a member of one of the last remaining REAL unions in this country,of which the MAJORITY know what it''s like to stand on PRINCIPLE.
Now there''s 2 words these clown''s can look up at their neighborhood library.

Thanks alot to all of the woman and so called "Men" Stewardesses of American Airlines! I hope you find your job in some temp agency fun!
Old Humor:

"The Company has advised the Union representing the Flight Attendants that their members would be ineligible to wear skirts during duty hours."

"When asked the reason for the change in the Uniform Policy, the Company replied that due to the rapid, distended growth of appendages with decidedly male reproductive characteristics, the change in policy was required in the interests of propriety and safety but had nothing to do with the assertion of the Union Members interests during recent contentious negotiations."

"When asked if the change applied to other Unionized work groups on the property, the Company replied that such growth had not been observed with those groups but that the Company had every intention of "keeping their hand on the pulse" so that any unanticipated growth would be closely monitored."

TWU is not smarter,they just don''t ask their membership.

I once was on a flight,and a FA, brought a beer to a pax. He offered her a tip. She told him "no, thank you". He was surprised. All other waitress take his tips.

As a AA employee, I was very proud of her. This gentleman had forgotten,as maybe you have, in the event of a Emergency,the FA is gonna help save your behind.

Yes, emergencies do happen. People do survive plane crashes. Thanks to a lot of F.A. out there.

So if somebody doesn''t get a beer or drink quickly,they call it bad service.

So maybe you do need to lighten up on the F.A. They are critical to the Airline Industry.
BK is still on for Friday

Two of the three major unions said they agreed to certify their votes on concession deals after securing modifications that would alter profit-sharing terms, reduce the terms of the deal to five years from almost six years, and allow the contracts to be open for renegotiations after three years.

The flight attendants union did not agree to the changes by a deadline on Thursday afternoon, sources said. AMR may file for bankruptcy as early as Friday if it cannot get the flight attendants on board, but it is likely to give that labor group until Monday to reach a decision to certify a vote .

The impending move in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York comes after AMR''s board
Clowns? Why I disagree:

1. I can spell
2. I have a college degree
3. I understand the nature of capitalism
4. My livelihood is not dictated by a union contract.
5. I have other marketable skills besides dumping lav waste.

If all you have left is some vague notion of union pride, you''re in deep trouble.
Boo Hoo. Cry me a river. The other two unions are comprised of much smarter individuals (on average) and their acceptance (twice now) is some proof of that, especially if the APFA rejects and causes CH 11. Doesn''t take much to be an FA compared to a pilot or MX.


You say that the individuals in the other unions are smarter well I can tell you the TWU has already admitted that over 3000 of their members were not even afforded the right to vote the first time. This number could have easily have changed the outcome of the vote but the union or company had no interest in extending our deadline.

As for the new T/A no one will get to vote it was accepted by our intl. Not withstanding their public admissions that are first vote was tainted and that we would be allowed to revote.

One should never confuse intellect with a lack of intestinal fortitude!!!

To the F/A''s as a mechanic who could lose his job in B/K you do whatever you feel is in your best interest and let the chips fall where they may.

To the rest of you who don''t work in this industry whose only concerns is airfares staying at thirty year lows YOU CAN KISS MY A##!!!!!
On 4/24/2003 9:29:57 PM aapitbull wrote:

as a mechanic who could lose his job in B/K you do whatever you feel is in your best interest and let the chips fall where they may.

The following comment was overheard on the ramp today during a discussion regarding the possible bankruptcy of American. One of the old timers, with a lot of years with TWA, suggested that bankruptcies are somewhat like sex. The first time there is a bit of apprehension. With time, you realize, “hey, this is great stuff.â€￾
On 4/24/2003 11:37:16 PM TWAnr wrote:

On 4/24/2003 9:29:57 PM aapitbull wrote:

as a mechanic who could lose his job in B/K you do whatever you feel is in your best interest and let the chips fall where they may.

The first time there is a bit of apprehension.  With time, you realize, “hey, this is great stuff.”


Yeah right....they used to say that about LSD
On 4/24/2003 8:21:06 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:

Save you breath. Half of these clowns, on this board, HAVE NEVER, DON'T NOW, and WILL NEVER(AND DON"T EVER WANT TO KNOW) what it is to be a UNION member, especially a member of one of the last remaining REAL unions in this country,of which the MAJORITY know what it's like to stand on PRINCIPLE.


Most people don't need, and more importantly, don't want someone to tell them what principles they should be standing up for, Bears.

A lot of us can and do figure that out for ourself on a daily basis, and don't want to pay someone else to do our thinking for us.

Stat for the APFA crowd to consider. I'm told that if you take STL and furloughed members out of the mix, the vote starts to become a lot more like the pilots, i.e. 65/35. Anyone able to dispute/confirm that?

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