Issa: Edison's use of visa program 'deeply disturbing'


Dec 28, 2009
SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Issa: Edison's use of visa program 'deeply disturbing'
Congressman Darrell Issa called Southern California Edison’s apparent use of the federal H-1B visa program to replace part of its workforce “deeply disturbing” in a statement issued Friday.
The utility, which provides electricity to much of Southern California but not to San Diego County, is laying off about 400 information technology workers and replacing them with foreign workers under the non-immigrant worker visa program. An estimated additional 100 employees are leaving voluntarily.
“This use of H-1Bs to outsource American jobs is endemic, and it’s been going on for a decade or so,” Harrison said.
Having worked in the field and lost my business years ago to H1-B holders IMHO it's time to stop this crap.
B) xUT
"It appears in Edison’s case, he said, “You can’t even pretend there weren’t Americans to do the job, because Americans were doing the job until they got laid off.”
The companies used to use the EXCUSE they could not find American labor with the technical expertise they needed so they had to use H-1B workers. Now they don't even try to hide the fact that H-1B is nothing more than an excuse to pay a low wage for skilled labor.
The Department of Labor website says the H-1B program is intended to “help employers who cannot otherwise obtain needed business skills and abilities from the U.S. workforce”
There is what the government SAYS the intent is then there is what it is actually designed to do.
Maybe they can't find "qualified' (which is total BS) people because education has been made so unaffordable compounded by the fact that companies don't want to invest in training anymore.  Why train someone when you can import cheap labor.
Our own government wants taxpayers to fund college education for illegals when they can't even afford to send their own children.
Issa, R-Vista, said immigration law requires employers to certify that hiring an H-1B applicant “will not adversely affect the working conditions of workers similarly employed.”
They broke the law but will pay no penalty for doing so. The government supports what they did or they would have never issued the work visas to begin with.
I am sure some bleeding libtard will come along shortly and explain to you how those H-1B visa holders and illegals are just seeking a better life (and somehow justify YOU paying for it).
You know who else is seeking a better life....... those 400 people that USED to work for Edison.
I am sure they did not mind paying excessive taxes (in that libtard cesspool California) to educate some illegals kid when they can't even afford their own child's education only to turn their decent paying job over to some foreigner on a government supplied H-1B visa.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Hey moron, did you see where the article was written? Not exactly a liberal site. Nor is the author. Why don't you reach out to someone and borrow a clue sometime.

Those senators were the Republican co-sponsors of the bill. Reading comprehension. It's fundamental.
My reading comprehension is fine.
I took that article as "outing collaborators".
I'm willing to bet that those getting laid off probably trained the 'cheaper' labor. At one time they would continue to work from their country, but now they bring them right to you.

A close relative worked for IBM who sent him to India to train the workers over there. Needless to say after he accomplished his assignment, the company said bye-bye.

This was close to 10 years ago, so welcome to the new age of screw-you!
xUT said:
Issa: Edison's use of visa program 'deeply disturbing'
Having worked in the field and lost my business years ago to H1-B holders IMHO it's time to stop this crap.
B) xUT
I agree xUT.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Good articles and it is "deeply disturbing." I too believe H1-B is an excuse to pay lower wages for skilled labor.
Also my opinion...
Outsourcing needs to be banned outright, he said, and companies held accountable for their hiring actions.
Thanks for weighing in Sharon.

I would like to see some sort of preferential hiring system for American citizens for all companies in the USA.

Something like a veterans preference that is used in government hiring.

We would then truly see if those are "jobs that Americans don't want".
In an unregulated free market environment, coupled with strong Immigration laws we would have better apid workers AND a demand for schools to educate for the jobs available. A far more productive way to go then worry about the minimum wage.
This is the role of Government to preserve Liberty, both civil and economic. HOWEVER, since we are owned by the debt and International Bankers who have bought off most every political hack from Obama down to Township Supervisor this doesn't happen.

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