Leaving Passengers


Aug 12, 2004
The pilots union is out saying AA is leaving passengers behind to run an ontime airline

What is the objective - drive customers away from AA

How deep does the hatred of the company does the pilot group have for the company?
Problem is the tumbleweeds from Phoenix all came in singing kumbaya and it isn't working. They down graded all that AA was and put a stop to or sold all the good things that were coming down the pipe. They decimated International F/C because they don't understand it. When they blow smoke at us all, they shouldn't be surprised when we blow it right back at them. Back to the topic above, I believe it. They leave non revs behind all the time. The agents just say they didn't have enough time to process the list. Gotta close the door 10 minutes before departure or explain your way out of it. It's easier to just leave people behind and close the door. That's what they want anyway. Customers are just a nuisance to them.
this issue only makes sense if it's eagle/envoy that leave on scheduled time/late and those connecting passengers are the ones stranded.

you'd think that the 10 minute parker-time was uniform across the system, if so, there shouldn't be passengers missing connecting flights if their flights also leave 10 mins early.

if stl-ord leaves 10 mins early and connecting flight ord-bos leaves 10 mins early, what's the problem? unless it's envoy/eagle.
One more reason that non-revs should board by seniority. The number one person on the list will know they are number one, and will be ready to board in a heartbeat.
One more reason that non-revs should board by seniority. The number one person on the list will know they are number one, and will be ready to board in a heartbeat.
So using your skewed logic, the FCFS person that is first on the list can't figure out they're first on the list UNLESS the list went by seniority!?! HA, live with it man, that archaic misuse of seniority is never coming back. Nor should it! What backwards 1960's universe do you still live in?
I dont know about you but i can't make heads or tails out of a stby list. Seniority based or fcfs, you're sitting pretty on the list and all of a sudden revenue upgrades and standbys show up knocking someone from #4 down to #44. So, like Ive said before, just buy tickets, show up with enough time and your good.
So using your skewed logic, the FCFS person that is first on the list can't figure out they're first on the list UNLESS the list went by seniority!?! HA, live with it man, that archaic misuse of seniority is never coming back. Nor should it! What backwards 1960's universe do you still live in?
I have listed fellow employees that are unfamiliar how the check-in process works. When I listed them, they were either 1,2,3,or 4 on the standby list. When they come in the next day to fly out, they are magically 8,9,10, or 11 on the list. FCFS is a ripoff. This is one of the reasons why boarding by SENIORITY is so important.
I have listed fellow employees that are unfamiliar how the check-in process works. When I listed them, they were either 1,2,3,or 4 on the standby list. When they come in the next day to fly out, they are magically 8,9,10, or 11 on the list. FCFS is a ripoff. This is one of the reasons why boarding by SENIORITY is so important.
So sorry but FCFS is here to stay......only system that works.
I have listed fellow employees that are unfamiliar how the check-in process works. When I listed them, they were either 1,2,3,or 4 on the standby list. When they come in the next day to fly out, they are magically 8,9,10, or 11 on the list. FCFS is a ripoff. This is one of the reasons why boarding by SENIORITY is so important.
Unfortunately, if you are incapable of learning how the system works by now then there is no hope for you and your fellow employees who somehow are even more lost than you. The system is completely easy to understand, manage and work through. I'm sorry you can't figure it out. Again, it is super simple to understand. Just change your magical word "seniority" to the phrase "earliest person checked in" and maybe it will all make sense to you. Honestly, good luck!
BTW, leaving passangers at the gate has little to do with the 10 minute rule and is more about managing the gate process and starting timely and clearing non revs as soon as practicle. The only people the ten minute rule might catch is late connects...
I have listed fellow employees that are unfamiliar how the check-in process works. When I listed them, they were either 1,2,3,or 4 on the standby list. When they come in the next day to fly out, they are magically 8,9,10, or 11 on the list. FCFS is a ripoff. This is one of the reasons why boarding by SENIORITY is so important.
As someone who traveled a while bunch on the seniority-based system, I can tell you that getting bumped down the list was not an uncommon occurrence for many of the same reasons people get bumped down with FCFS. There are quite a few legitimate reasons why someone might "magically" move down the standby list, but since you're so vague on the details, I'm left to assume that you don't have the slightest clue as to how the boarding process works, or worked, for either system.
BTW, leaving passangers at the gate has little to do with the 10 minute rule and is more about managing the gate process and starting timely and clearing non revs as soon as practicle. The only people the ten minute rule might catch is late connects...
Thank you.

And, it should be noted...the 10 minute rule applies to the jetbridge door being closed 10 minutes prior to departure not the aircraft door. Allegedly, this prevents delays due to handling last minute bags, etc. The a/c door is supposed to close 5 minutes prior to departure. I fly #1 all the time. Quite frankly, I haven't seen a case of them closing the jetbridge door 10 minutes early and keeping it closed. I can't tell you how many times I've been in the process of closing the a/c door and a passenger(or passengers) appears at the bottom of the jetbridge to be boarded. The agent then expects us to suddenly find new overhead bin space for those bags because they don't have time to check them, or they didn't bring bag check strips with them, or, it's against the agent's religion to check bags on the jetbridge on Tuesdays. :) And, it's because that last minute passenger is a revenue passenger, not a non-rev. The times I have seen flights delayed for non-revs is when the pilot (to his/her everlasting credit) lets the agent know that we ain't leavin' the gate with non-revs in the waiting area and empty seats on the plane.
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BTW, leaving passangers at the gate has little to do with the 10 minute rule and is more about managing the gate process and starting timely and clearing non revs as soon as practicle. The only people the ten minute rule might catch is late connects...
THANK YOU!!! As an agent for 33 years, when I saw this I was amazed! Poor time management on the agents part and if those left behind are late arrivals, then poor time management on their part. They know to be there 90 min in advance so they get what they deserve.
The more I think about this the more confused I am about what the Pilots Union is doing. I guess they are trying to unite other work groups, but this seems like a very weak issue to try and use, there are a lot more real ones out there they could have chosen, leaving on time is not one of them.....
The pilot’s feelings are hurt.

With what they think is the principle of captain's authority, and to on-time operations.

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