More problems since the AMFA strike. Here's one.


Mar 7, 2006
Mr. Riley,
I saw your website listed recently in a newspaper article concerning passenger complaints and rights. I just explored your website, and I have a few comments to share with you.
Firstly, I will remain anonymous. I do this because of privacy, not for fear from you, or my company. I will tell you that I am a ** year Northwest flight attendant.
To begin, I totally understand your problems with Northwest. These are things I hear daily when I am at work. You must also understand that there actually "are" people who are okay with our airline. I wonder why you are so angrily adamant against the company? And, why you put forth so much effort with your detailed website? The biggest power you have is to simply fly someone else. I understand you have done that, as many others have.
Frankly, I wish it weren't that way. However, you must understand that although things are bad for many of our customers, they are equally bad for many of the employees. Nevertheless, I personally have many years vested in wages and seniority, and it would be difficult for me to leave Northwest and start all over again. Your plight to destroy the airline concerns me, because there are over 50,000 "people" who have lives to lead, families to raise, and bills to pay, all whom rely on Northwest for paychecks.
While I would prefer to be proud of the company I work for, I still must understand that destroying it would take away my livelihood, and that's why I am writing you.
Things are aweful for the employees too. That's why service is so poor. We work for greedy upper management who keep chipping away at costs. I am tired of constantly apologizing for things that are far out of my control.
I am tired of working full flights with minimum flight attendant crew. I am tired of being paid wages at $38 per flight hour (top pay), while flight attendants at Delta make over $56 per flight hour. We ALL deserve better.
The employees, and the traveling public. I do what I can by trying to change things. I write things up, and encourage passengers to do the same. I hope and pray that eventually the message will come across to the jerks who "run the show", and that things will improve.
Employees want to be respected, paid well, and given the tools to do their jobs well. Unfortunately, that currently is not the case. It once was, and I hope it will be again. Passengers should be treated respectfully, and given consistent quality transportation. That also is not happening right now. Again, I hope that changes.
I think re-regulating the airline industry would be a mistake. It would take away lower fares and competition. I believe that this bad period for Northwest wont last forever. While it is going on, I don't blame you for staying away. I encourage you to keep complaining to Northwest management to get what you deserve. But, please don't try to destroy the company that helps me live my life when I am home. I don't like working for Northwest right now, but I really don't have a choice. You don't like flying Northwest right now, and you have voiced the loudest choice, you changed carriers. I hope one day soon, that I will be happy to go to work, and proud once again. And, that I have the opportunity to welcome back formerly disgrunted passengers, who may actually be happy to fly with us.
In the meantime, continue to stay away from us. Voice your concerns to management, but don't try to destroy many employees' lives based on several stupid people's decisions in upper management.
Thanks for listening.