Hi Gang!!,
Thanks to the remaining perks left in this industry , I was able to return to CLT for Christmas today. Many thanks to those whom had to work the entire day before the holiday.
As some may remember? I reported to PIT on 16 Dec. to assume a new position in PIT Heavy Maintenance , courtesy of the IAM and bumping rights (Yuck)
Things in PIT are pretty much the same as they were in CLT, only colder. People seem tired..and many fed up , Yet they just won''t quit!! The human spirit , even when stretched to the limit , is indeed a unique thing to marvel upon.
The people in PIT are really nice! I have made many new friends already...as well as putting faces to names that I have dealt with for years on the phone. This is indeed a great thing. I have really been pleasantly surprised with the local people in PIT. I have encountered nothing but truly friendly folks to date. This had allowed for a smoother and less painful transition to a new life of sorts.
I hate the fact that I do not have my computer up there. I miss seeing whats taking place behind the scenes here. The need for info is a very real issue these days..and the IAM is not the best at getting this out. I do think the PIT IAM''ers do try to do a better job than CLT appeared too?
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season..and yes I will be going back to The Burgh on sunday. I have a hot date with the B737 , on a regular basis these days.
Bless you all!!!...and try to remain as positive as possible. This is, after all only a job...not the end of the world!![img src=''http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'']
AOG-N-IT (Moon Township Pa.)[img src=''http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif'']
Thanks to the remaining perks left in this industry , I was able to return to CLT for Christmas today. Many thanks to those whom had to work the entire day before the holiday.
As some may remember? I reported to PIT on 16 Dec. to assume a new position in PIT Heavy Maintenance , courtesy of the IAM and bumping rights (Yuck)
Things in PIT are pretty much the same as they were in CLT, only colder. People seem tired..and many fed up , Yet they just won''t quit!! The human spirit , even when stretched to the limit , is indeed a unique thing to marvel upon.
The people in PIT are really nice! I have made many new friends already...as well as putting faces to names that I have dealt with for years on the phone. This is indeed a great thing. I have really been pleasantly surprised with the local people in PIT. I have encountered nothing but truly friendly folks to date. This had allowed for a smoother and less painful transition to a new life of sorts.
I hate the fact that I do not have my computer up there. I miss seeing whats taking place behind the scenes here. The need for info is a very real issue these days..and the IAM is not the best at getting this out. I do think the PIT IAM''ers do try to do a better job than CLT appeared too?
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season..and yes I will be going back to The Burgh on sunday. I have a hot date with the B737 , on a regular basis these days.
Bless you all!!!...and try to remain as positive as possible. This is, after all only a job...not the end of the world!![img src=''http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'']
AOG-N-IT (Moon Township Pa.)[img src=''http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif'']