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Why hasn''t anyone posted the Mar 1 codaphone?

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On 3/1/2003 5:51:47 PM LavMan wrote:

I think I got it, pup must be a certain pilot's wife!

Wrong yet again, m'love. I am not Mrs. Munn. I am not Mrs. to anyone anymore. Just call me Widow Pup.
On 3/1/2003 5:04:19 PM LavMan wrote:

Pup, you have no idea of what has transpired and taken place in this situation at US Airways. For months Chip told IAM and CWA members take concessions to save the company and if you don't like it quit. He even wrote an Op/Ed piece chastising the CWA members for trying to get the best deal for their members.

Well now the shoe is on the other foot and Chip who use to praise Dave daily has done a 180 because their pensions are at stake. Heck my pension won't even be the $28,000 PBGC minimum when I retire 20 years from now.

Any sympathy ALPA had from fellow unions at US Airways just went out the door with their testimony and their objection to get rid of everyone else's pension.

And your threats about a shotgun are totally uncalled for and yes I am a DEMOCRAT and DEMOCRATS stick up for the working class people.

And pup their were no insults in my posts, don't tell me what to do and if you don't like the post simply don't read them, that will solve your problem.

Can it LavMan. I know damned well what's been going on at USAir and for over 40 years. If you've been reading my posts all day, you wouldn't take the reference to my packing a shotgun seriously. Have I cut close to your bone Love?
I refer you to my original post about reading...."suggested remedial reading" I think I titled it....
Lav, if you have no sense of humor, you have NOTHING. At the end of this day, if the judge sides with the company, I will LITERALLY be out on the street. You will NOT find me crying, but going to my personal Plan B. Actually, your political persuasion is transparent. I am a Libertarian and a member of the NRA and the Sisters of the Second Ammendment. I do not, nor have I ever, nor do I intend to, ever own a firearm. So rest yee weary head tonight and don't fret harm from me.
On 3/1/2003 5:08:29 PM DELLDUDE wrote:

please ,i'm a republican and some of my best friends are democrats.
Dude, "be careful out there"!
I'm sorry, but can someone shed some "light" on what all that noise was about above?

Bob? Lav? MLT? Sav?

Did pup say, this was their first day posting? Unions have what? Out lived their usefulness? Gees! "Good Night" Irene!
yes pup, thank god you dont

Unions, the people that brought you the 40 hour work week
Unions, the people who brought safety to the work place
Unions, the people who got child labor laws enacted
Unions, the people who got health insurance
Unions, the people who got pensions
Unions, the people who got dignity in the workplace.
And numerous other things, time for you to read your history books. Do you think companies give workers those items cause they care?

In 1992 US Air at the time, took 40% of the full time customer service and fleet service agents and made them part time,cutting their hours from 40 to 25 a week there by increasing their health care copays to $300 a month, took away their vacation, sick time, OJI protections, froze their pension, imposed paycuts on them, laid off numerous of them. They were non-union at the time, at least this go around they had a say in what happened to them.

Oh by the way pup where was your ALPA husband and his fellow pilots then? Oh wait, that is right, they made a deal to get paid not to honor the IAM picket line, and because ALPA took measly concessions is when US Air guttted its non-union workers in 1992.
Well then, FRIEND, take some advice...give it a rest.
On 3/1/2003 6:09:50 PM LavMan wrote:

yes pup, thank god you dont

Unions, the people that brought you the 40 hour work week
Unions, the people who brought safety to the work place
Unions, the people who got child labor laws enacted
Unions, the people who got health insurance
Unions, the people who got pensions
Unions, the people who got dignity in the workplace.
And numerous other things, time for you to read your history books. Do you think companies give workers those items cause they care?

Thank god I don't what, Lav?
Unions DID have their purpose and bless the people who paid dearly at their inception and hayday. I've read history and know it well.
However, unions have outlived thier usefullness.....many of you make that point here over and over again, albiet unwittingly.
Pilots don't have a 40 hour work week, do they?
Unions did bring safety to the work place and they also drug in OSHA.
People today, most of them, are enlightened enough not to abuse children by making them work in sweatshops. Today it is a battle just to get them to clean their rooms.
Health insurance! Now here is where you get a vehement arguement from me! I pay $7000 per year for mine...that's right SEVEN THOUSAND. And that's for a crummy HMO. If unions never got that benie, it is my considered opinion that we'd all be better off. If you don't have to think about an expense, then you don't pay attention to it, do you? Somebody else pays for it so why should you care? You should care because if you had to ride herd over your own health care policy, the entire health care system would not have fallen into the abyss because we would not have let it!
You mention pensions. Ha! Look at the discussion on this thread today! I rest my case.
As far as dignity in the work place goes, if what is posted on this board is an indication of that, give me anarchy in the work place. All respect has gone out of society, as witnessed here.
UNIONS! ALPA isn't the only one whose time has come and gone!
On 3/1/2003 6:23:14 PM savyinvestor wrote:

Hey Pup, I was right on the related to ALPA point so how did I do with the dog training? Just curious. Savy

You were right on neither count. Too bad I can't stay and chat; I have a date. ciao babe.
Pup answer this question:

Without unions what would have the Double Dave's done to the workers at US Airways?
Pit, I have no idea what she is talking about. I've read it twice now and each time it becomes more confusing. All I can say is WOW! Savy
Hey friendlypup did you call yourself hugmekissme way back when on the aol boards?She is a disgruntled exwife of a U pilot.Sounds like you could be her.

I can tell you this. ALPA National is in bidness cause it collects 2% of pay from every ALPA pilot.

The biggest contributor (pilot group) to ALPA National then gets the most attentive representation. The smaller airlines probably get less attention to their needs than do the bigger airlines (notwithstanding that this would be out of “character†for a “union†Ha, ha.) It is the way it is, sorta like the way that people in trailer parks probably don’t get as much representation as the Boardroom cigar smokers)

The biggest ALPA contributor for a number of years has been Untied (they have definitely run ALPA in the last decade). But the bet on Untied is not too good right now. And US Air… well would you put your money on that horse? So if ya need a horse to bet on, to pay the rent, who ya gonna go with?

American is not ALPA, Northwest is not the biggest (dues paying), Continental is not the biggest (dues paying)…

Delta! They can feed us!!!!! If you were ALPA National, which is the most important horse to feed?

Looks to me like Delta ALPA can get ahold of National with a “bat phone†and US Air ALPA has to use two cans and a string.

If I were the US Air MEC, right about now, I would be afraid of getting a “kiss†from ALPA National. What would it signify?

Time to wet the lips and pucker up…

On 3/1/2003 3:51:52 PM PineyBob wrote:

I see a bigger picture and I am thinking that ALPA is going to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they can to preserve their pay & benefit structure NATIONALLY! If that means getting the court to dump the other 2 Defined Benefit plans or ultimately causing the liquidation of US IMHO they will do it and not feel bad about it!


You have correctly identified a plausible motive of ALPA National (You are not alone. Many have wondered the same thing. But perhaps are too afraid to face it.)

In this day and age, I have no doubt all means above and under the table are used.

I don’t think we will see the CNN headline “Untied rebuffed, US Air divorced, Delta Betrothed, ALPA National Secureâ€￾


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