Natalee Holloway

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Hula Girl

Aug 20, 2002
Apparently, USAirways is helping the family get to Aruba. We were watching Nancy Grace tonight and Natalee's stepfather praised and thanked USAirways for the help in getting to Aruba while Delta, who very recently launched Song to Aruba from Atlanta, only offered 'bereavement fares'. God Bless whoever made this decision to help this family in this horrible nightmare.
Very nice gesture. With the family being from Alabama, it wouldn't surprise me if Bronner took an interest in this and made a call to make sure the family would receive special treatment.
Thank God. Finally someone is just doing the right thing. Best of all it even feels good to help people out.
usairways85 said:
finally US does something those four assholes who did it have to be detained for good.
Now now....I am quiet sure ONE of them had something to do with it, but not all four. We cannot let the media persuade us into convicting someone of something just by their speculation and coverage. How would you feel if YOU yourself saw someone at a bar or such and they suddenly dissapeared? You had nothing to do with it, but you got brought in for questioning. The media brands you and all of America automatically thinks you did it because THEY THINK so.
Not fair is it?
not to bring any politics into this aviation related discussion. You are correct it may not have been all four but i'm sure at least one if not more knows what happened or at least pieces of what happened. And the fact that they are all telling different stories and changing them as they go along leads me to believe they are too coward to speak up and tell what they know and face the consequences if they were involved

sorry in advance for that little rant
Apparently they kept requesting Delta to basically operate as a "private shuttle" and change departure times to suit their needs.

This information came from somebody in the know at Delta HQ. Basically Delta tried to help to start, and then basically told them "We aren't a private jet charter."

So who knows exactly what the full story is, but good that US Airways is helping in a positive manner.
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Here is part of the transcript from the Nancy Grace show:

TWITTY: Well, first of all, let me say -- talk about the Delta thing for a second, because, you know, US Air has been so nice to my family and to my friends. And they`ve offered special flight rates. We asked Delta, and Delta would do nothing, so that settles that, but...

GRACE: And Delta is from your neck of the woods. You`re in Alabama. They`re hub is Atlanta.

TWITTY: They offered to give me a bereavement flight down there for the family only. But, you know, USAir stepped up, David Bonham (ph) sure helped in that, too. But it`s awesome. And I appreciate -- you know, Nancy Lash (ph) has been awesome.

So JAXpax, you may want to rethink your contact "in the know". What an ugly human being to spread garbage like this. And tell them I said so. It must be so easy to judge people- who are basically the walking dead as they desperately sift through sand looking for remains of their daughter -and spread trash about people from inside the Delta HQ. And from my people "in the know", things ain't too rosy at the DQ.
Hula Girl said:
So JAXpax, you may want to rethink your contact "in the know". What an ugly human being to spread garbage like this. And tell them I said so. It must be so easy to judge people- who are basically the walking dead as they desperately sift through sand looking for remains of their daughter -and spread trash about people from inside the Delta HQ.

How many other people have a missing relative and are only offered bereavement fares? How about anybody with a missing person in their family gets freebies? You could fill up plenty of flights like that.

It's horrible what has happened in Aruba, but what makes this case so much more important and special over the thousands of other missing persons, abductions, and murders?

Great job US Airways for helping out... really above and beyond. And I mean that. But why is this one case so much more horrible than all the others and why should it be handled any different? I hope the airlines extend the same courtesy to the next abduction/missing American abroad.... even if they aren't getting all this media coverage.
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