Need A&P line tech new upcoming pay rate please


Oct 2, 2015
Hello, Could I get the new pay scale top out please for Delta dayshift line A and P mechanic please and swing shift and midnights shift differentials please? 
It is of interest to those of us at other airlines that are in negotiations. Thanks. 
D7571987 said:
Hello, Could I get the new pay scale top out please for Delta dayshift line A and P mechanic please and swing shift and midnights shift differentials please? 
It is of interest to those of us at other airlines that are in negotiations. Thanks. 
It should be $40.96 base pay, $4.26 for two license pay, $0.75 for line premium and and I think shift premiums are $0.25 for 2nd shift and $0.50 for 3rds.  
If we have a swing shift premium (or anyone who works swings?) I don't know what it is. 
Note I don't have a pay scale in front of me so I just did the math on the base pay increase. 
Shift differential:

0600-1159 starts: None
1200-1759 starts: .45/hr.
1800-0559 starts: .52/hr.

No longevity.

I don't have the pay scale in front of me either, so not sure of the exact new base rate...
Kev3188 said:
Shift differential:

0600-1159 starts: None
1200-1759 starts: .45/hr.
1800-0559 starts: .52/hr.

No longevity.

I don't have the pay scale in front of me either, so not sure of the exact new base rate...
alright way off on the 2nd shift pay but close on 3rds. 
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Some EWR Delta guys told some of our guys they are going to $49.48 an hour, while we had previously heard it was $46.15 and hour. 
I believe UAL's current offer out from company to mechanics is going to put them at 47.98 at end of their contract offer as A&P at Line, 2.63 per lic, and no diff. Eve diff is .51 and .58 for eves and graves putting them at 48.49 and 49.56. And these include top out rate for Long at 1.00.  If I did my math correctly per the contract that GT posted in the UAL thread. He did post the entire contract offer from the company.
Now at one time I believe the AA mechanics would have been put to the 49 and some change with the original offer from Parker of Delta plus 7%. Then Parker backtracked saying it would be Delta plus 3% which would put them closer to the 47.00 and change.  By all means please double check my numbers and check out the contract posted by GT in UAL thread. Good luck to all the mechanic groups at all airlines in nego's, here's hoping each and everyone of you guys get to leap to the forefront with industry leading contracts. And thanks to Delta for jump starting the contract talks for industry leading pay rates. At least Delta gave everyone something to shoot for...
Its DL plus 3% now since DL gave their employees a 14.5% raise, so that is now 17.5% raise.
atlmech said:
So, the unions are going to use the Delta pay rate in their negotiations?
Youre welcome. :p
You should be thanking the unions for your pay rate. There is a reason non-union companies pay union scale. It is to keep them at bay. Scope costs money and generally pay is a little less when there are scope clauses with no layoffs, bump language, severance, etc.

If you have worked for Delta your entire life, I don't expect you to understand this as they do a great job in hiding this message.

Times are good, and you should enjoy them (don't tell some around here, they wI'll tell you how bad the econimy is and how the unemployment number are fake, etc.). It is during the downturns that scope is invaluable.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You should be thanking the unions for your pay rate. There is a reason non-union companies pay union scale. It is to keep them at bay. Scope costs money and generally pay is a little less when there are scope clauses with no layoffs, bump language, severance, etc.

If you have worked for Delta your entire life, I don't expect you to understand this as they do a great job in hiding this message.

Times are good, and you should enjoy them (don't tell some around here, they wI'll tell you how bad the econimy is and how the unemployment number are fake, etc.). It is during the downturns that scope is invaluable.
this guy gets it. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
You should be thanking the unions for your pay rate. There is a reason non-union companies pay union scale. It is to keep them at bay. Scope costs money and generally pay is a little less when there are scope clauses with no layoffs, bump language, severance, etc.

If you have worked for Delta your entire life, I don't expect you to understand this as they do a great job in hiding this message.

Times are good, and you should enjoy them (don't tell some around here, they wI'll tell you how bad the econimy is and how the unemployment number are fake, etc.). It is during the downturns that scope is invaluable.
Nailed it.

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