New Boards

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It sure will, still not sure why the new board, but I'm all over it, its a great place to get the buzz![;)]
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Bill, that would not surprise me after the way he bought Compton and TWA
In answer to your question about why....

The board was starting to near capacity and was starting to experience hiccups. The UBB software was also older code and was less efficient.

Actually, the real reason is that these boards are owned by Don Carty and everything you say or do is now being kept in a database along with your real name, e-mail address, height, weight, sex, and date of hire. [;)]
On 8/20/2002 12:55:58 AM

Just look at your message that you posted. It is right under your user name.


Those numbers keep coming and going.

P.S. I am posting this to see what mine is.

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How did you find your user id???

GOOD QUESTION????????????

Just look at your message that you posted. It is right under your user name.
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