Obama Scandals

Yeah...I kind of felt the same way when I would read "messiah" for the 500th time.

Does "Anointed One" bug you ?

Why? Because you're afraid to admit that folks were worshiping St Ronnie of Redondo long before Obama?

Reagan's first inaugural, 500,000 in attendance.
Obama's first inaugural 1,800,000 in attendance.

I think we can all see which one walked on water !
I was not aware that inauguration attendance was the sole determining factor. I figured perhaps election results might factor in there somewhere.
you're kidding yourself if you think Reagan had the cult like status Obama had at one time.
Of course judging from that crowd in Germany today compared to 5 years ago and throw in the bullet proof glass it looks like the Germans have wised up to this charlatan.

Read the book "Tear Down this Myth". Reagan wasn't going to take any crap...but he cut and ran after an attack on Marines in Lebanon. But no sirreee...nobody screwed with the US because they knew Reagan meant business - yet he avoided military actions far more often than he approved them. He cut taxes....yet raise them every year afterwards, including the single largest tax hike in history. If you don't think there is a cult of Reagan (and Dole was right - he'd never win a primary in today GOP), think again.
Does "Anointed One" bug you ?

Reagan's first inaugural, 500,000 in attendance.
Obama's first inaugural 1,800,000 in attendance.

I think we can all see which one walked on water !
Yeah...1.3 million who wanted to see if the first black president in history got assassinated before or after he took the oath of offic.e
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  • #200
The Teflon President does not ring any bells? He was not held accountable for anything that happened during his administration. Gingrich and Plain to name just two people were proud to call them selves Reagan conservatives even though Reagan would never get elected by the GOP in todays environment.

Must be talking about "I didn't do it"..... "Not my fault" Obama
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  • #203
Yeah...1.3 million who wanted to see if the first black president in history got assassinated before or after he took the oath of offic.e

Barack Obama bombs in Berlin: a weak, underwhelming address from a floundering president
Will the IRS scandal make Washington names even more obscure?


"You recall that IRS agents screening applications for tax-exempt status were told to be on the lookout for groups with an obvious political agenda, and so they did keyword searches for political-sounding names. Among the red-flag terms were “tea party” and “patriot,” according to the IRS inspector general. Last week, the Associated Press reported that the IRS also searched for “Israel,” “progressive,” and “occupy.”

Maybe the "Progressive Forum" will now become the "Sunshine or Roses" (SOS) caucus and the "Tea Party" will become the "Demonstrate Or Opress Movement" (DOOM).

An interesting article nonetheless.

Seems as though the IRS thing has shown that Issa overplayed his hand. Looks to me like they were simply doing what they were supposed to do in vetting all these organizations. I think none of them should get tax exempt status.
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  • #205
Look up the numbers for those delayed or denied on the left and right.....a miniscule amount on the left were denied compared to several hundred on the right.

All due to the 2010 erection.
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  • #206
A panel of 16 judges convened yesterday to process the information available to Attorney General Barr and their conclusion was unanimous: There is plenty of evidence to indict Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for Conspiracy to Create a False Conspiracy, a 2nd-degree felony with a 10-year mandatory minimum.

I sure hope you're aware that the article you posted is from a satire/parody site. If not, you just confirmed how mis- uninformed and gullible you are.
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  • #208
I sure hope you're aware that the article you posted is from a satire/parody site. If not, you just confirmed how mis- uninformed and gullible you are.

Dude...it's a rock solid source, it's where MSNBC gets their breaking news.

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