Oil prices going to the century mark


Aug 21, 2002

Oil prices going to the century mark

Commentary: Businesses need to prepare for much higher energy costs

Last Update: 7:26 AM ET Nov 3, 2006

UNIVERSITY PARK, Penn. (MarketWatch) -- When it comes to the price of oil, what goes down will come up again.
Ever since the beginning of the oil industry, we have experienced dramatic rises and falls in the price of petroleum with oil prices fluctuating some 700 percent over the past two decades. The lower prices at the pump today will not last long; we can easily expect oil prices to rise to $100 a barrel over the next five years.
This increase will not only affect what our immediate heating and transportation costs are, but will also have significant and lasting implications for the global competitiveness of many of our industries from airlines to basic chemicals to plastics to auto parts.
American Airlines reports that a 1 cent increase in the price of a gallon of jet fuel, for example, translates into an additional $33 million in annual costs. Once oil prices go over the century mark, we can expect that to cause a ripple effect: lower profits, fewer flights, higher ticket prices, layoffs of personnel, and cutbacks in new aircraft or part orders. Some airlines will simply collapse.
Higher oil prices reduce consumer spending power as more income is used to fill gas tanks, making less money available for clothing, household items, electronics, vacations, and entertainment. Automobile manufacturers can expect to see drops in sales of SUVs, light trucks and vans. Although some consumers are likely to switch to smaller cars, we can expect to see production cutbacks and layoffs across the automobile sector.
Cruise lines and other tourism industries will feel the pinch when higher oil costs translates into cancelled vacations. Hotels, restaurants and other tourism industries will experience a sharp reduction in revenue.
Chemical companies will need to locate in low cost energy locations simply to remain competitive, transportation companies will cancel services or raise prices to keep delivery schedules.
Strategists in corporate boardrooms need to re-examine their assumptions on how increases will impact business and company profits. It is not a matter of will oil reach $100 a barrel, but when.
We've seen oil prices reach all-time highs in the past year. Pundits and industry experts from around the world have weighed in with their reasons for these spikes. Everything from speculation to the vagaries of supply and demand to the lack of technological advancements in drilling has been blamed. Even before the devastating hurricanes of 2005, world oil markets were subject to a degree of strain not experienced for decades. In recent years, the demand for oil has accelerated as global economic growth, fueled primarily by the United States and China, has strengthened.
As far as the future of oil industry is concerned, we can be assured of two things. The first is that the long-term demand for oil will increase. We have already seen how global economic and population growth have both fueled the astronomical thirst for this vital commodity.
On top of the general global increase in demand, the U.S. and China continue to gobble up more and more oil in order to satisfy their respective populations' growing use of oil and petroleum based products.
The U.S. with 4.6% of the world population uses 25% of the world's oil output and the consumer shows little sign of abandoning large gas-guzzlers. While oil at $70 a barrel for a short period last summer reduced petroleum consumption, by September of 2006 it was on the rise again.
China's oil imports in September of 2006 were 24% more than September 2005 and 2.4% more than the previous record in the middle of January.
The second, and most unfortunate, certainty we can predict is that the many significant factors other than increased demand, such as geopolitical instabilities, natural disasters, and other supply hindrances will undoubtedly occur. In particular, we hold our collective breath as the largest repository of oil, Saudi Arabia, may be experiencing precarious and uncertain events that will cause oil prices to climb to record levels.
With one-fourth of the world's proven oil reserves and some of the lowest production costs, Saudi Arabia stands to remain the world's largest net oil exporter for the foreseeable future. Saudi Arabia is the only OPEC nation with spare capacity and has repeatedly stepped in to assure adequate petroleum supply to the global marketplace.
But Saudi Arabia continues to face serious long-term economic challenges that could cause Saudi production to fall short of the ever-increasing global demand and the consequences will be significant.
With the ensuing youth bulge occurring all over the Middle East, it is estimated that over the next 10 years this huge population growth means that the region will require an additional 100 million jobs just to ensure economic and political stability. To illustrate the enormity of this issue, in the U.S., last year we saw a record 200,000 new jobs created in one month, but even at this elevated rate the best outcome the U.S. could hope for would be to have created 24 million jobs over the next decade. (The most likely estimate would be 15 million jobs created in a decade.) Energy forecasts call for Saudi Arabia to nearly double its output in the next decade. Oil executives and government officials in the United States and Saudi Arabia, however, are concerned that capacity will probably stall near current levels or rise by a modest 20%, potentially creating a significant gap in the global energy supply.
To meet the forecasted petroleum demand in the next two decades, Saudi Arabia would have to double its production, and the West would need Iran -- OPEC's second-largest oil producer -- to triple its production.
Standoffs between Iran and the West over that country's nuclear program fuel rising geopolitical tensions, and helped drive oil to record highs above $75 this year. Continuation of these standoffs will drive oil to new highs of $100 a barrel.
According to Oil and Gas Journal, Iran's current sustainable crude oil production capacity is estimated at around 3.9 million barrels a day, which is approximately 100,000 barrels a day below OPEC's production quota of 4.037 million barrels a day. Some analysts believe that Iran's capacity is lower, and that it could fall even further until new oilfield developments come online in a few years.
To aggravate the matter, Iran's own domestic consumption is rising at a rapid 10 percent per year, and Iran is already a major importer of refined products to satisfy its domestic needs. If sufficient jobs cannot be created in oil exporting nations political instability will reduce not increase oil production.
It is not likely that Saudi Arabia and Iran will increase their capacity, and the result will be huge spikes in the price of oil. Consumers around the globe will feel the pinch of high oil prices daily -- at the gas station and at home. Downstream industries and businesses are certainly not immune, and many will move operations overseas. The chemical and plastic industries located in high energy locations like Germany or the U.S. are particularly vulnerable and worried. Given the fact that every $1 increase in the price of gas costs the chemical and plastic industries $3.7 billion, should we be surprised? Further down stream would be the users of plastics. Given the rise in production of items as varied as consumer electronics and autos in the emerging markets where will the plastic components be manufactured?
Even with consumers and industry reacting to the inevitable occasional temporary weaning from the gluttonous consumption of oil, and as prices go down from that minor decrease in demand, practically simultaneously our unconscious appetite for oil again increases as we easily forget the belt-tightening times.
As long as our government and the auto manufacturers keep on living in denial about fuel conservation this problem will hit us in the ass and we have no one to blame but ourselves. It is all about big money and profits, the more gas you sell the more money the oil companies make. Why do we have to be so different from the rest of the world when it comes to conserving fuel? Other countries have adapted well. Vehicles overseas get 60 plus miles to the gallon on the highway and average 30 in the city. Many cars I have seen are comparable in size as the ones we have here in the US. I have seen similar model cars in other countries that get better fuel economy than the models here. Diesel powered cars are one of the biggest sellers in Europe. Better fuel economy, cheaper fuel cost, more horsepower with smaller engines. New diesels run clean and quiet. Too bad the U.S. has some ridiculous high emmissions standards on diesels but allows commercial vehicles to keep rolling off the assembly line blasting soot in the air. If most of the U.S. started driving diesel powered cars we would reduce our fuel consumption in half. Think the oil companies would like that? Probably not.
This is another reason why we are in Iraq, OIL,OIL and more OIL. My opinion of course........ ;)
I just thought of something!

All this PLI and PULL TOGETHER, WIN TOGETHER will mean nothing (sarcasm) because the TWU says they will put their hands deep in AA's pockets come contract time in 2008!
And if the price of oil goes any higher, the TWU will be dipping into OUR pockets because AA needs more concessions due to the price of fuel!

Oh, what will we do?
And I was so looking forward to the TWU getting us a killer contract!
Just another opinion ABOUT OIL "ONLY", but I know where we can get plenty of oil, and at a fair price I feel.


All we have to do, is "cleanse" the US, of the GOP.

I was'nt thrilled about Hugo Chavez calling DUMBYA "El Diablo",......"BUT" I did'nt lose one momemt of sleep over it either !!!!!!!

I STILL feel that It's the "LITTLE TURD", and his party, that Chavez is pissed off at, Not the US per se !!!

Just another opinion ABOUT OIL "ONLY", but I know where we can get plenty of oil, and at a fair price I feel.


All we have to do, is "cleanse" the US, of the GOP.

I was'nt thrilled about Hugo Chavez calling DUMBYA "El Diablo",......"BUT" I did'nt lose one momemt of sleep over it either !!!!!!!

I STILL feel that It's the "LITTLE TURD", and his party, that Chavez is pissed off at, Not the US per se !!!

NH/BB's! How are you buddy?

Never mind Chavez and his distaste for Bush. This guy is a Commie and is taking land and property away from the affluent in Venezuela. That's why South Florida has seen the biggest influx of Venezuelans moving in since he got elected. He is seeking to create a communist bloc of south and central american anti-US wanna-bes and wants to be their leader.
The tone of that article is so negative, was it written by an oil speculator? Because it sounds like every energy trader/speculator I see on CNBC or Bloomberg gloriously predicting, nay, praying for $100.00 a barrel oil.

The almost gleeful tone as the laundry list of issues bringing pressure on prices is ticked through, I thought I was reading a transcript of Phil Flynn's last appearance on CNBC. :blink:
Just another opinion ABOUT OIL "ONLY", but I know where we can get plenty of oil, and at a fair price I feel.


All we have to do, is "cleanse" the US, of the GOP.

I was'nt thrilled about Hugo Chavez calling DUMBYA "El Diablo",......"BUT" I did'nt lose one momemt of sleep over it either !!!!!!!

I STILL feel that It's the "LITTLE TURD", and his party, that Chavez is pissed off at, Not the US per se !!!

All I have to do is ask myself who would Chavez, Osama, and Kim Jong Ill prefer, the likes of Kerry or GWB? I come up with the likes of Kerry (wimps if you will). Then all one has to do is decide whos side you want to be on You damn sure do not want some limp wristed, pansy liberal running the country when we're at war. Make no mistake about it, we are at war. Not just in Iraq either.

Point is, there will always be another Chavez. Why do you care so much about what a dictator like him thinks of the USA? If you hate what this country stands for so much - get out!

Tony Blair was asked recently by a member of his parliment " why do you hold America in such high regard?"
Mr Blair responded " the best way to take a measure of a country is to see how many want in, and how many want out.
He hit the nail on the head.

Like him or not Bush is the president of the country you live in. At the very least you shoud respect the office and stop trying to undermine our country by taking sides with your pal Hugo.
NH/BB's! How are you buddy?

Never mind Chavez and his distaste for Bush. This guy is a Commie and is taking land and property away from the affluent in Venezuela. That's why South Florida has seen the biggest influx of Venezuelans moving in since he got elected. He is seeking to create a communist bloc of south and central american anti-US wanna-bes and wants to be their leader.


Hey Hopeful,.....I'm "hangin' in there" ;)

When Is the JFK terminal going to 100% finished ??
May be, I can get a GRAND tour soon ????

About Chavez.

Yeah, he's definitly a "leftist"/socialist, but at this point(anyway), I don't think he's a Communist.

Unlike the Joe McCarthy era, we're "tripping all over ourselves" to get into Communist CHINA, to do business, so Logic would suggest that, if available, we could be doing $$$ business with Chavez as well !

And I gotta' tell ya', I'd trust Chavez, before I'd trust the Saudi's !!!!!!!!!!

Take care my friend !!


Unlike the Joe McCarthy era, we're "tripping all over ourselves" to get into Communist CHINA, to do business, so Logic would suggest that, if available, we could be doing $$$ business with Chavez as well !

Well you got to remember the Chinese are the good communist, they put cheap crap on the shelves of Wal-Mart at the expense of forced labor and child labor. :down:
All I have to do is ask myself who would Chavez, Osama, and Kim Jong Ill prefer, the likes of Kerry or GWB? I come up with the likes of Kerry (wimps if you will). Then all one has to do is decide whos side you want to be on You damn sure do not want some limp wristed, pansy liberal running the country when we're at war. Make no mistake about it, we are at war. Not just in Iraq either.

Point is, there will always be another Chavez. Why do you care so much about what a dictator like him thinks of the USA? If you hate what this country stands for so much - get out!

Tony Blair was asked recently by a member of his parliment " why do you hold America in such high regard?"
Mr Blair responded " the best way to take a measure of a country is to see how many want in, and how many want out.
He hit the nail on the head.

Like him or not Bush is the president of the country you live in. At the very least you shoud respect the office and stop trying to undermine our country by taking sides with your pal Hugo.


Hey Vortilon,

I've got a GREAT idea.
Why don't YOU....KISS MY A$$....(twice if you like) !!!!!!

You sound like...one of the two most DANGEROUS examples of a group who reside in this country.

1. Religious Fanatics

And in your case,


BUSH is an IDIOT, and specifically a *UCKING LIAR !!

(Which best seller would you prefer ?...."HUBRIS" by Michael Isikoff, or STATE of DENIAL, by Bob Woodward ?)

The fact that BIN LADEN is STILL loose, is a National Disgrace. SO DO NOT pontificate to me, about limp wristed leaders !!

A HUGE problem in this country(a nation who's Constitution was SUPPOSE to be based on the seperation of church and STATE), is that TOO MANY "believers" are leaving church's on sunday morning(all around this country) "FILLED with the word" by these pastors, posing as POLITICIANS. :down:

(some)of These same A$$ HOLES who are Yammering "STAY the COURSE", are closet QUEENS,and in their spare time,spending the "Faithfull's" money, snorting Meth.



"65" more hours, until ELECTION DAY !

You better pull your seat belt extra TIGHT :shock:

Hey Vortilon,

I've got a GREAT idea.
Why don't YOU....KISS MY A$$....(twice if you like) !!!!!!

You sound like...one of the two most DANGEROUS examples of a group who reside in this country.

1. Religious Fanatics

And in your case,


BUSH is an IDIOT, and specifically a *UCKING LIAR !!

(Which best seller would you prefer ?...."HUBRIS" by Michael Isikoff, or STATE of DENIAL, by Bob Woodward ?)

The fact that BIN LADEN is STILL loose, is a National Disgrace. SO DO NOT pontificate to me, about limp wristed leaders !!

A HUGE problem in this country(a nation who's Constitution was SUPPOSE to be based on the seperation of church and STATE), is that TOO MANY "believers" are leaving church's on sunday morning(all around this country) "FILLED with the word" by these pastors, posing as POLITICIANS. :down:

(some)of These same A$$ HOLES who are Yammering "STAY the COURSE", are closet QUEENS,and in their spare time,spending the "Faithfull's" money, snorting Meth.


"65" more hours, until ELECTION DAY !

You better pull your seat belt extra TIGHT :shock:

Hey aren't you in the state thats about to elect the first socialist to the US Senate? Not counting the late Paul Wellstone from MN. People like you are the fifth column, the enemy within if you will.

As far as reading material, might I suggest:
"Left Illusions" by Horowitz or for a quick and to the point read try:"The Enemy Within" by Michael Savage.

Don't even go down the road of Church and State, it's your party that took the Church out of school. Now there are no morals, nobody's wrong, everybody is a victim, my inner child this and that - nobody wins or looses. Gimme a $ucking break! Whats next on the liberal agenda? remove "In God We Trust" off our currency or "One Nation Under God" from the pledge.

I'm not going defend any of these ass pirates either, the only redeeming thing about them, was the fact that they pretty much kept it in the closet.

Blind Patriot? hardly - if god forbid, the lefties get control in this country you can kiss the American way of life goodbye. Say goodbye to borders, hello to government sponsered abortion clinics, military would be next to non existant. Why not put everybody on wellfare too, while we're at it why not free medical for everybody. Hide your guns too - you shouldn't be allowed to defend yourself. Kiss your retirement check goodbye or paycheck cause taxes will go through the roof. Companies will be going out of business left and right - hello unemployment numbers.

Don't talk to me about how democrats are for the working man either. They used to be, now they have inherited every freak organization on the map, and cater to all of them.
All I have to do is ask myself who would Chavez, Osama, and Kim Jong Ill prefer, the likes of Kerry or GWB? I come up with the likes of Kerry (wimps if you will). Then all one has to do is decide whos side you want to be on You damn sure do not want some limp wristed, pansy liberal running the country when we're at war. Make no mistake about it, we are at war. Not just in Iraq either.

Point is, there will always be another Chavez. Why do you care so much about what a dictator like him thinks of the USA? If you hate what this country stands for so much - get out!

Tony Blair was asked recently by a member of his parliment " why do you hold America in such high regard?"
Mr Blair responded " the best way to take a measure of a country is to see how many want in, and how many want out.
He hit the nail on the head.

Yea, and it is Bush who is trying to move your work overseas. If you don't like it, move to another country. Is that your logic? We're in this war for nothing other than to make the war mongers in the US richer.

Like him or not Bush is the president of the country you live in. At the very least you shoud respect the office and stop trying to undermine our country by taking sides with your pal Hugo.

You've got some "raw nerve endings" there buddy boy.

Socialist senator ?? NO thats VT. I'm in New Hampshire.
(Our state motto, by the way is "Live FREE, or DIE") (That has MANY different Interpetations)

Church and State ???
I've have had MANY Jewish friends in these 61 years, and NOT ONCE...NOT ONCE did any of their Rabbi's come preaching this MANIFEST DESTINY BS, that your spouting. THE same Manifest Destiny #### you percecuted millions of INDIANS with, in this so called "Land of the Free"
(George Armstrong Custer/The little Big Horn, my A$$)

The American way of life ?????
I can think of 4 other countries, right off the top of my head, that are Very Good Country's. Superb health care etc.
1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Canada
4. Iceland

Speaking of Canada. Think back ten years ago when Everyone was putting down the Canadian health care system.

By the way, are you satisfied with your health plan ?

Religious ZEALOTS does'nt "JUST" describe Muslims !

BLIND Patriots.
There IS a reason that MANY grunts in the Army, come from places like georgia/arkansas/and alabama :blink:

Do you have anything to back that up or are you just guessing?


Your right "fixer", the georgia/arkansas/alabama statement, was somewhat "tounge in cheek"

What is NOT "T-I-C" are the facts that the Army, as was correctly portrayed in fahrenheit 911, was that "they" sign up a ton of kids who's futures appear to be not to promising.


Just a month or two ago, the Army "RELAXED" it's enlistment qualification minimums.
(Something about NOT enough troops, or severe re-enlistment deficits.

For the record, I'm a STAUNCH supporter of US soldiers in Afganistan !!!!!!
