Palin joins FOX NEWS

The more she stays in the lime light, the easier time the dems will have. Bet they are jumping for joy right now.
The more she stays in the limelight the more the dems lose their minds and embarrass themselves. Good for her!
Sarah Palin joining Fox News will show us exactly just who she is and that's a good thing for all of those who love her or hate her.

If she has what it takes to be POTUS, then her gig on Fox News will serve her well. She has about 2 full YEARS to hone and sharpen her message free of election laws.

OTOH if she bombs on Fox we are rid of her as a national political figure.

The first scenario is the Democrats worst nightmare. She goes out there and is articulate, pointed and get blockbuster ratings she becomes a force to be reckoned with. Carry the scenario further and Obama continues to falter along with the economy and you have the makings of the first woman POTUS.

I like the move on her part as we will see enough of her to get a full read on exactly who she is and what she is all about and that's good for the country. It will be very hard to snipe via sound bite IMO since she will ample rebuttal time.
I am not sure i see a correlation between her success on FOX which I am sure she will be and her ability to be POTUS. O'Reilly is successful and articulate but I am pretty sure he could not be POTUS. Palin will be in a scripted safe environment which she is in control of and which she can prepare for. I would hope she could be articulate in that environment. Her view are what count and her views are on the fringe along with Coulter, OReilly, Sharpton, Oberman, Jackson to name a few. All of them are articulate in their own way and all off them are successful in their own way and yet not a single one of them are qualified to be POTUS.
Just so we are clear.

Assemblies of god

I especially like #8, #12 and #15.

And then there is the issue of demons.

Can we call the Charmed ones?

Not all publicity is good publicity. Ask Hart, Edwards, Vitter, Foley, Haggard ... etc.

Palin will be in a controlled, safe environment where she can say what she wants with out being called out in person for it. She will do great on Fox because that is her environment.

She quit the governorship half way through her term. She belongs to a religious group that makes the baptists sound mellow and laid back. Unfortunately she does not have the oratory skills that Reagan had to make that back ground work. Then again, at least Reagan finished a term to the end.

Palin is taking her 15 min of fame and making the best of it. Good for her. The RNC better look for a real candidate if they hope to oust Obama from the WH. I am willing to bet she will not be doing any campaigning for any one. That will seal her fate as a TV personality as opposed to a candidate.
Just so we are clear.

Assemblies of god

I especially like #8, #12 and #15.

And then there is the issue of demons.

Can we call the Charmed ones?

Not all publicity is good publicity. Ask Hart, Edwards, Vitter, Foley, Haggard ... etc.

Palin will be in a controlled, safe environment where she can say what she wants with out being called out in person for it. She will do great on Fox because that is her environment.

She quit the governorship half way through her term. She belongs to a religious group that makes the baptists sound mellow and laid back. Unfortunately she does not have the oratory skills that Reagan had to make that back ground work. Then again, at least Reagan finished a term to the end.

Palin is taking her 15 min of fame and making the best of it. Good for her. The RNC better look for a real candidate if they hope to oust Obama from the WH. I am willing to bet she will not be doing any campaigning for any one. That will seal her fate as a TV personality as opposed to a candidate.

Its pretty funny watching the liberals lose their minds and squirm over Sarah Palin. Present company included. The more they try to dismiss her and ridicule, the more popular she becomes. They haven't figured out that someone who has a best selling book in the current political environment, is not to be considered irrelevant. But oh how they try.

Ousting Obama from the WH is getting easier and easier. Him and the democratic nut jobs in Washington are doing it to themselves without any help from the Republicans. Look at all the recent democrats who jumped ship.
I have yet to meet one of these dems everyone is referring to. I know for my self and all the others I have spoken with, the issue of Palin is similar to that of passing by a car wreck. You don't want to look but you do anyway because it is fascinating.

I guess I vie her and her supporters from the other side of the spectrum. You can try and maker her relevant all you want but talking about it does not make it so. She will only be relevant when she actually does something relevant. So far, she quit half way through her job, wrote a book and joined Fox news. Relevant... not so much.

I guess it depends on how it's packaged during the election cycle as well as who is running against whom. I am pretty sure the dems will maintain the majority but I do hope that they at least loose their overwhelming numbers. They certainly do not need a filibuster majority in the Senate.
Interesting. I thought I looked at Palin as the car wreck. I pass by wondering if I will see a body part hanging out. Thanks for clarifying what I think. I'm glad I have you to help me.

I have said it before but I guess you missed it. Were I a dem I would be hoping Palin stays in the lime light. She is an example of what is wrong with the RNC just as Pelosi/Reid are an example of what is wrong with the DNC. As far as I am concerned, Palin is the reason McCain lost the bid for the WH. Had he picked a viable running mate, I believe the election results would have at the very least been quite a bit closer, at best, we could have had McCain in the WH instead of Obama. She is an easy target with multiple points of entry. She is the equivalent of shooting a barn from the inside with an Uzi. Impossible to miss.

Why the opposition wants people like this out of the lime light is beyond me. Pelosi/Reid are doing far more to further the RNC cause by staying in power as opposed to having them out. Same for Palin.
You think "dems" fear Palin? If anything, we'd WELCOME her as the GOP nominee for 2012. It's the easiest way to get "4 more years".

I wouldn't be so sure on that KC. With the population getting its daily dosage of the wit and questionable wisdom of Ms Palin it's entirely possible that a finely honed persona and message will resonate with the voters.

I mean not to put to fine a point on things, we have an empty suit in the White House now who got elected on a finely crafted message of change and let's face it, given his pigmentation one can safely say we was viewed as an outsider and lo and behold his message resonated.

Sarah Palin, is the ultimate outsider in that she's from Alaska, a mom and a politician who's traditional values resonate with many. If the current Empty Suit falters further she has an excellent chance to have her empty suit firmly esconsed in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave for 4 to 8 years.

She is the ultimate wild card. Her gig with Fox gives her a daily platform to define herself to the electorate. She's in the cat bird seat.
And she is under the magnifying glass, warts and all. She will have to explain why she quite her job, why she and her daughter got knocked up before marriage, why there is a fight for sole custody when two parent families are better than one...... etc.

Nothing is impossible in this country. People with no experience have been elected to office for a long long time not necessarily a bad thing. I do not believe that Palin will ever see the inside of the Oval Office other than as a guest but stranger things have happened.
Sarah Palin joining Fox News will show us exactly just who she is and that's a good thing for all of those who love her or hate her.

If she has what it takes to be POTUS, then her gig on Fox News will serve her well. She has about 2 full YEARS to hone and sharpen her message free of election laws.

OTOH if she bombs on Fox we are rid of her as a national political figure.

The first scenario is the Democrats worst nightmare. She goes out there and is articulate, pointed and get blockbuster ratings she becomes a force to be reckoned with. Carry the scenario further and Obama continues to falter along with the economy and you have the makings of the first woman POTUS.

I like the move on her part as we will see enough of her to get a full read on exactly who she is and what she is all about and that's good for the country. It will be very hard to snipe via sound bite IMO since she will ample rebuttal time.

Err.........Appaerentely the Demorats already think she's a force to be reckoned with or else they wouldn't continue to attack her day after day after day after.............................................