Pelosi does stand up comedy


Oct 29, 2002
Funny Girl

She pinned the blame on "the obstructionism of the Republicans in the United States Senate."

Brings back memories of the Dems in the majority back in the day :lol:

So little has been achieved that Reid threatened to hold the Senate in session during the August recess, the congressional equivalent of torture.

The war also is dragging down Democrats' popularity, especially among the party's liberal base, as well as public confidence that Pelosi's promises on the election night in which she was swept to power -- "to restore stability and bipartisanship" in Washington and to change course in Iraq -- would happen anytime soon. :lol:

"The Republicans are doing what the Democrats did," said Julian Zelizer, a history and public affairs scholar at Boston University. "They're using the power of the Senate filibuster, and the power in the House when you have narrow majorities, to make a do-nothing Congress -- even when there's a lot of issues on the table, even when there's a lot of interest in accomplishing things."
Of course the Repubs are blocking the Dems. That's their job . They are the opposition. The Repbs job is to back the POTUS and to protect their back side. The one problem is they are backing a POTUS who has no backing from the people and who could not pass gas at this point much less a bill. The Repubs are trying to placate the radical right so they can stay in power and not piss off the middle so they can stay in power. While people are not happy with congress in general, they feel they are better off with the Dems in charge. If the Dems can pull off in 2008 what they pulled off in 2006, they will have enough seats in Contress and have the POTUS to do what they feel the people want.