Rand Paul caught lying about his college record

Again, it seems like a bunch of faux outrage here, both with regard to Walker and Paul.

If arguing over the semantics of having three years of undergrad studies vs. a degree is the worst that the left can find about Paul right now, I can't wait to see what happens during the primaries.

Since neither Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson actually graduated (or in Sharpton's case, attended) seminary, maybe they shouldn't be constantly referred to as Reverend?
Ms Tree said:
Because I'd like a leader with a well rounded education. Because an education is better than no education? Because exceptions are not the rule?
Like Ted Cruz? His education credentials are on par or exceed those of Obama.
eolesen said:
Again, it seems like a bunch of faux outrage here, both with regard to Walker and Paul.

If arguing over the semantics of having three years of undergrad studies vs. a degree is the worst that the left can find about Paul right now, I can't wait to see what happens during the primaries.

Since neither Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson actually graduated (or in Sharpton's case, attended) seminary, maybe they shouldn't be constantly referred to as Reverend?

I think not finishing something as important as college is more telling. I think the issue with Paul is more along the line of what Jim said above. He did not have the 2nd degree but he seems to be doubling down on it by saying he does. Same issue alot of politicians have. When you get busted, own it. Don't keep trying to deny it. Paul has a MD, nothing to be ashamed of. So what that he does not have a BS or what ever it was. Admit it and move on. Denying it just makes it worse.

I thought all you had to do was fill out a match book cover and you could call your self what ever you wanted to? I'm reluctant to call Sharpton or Jackson human. They are such idiots.
SparrowHawk said:
Like Ted Cruz? His education credentials are on par or exceed those of Obama.

Just because a person has an advanced education does not mean that I want him as my POTUS (although his level of education is desirable) but I do want my president to have an advanced education.
Ms Tree said:

Just because a person has an advanced education does not mean that I want him as my POTUS (although his level of education is desirable) but I do want my president to have an advanced education.
Here is what I consider "Advanced Education":
Spending most of the day Wednesday and Thursdays trying to get your customers to pay their bills do you can make payroll.
Having to work around the clock, side by side with your staff so you can get a job to a customer on time.
Having a keen recollection of what basic training was like.
Having a keen recollection of what it felt like to come under enemy fire thousands of miles from Mommy.
To know the fatigue of working fast food while attending college.
These things above DO NOT build character! They REVEAL it.
Keep in mind that Fred Smith, CEO of Fed-Ex used his business plan for Fed-Ex as his Masters thesis and was promptly given a FAILING grade by his egghead professor.
Ms Tree said:
I do want my president to have an advanced education.
I just want my president to be a leader.

Knowing how to cite sources in the proper format, solve a physics equation or being able to quote Emily Dickinson or Nietzsche are fairly useless traits if you can't make a decision in 30 seconds or less based on the facts at hand and the subject matter experts they pick to actually know the details.
SparrowHawk said:
Here is what I consider "Advanced Education":
Spending most of the day Wednesday and Thursdays trying to get your customers to pay their bills do you can make payroll.
Having to work around the clock, side by side with your staff so you can get a job to a customer on time.
Having a keen recollection of what basic training was like.
Having a keen recollection of what it felt like to come under enemy fire thousands of miles from Mommy.
To know the fatigue of working fast food while attending college.
These things above DO NOT build character! They REVEAL it.
Keep in mind that Fred Smith, CEO of Fed-Ex used his business plan for Fed-Ex as his Masters thesis and was promptly given a FAILING grade by his egghead professor.
I consider an advanced education a degree from an accredited university.  I consider what you describe to be life.  
eolesen said:
I just want my president to be a leader.

Knowing how to cite sources in the proper format, solve a physics equation or being able to quote Emily Dickinson or Nietzsche are fairly useless traits if you can't make a decision in 30 seconds or less based on the facts at hand and the subject matter experts they pick to actually know the details.
More often than not, a leader has an education.  
The US army disagrees with you.  

In order to qualify for Officer Candidate School as an active duty, enlisted Soldier, you must be:
  • A college graduate with at least a four-year degree
  • Must not have more than six years of Active Federal Service (AFS) upon arrial at OCS
  • Between 19 and 32 years old (you must enter active duty or ship to training by your 33rd birthday and accept commission prior to age 34)
  • Eligible for a secret security clearance

In order to qualify for Officer Candidate School as a civilian, you must be:
  • A U.S. citizen
  • A college graduate with at least a four-year degree
  • Between 19 and 32 years old (you must enter active duty or ship to training by your 33rd birthday and accept commission prior to age 34)
  • Eligible for a secret security clearance

In order to qualify for Officer Candidate School as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve, you must be:
  • A college graduate with at least a four-year degree
  • Must not have more than six years of Active Federal Service (AFS) upon arrial at OCS
  • Between 18 and 32 years old (you must enter active duty or ship to training by your 33rd birthday and accept commission prior to age 34)
  • Eligible for a secret security clearanc
Seems the Navy does not agree with you either
A Navy officer must be able to assume a variety of duties at sea, in the air and ashore. Officers must be physically fit, at least 19 years old and U.S. citizens.
You must have at least a bachelor's degree. You can apply for officer programs before earning your degree and as young as 17. The major fields of study required vary depending on the officer specialty.
What do you want to bet that the rest of the branches have similar requirements.  
Knowing history, critical reasoning, science .. etc are very useful traits for a leader.  A knowledge of economics would be beneficial for a world leader as well.
Fortune 500 education. http://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/top-business-schools/articles/2012/05/14/where-the-fortune-500-ceos-went-to-school
The 500 executives collectively earned about 465 college degrees, which means about 35 executives didn't graduate from college. Both Ralph Lauren and Sheldon Adelson (Las Vegas Sands Corp.) are among the CEOs who dropped out of college. But the Fortune 500 executives who completed both college and graduate school collectively earned about 200 M.B.A.'s and about 140 other graduate degrees.
FYI.   Only about 20% of Congress holds a degree in economics or business.  That might be a big reason why they cannot get the budget under control.  They do not know jack about econimics.
Ms Tree said:
FYI.   Only about 20% of Congress holds a degree in economics or business.  That might be a big reason why they cannot get the budget under control.  They do not know jack about econimics.
Hell, they passing legislation they getting cuts off of. Don't need a degree for that.
Ms Tree said:
I consider an advanced education a degree from an accredited university.  I consider what you describe to be life.  
Obama never had to meet a payroll.
Obama never went through basic training
Obama never felt the sting of combat
Obama never wrote a business plan
Obama never busted his assets to meet a customers deadline.
So I guess he is no more then a Harvard degree. A piece of paper, educational Charmin if you will, incapable of decision making because out here in the real world one has to PRODUCE measurable results.
Tree, please cite the formal education BaRack has, that qualifies him, in your mind, to be leader of the most powerful nation the world has ever seen.
SparrowHawk said:
Obama never had to meet a payroll.
Obama never went through basic training
Obama never felt the sting of combat
Obama never wrote a business plan
Obama never busted his assets to meet a customers deadline.
So I guess he is no more then a Harvard degree. A piece of paper, educational Charmin if you will, incapable of decision making because out here in the real world one has to PRODUCE measurable results.
for all we know he has a degree like that actor in the TV show "Suits"