
Ms Tree

Jul 13, 2010
I was watching a show about the US presidency and they had a story about Reagan. Apparently each day when he went into work, he would take a hand full of peanuts from a drawer and throw them on the portico for the squirrels. On his last day in office, he did the same thing as he always did, but this time he left a small note for the squirrels. It read:

Beware. The next guy has a dog.
I was watching a show about the US presidency and they had a story about Reagan. Apparently each day when he went into work, he would take a hand full of peanuts from a drawer and throw them on the portico for the squirrels. On his last day in office, he did the same thing as he always did, but this time he left a small note for the squirrels. It read:

Beware. The next guy has a dog.

I would never chase a squirrel.
The above witty banter is disrespectful to Ronald Reagan's memory.

A simple act of kindness is now a mockery.

My dear friend who is a self identified "Reagan Republican" yet voted for Obama has told me of his Reagan's charismatic charm, of him being "real". To me part of being real is the ability to see the humor in the mundane.

Let's try to show the man the respect he has earned.
That wasn't the point and you're smarter than the remark. It was typical of his sense of humor.

And the remark was typical of mine.

I got your point.

The note Reagan left, if he did, was a joke.

A sense of humor separates us all from the insanity of this world.
I think Ronald Reagan was one of the greatest Presidents of our time. He had a command and respect of the American people, and was respected internationally.When a President has the attention of the country and the world, many things can be accomplished. He is remembered for his many speeches and quoted quite often.

My father, who basically grew up in the presence of Reagan and his career saw it quite differently.
One night we were talking about Reagan and I was saying how I thought he was a good President, all my father had to say about the matter was

'What kind of idiot would leave Jane Wyman?'
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So Obama debt bad, Reagan debt good. Obama violating US law bad, Reagan violating US law good. Got it.

Sure he was a nice guy by most accounts but hardly a great much less a good president. I just posted this because I thought it was cute.

Forgot, Reagan going after Gaddafi good, Obama going after him bad.
So Obama debt bad, Reagan debt good. Obama violating US law bad, Reagan violating US law good. Got it.

Sure he was a nice guy by most accounts but hardly a great much less a good president. I just posted this because I thought it was cute.

Forgot, Reagan going after Gaddafi good, Obama going after him bad.

Jesus bad, Satan good?
So Obama debt bad, Reagan debt good. Obama violating US law bad, Reagan violating US law good. Got it.

Sure he was a nice guy by most accounts but hardly a great much less a good president. I just posted this because I thought it was cute.

Forgot, Reagan going after Gaddafi good, Obama going after him bad.

So far History is treating Mr Reagan quite well. 30 years from now remains to be seen. The debt has been steadily growing since the creation of the Fed in 1913.

Currently the debt to GDP ratio is the highest it's been since the 3 years post WWII. During the first 2 years under Reagan and his policies the GDP grew at an annual rate just over 7.3% compared to the 1.8 Growth now and you didn't see him lay it at the feet of Carter as the Empty Suit is doing with Bush. A little supporting documentation.

The United States finished 2009 with a debt-to-GDP ratio of 85%, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). On current trend, the United States will finish 2010 at 94% and 2011 at 98%.

According to the Reinhart and Rogoff study:

1. When America has had a debt to GDP ratio of less than 30 percent, it's averaged GDP Growth of 4.0%.

2. When America has had a debt to GDP ratio of 30 to 60 percent, it's averaged
GDP growth of 3.4%.

3. When America has had a debt to GDP ratio of 60 to 90 percent, it's averaged
GDP growth of 3.3%.

4. When America has had a debt to GDP ratio of more than 90 percent, it's averaged GDP growth of negative 1.8%.

Number 2 would be the Reagan years, while number 3 & 4 would be Bush & Obama respectively.

In fact if we look at projections for 2011 we will ADD 1.5 Trillion in debt and I'm thinking real hard to locate a person named Bush anywhere in the equation. So if there is no one named Bush in either the White House or a state house then logic would dictate that it must be someone else who's spending the money! I wonder who it could be? Reagan is worm food, Carter has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel so that leaves Clinton and Obama. Clinton didn't do much for the debt but we had a few budgets that were pretty close to balanced so he didn't make it much worse. Geez Louise that leaves the current Empty Suit, who's to f*ckin' stupid to realize he's the laughing stock of the Free World. Even the Queen of England snubbed him for crissakes.

Bottom Line: The Supreme Leader of The Peoples Democratic Republic of Barackistan doesn't make a pimple on Ronald Reagan's arse.

Here's another snippet to ponder:

The Queen, who knows something about dealing with celebrity, finally got some payback on Obama after a series of very public snubs of the UK- our mightiest, best ally- during Mr. Irrelevant’s term of office.

The Queen voted “not present” by having her band play God Save the Queen over Obama’s toast to her, which the Washington Post reported under the headline Burnt Toast. No one knows how to do an understated snub as well as the Royal Family.

“The Democrats are going to have to be willing to give up maybe some short-term political gain by whipping up fears on some of these things if it's a reasonable Social Security proposal or a reasonable Medicare proposal,” Clinton said at a bipartisan debt forum in Washington according to FoxNews. “We have to deal with these things. You cannot have healthcare devour the economy.”

At a forum on the national debt, Clinton even told House GOP Budget Chair Paul Ryan to give him a call if he wanted talk about fixing Medicare.

Mr. Irrelevant has become so irrelevant that he doesn’t even seem to know that he’s being disrespected

Even Bill Clinton has figured out he's an Empty Suit. There is a great deal not to like about Bill Clinton politically, which in this authors opinion makes his offer to help Paul Ryan an even more stinging indictment of the incompetence of the Empty Suit.
If I remember correctly,Reagan had a good reason to go after Ghadaffi.


Obama have any clear and present danger to the US?