
My dear friend who is a self identified "Reagan Republican" yet voted for Obama has told me of his Reagan's charismatic charm, of him being "real". To me part of being real is the ability to see the humor in the mundane.

Let's try to show the man the respect he has earned.

Does the respect Reagan earned include using a thread about his sense of humor for your own tawdry soapbox?
Does the respect Reagan earned include using a thread about his sense of humor for your own tawdry soapbox?

Ahhh It's the wrong thread for the topic I guess. I spoke to my friend over the weekend and the bloom is off Obama's rose for her now too. Her remark was "Where's Ron Reagan now that we really need him"?

Her question really got me to thinking. We have NO ONE on the horizon for 2012 that could carry Reagan's Jock Strap. Not even my personal favorite Ron Paul.

Interestingly enough Humor and the ability to connect with the everyday working stiff were two traits that made Clinton & Reagan the leaders they were. It also likely cost Bush a significant place in history as he by most accounts didn't have that ability and IMO hurt him more than his actual policies ever did.

If you're seen as a leader who is more concerned with the prices at the Supermarket then the Stock Market the American Public will embrace you. If you do it with a grin and good cheer they will adore you. Clinton & Reagan had their hands on the pulse of who we are as a nation.

Sadly BushII and Obama are both borderline clueless in this regard. Bush was busy listening to Karl Rove (Among others) and Obama is doing the same thing with his Goldman Sachs cadre of "advisers". The three most important letters in the job title "Political Consultant" are C-O-N, and boyo, boyo were they conned and then they tried to con us and for a while we bought it hook line and sinker. Then the light came on and large portions of the population called Bullspit on both of them

Reagan was the total package of Charisma, Communication and Conviction all wrapped up in a warm affable package.