Second Clinton/Trump debate 10/09

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Jan 5, 2003
Almost half an hour into this circus and we haven't learned anything.
Care to guess what Trump was talking about?

Care to guess what Trump was talking about?
Billdo didn't look too happy when Trump hammered her on her husband! Trump turned her little game of "look at what you said" about women. Trump brought some of Billdo's conquests to the room too. Awesome. He talked right over the libtard press moderators. Great job! But the best was Trump's promise to prosecute her when he gets in as president. "You should be in jail". Boom!!! Trump destroyed the Hildabeast!!!
Trump played well to his base....the people who have been behind him for almost a year. He didn't do much to woo an undecided voter, but he did manage to let his "teenage girl" side out without resorting to twitter.
Trump played well to his base....the people who have been behind him for almost a year. He didn't do much to woo an undecided voter, but he did manage to let his "teenage girl" side out without resorting to twitter.

You must have missed Frank Luntz on Fox. He had about 30 undecideds and asked how many supported each at the beginning, about a third for Hillary and three for Trump. After the debate, it was about 4 for Hillary and the rest for Trump.

THEy said he looked presidential, and her, they said it was the same old song.

I was surprised......if he keeps it up, you guys are moving.
Trump's "President Day 1" checklist:
  1. Jail opponent.
  2. Media crackdown.
  3. Support Assad.
Coincidentally, that was also Putin's checklist

"Gary Kasparov"
Looks like a change in microphone hasn’t changed Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s frequent sniffling.

Some possible causes from a Forbes article:

  • Trump may have allergies: Allergies are the most common cause of chronic sniffling. This time of the year (August to November) ragweed is the most common culprit. Mold and fungi are other common possibilities in September and October.
  • Trump may have chronic sinusitis: Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, which blocks mucus drainage, which, in turn, may impair breathing. Allergies can lead to chronic sinusitis. So can growths in the nose like nasal polyps as well nasal defects such as a deviated nasal septum. Viral, bacterial, and fungal infections are also common causes. Heartburn, otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux (if you haven’t watched all the pharmaceutical commercials about heartburn that may give you heartburn), can also cause chronic sinusitis. Add cystic fibrosis and immune system problems to the list too.
  • Trump may be irritated by something: This could explain the slightly constipated look. Common irritants include perfume or cologne, cigarette smoke, and air pollution. Cold weather and bright lights can also cause irritation.
  • Trump may be taking medications that cause sniffling:Medications that have sniffling as a possible side effect include blood pressure, birth control, anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, and erectile dysfunction medications. Delivering medications to the nose can also cause irritation of the nasal passages such as steroid nose sprays for allergies and shoving Viagra up your nose.
  • Trump may be pregnant: Less likely but if this is the cause, he is probably in his third trimester, and the sniffles should resolve within a few weeks of delivery.
  • Trump may have a tic: Note this is not the bug, which is spelled tick. Trump does not have ticks as far as I can tell. A tic is an involuntary muscle movement, meaning that it is not deliberate. This would probably not be a simple childhood tick because Trump is not a child, age-wise. Tics can occur when a person has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), myoclonus, obsessive-compulsive disorder, epilepsy, or Tourette’s Syndrome. Anxiety and stress can also lead to tics.
  • Trump may be crying: Debates can be tough. People who are very sensitive or strongly empathetic and sympathetic can also be prone to crying.
  • Trump may have repeated head trauma: Blows to the head via sports such as football, boxing, soccer, and ice hockey or hitting your head with a brick over beauty pageant winners gaining weight can cause irritation and even leakage of brain fluid into the nasal passages.
  • Trump may have picked his nose too much or too aggressively: Nose picking can irritate the nasal passages and even lead to nosebleeds.
  • Trump may have bleeding problems: Anything which decreases the ability of blood to clot properly can lead to nosebleeds such as use of aspirin or blood thinners and bleeding disorders such as hemophilia.
  • Trump may have something up his nose: Children often jam objects such as beans, peas, and peanuts up their nose, which in turn can irritate the inside of their noses. Some adults do this as well.
For those of you who thought Donald was a star, why don't we suspend discussion until Nov. 9th. Then we'll see how well the Donald did. Delldude, I am deeply disappointed in the fact that you thought Donald "hammered" Hillary on Bill's behavior. That's so intellectually dishonest, it's breathtaking. Bill cheated on Hillary, but Hillary forgave him and stayed with him. Donald cheated on every single one of his wives, but he LEFT them. Oh, one other thing, Bill's not running for President of the United States. His behavior is not really an issue this time around except to people who are scrambling around trying to find a justification for the Donald. As Steve Schmidt, the former political strategist for John McCain said on Meet the Press yesterday, "Donald Trump is the embodiment of the intellectual rot that has overtaken the Republican Party."
For those of you who thought Donald was a star, why don't we suspend discussion until Nov. 9th. Then we'll see how well the Donald did. Delldude, I am deeply disappointed in the fact that you thought Donald "hammered" Hillary on Bill's behavior. That's so intellectually dishonest, it's breathtaking. Bill cheated on Hillary, but Hillary forgave him and stayed with him. Donald cheated on every single one of his wives, but he LEFT them. Oh, one other thing, Bill's not running for President of the United States. His behavior is not really an issue this time around except to people who are scrambling around trying to find a justification for the Donald. As Steve Schmidt, the former political strategist for John McCain said on Meet the Press yesterday, "Donald Trump is the embodiment of the intellectual rot that has overtaken the Republican Party."

Jim, I see it failed to dawn on you, but it's all about Saint Hillary,t he Woman's Savior trashing those women to further her own personal ambitions.

A new Wikileaks email dump released today reveals that some Hillary campaign insiders are petrified that Bill Clinton’s sordid sexual past could severely damage Hillary’s chances.

The revelation is of particular note because it dovetails with Donald Trump holding a press conference yesterday before the debate with three of Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse victims.

The email, which is marked “confidential,” was sent to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta by prominent left-wing journalist Brent Budowsky. It includes details of Budowsky’s exchange “with someone in the media,” who told him that, “there are people close to the Clintons who says WJC’s (William Jefferson Clinton) sex life could be damaging to her.”

Although Budowsky stresses his view that the more Bill Clinton the better for Hillary, he adds that, “there were people purportedly close to the Clintons pushing the line that the less WJC the better.”
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