SWA Racist!!!


Aug 19, 2002
yeah, and like people over on the AMR board are saying, this lawsuit is ridiculous and should have been thrown out. I've heard the racist version of this rhyme, but I, along with probably 90+% of the population, think of "tiger" first and foremost. I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of the population has no clue to the racist background of the rhyme. Saying this was directed at them is pure lunacy. Just another case of people being hyper-sensitive and trying to bleed every last penny they can out of it.

Best of luck to Southwest in getting this lawsuit dismissed asap...
Pretty harsh words, don't you think? Do a google search on "eenie meenie miney moe" (or any variation) and "racist". You'll find very few hits. Then, drop the racist part and notice all the ".edu" links, that aren't there to discuss the racist overtones, but instead are being used today to educate your 5th thru 12th grader.

No, the story in the KC Star pretty much lays out why this is in court - they arrived for their first flight less than 10 minutes before departure, were bumped and put on priority stand by, tried to get something out of the company, were not satisfied with the response from them, and sued. Most likely picked up the yellow pages and looked for one of those "you don't pay unless we win" lawyers. Hopefully, the attorneys will regret taking this case.
I think SWA was the first airline to really go after some minority advertising with its 1-800-VAMANOS reservation line, so I can see where these ladies would wait 2 years to file a lawsuit. They must have really felt offended to the point they were unable to talk about it before now. PLEASE NOTE - sarcasm intended - I don't want to get sued!
Racist baloney I like others never even heard of any version except with the word tiger. But does explain why some airlines drill read the annoucements as published.
I grew up in the south, and yes, I have heard the "racist" version. Sometime in the 60's was the last time I heard it, but I have heard it. We also substituted the word "monkey" for tiger down there, then again, Howard Cosell once had the entire world against him for using that word. Guess we'd better all just sit down and shut up.
Just when I thought there couldn't possibly be a stupider lawsuit than the "McDonalds made me a disgusting fat pig" suit, this one comes along.
Hopefully it will meet the same fate!
just another example of two nutcases who want their 15 minutes and some money with it. They got their 15 minutes, hopefully they get nothing else.

They give people who have made or are in the process of making claims of racism a bad name...
Just to add to this... I hear these ladies were traveling from LAS...does anyone think they may have lost a little loot along the way?? Nothing like loosing 100's on the card table if you can get 1M from a big company.

Also, the flight attendant's age was mentioned in one of the articles...she's 22. That means born in the 80's - a long time from the 60's, I'd say.
dfw: being from the South Side of Chicago, I can tell you that you could have not said it better.

In today's KC Star was a very brief article saying that the court date has been postponed until April 15. I wonder which side asked for the extension. My guess is the plaintiffs - judging from the 100% pro-SWA letters about this issue in the past few weeks. Methinks the attorneys for the plaintiffs weren't ready to have a jury decide their fate, and I am hoping against hope the SWA has been adamantly refusing to settle out of court.
On 3/4/2003 8:24:50 AM KCFlyer wrote:

In today's KC Star was a very brief article saying that the court date has been postponed until April 15. I wonder which side asked for the extension. My guess is the plaintiffs - judging from the 100% pro-SWA letters about this issue in the past few weeks. Methinks the attorneys for the plaintiffs weren't ready to have a jury decide their fate, and I am hoping against hope the SWA has been adamantly refusing to settle out of court.

We can only hope.
Anyone else catch the civil rights attorney (a black guy, BTW) on MSNBC who spoke vehemently against this suit? He was really livid, arguing (I agree) that this frivolous action cheapens the work he and others do for plaintiffs who have encountered REAL discrimination.
Exactly MGA707 - real discrimination is far different I believe from what these 2 ladies experienced. Although verbal discrimination happens, I think that we all have talked "trash" about one person or another and have possibly used their race in that "trashing", but it is far and few between nowadays, with the world as diverse as it is, that we intend to be racist in that "trashing".
On that flight there had to have been other people that were African-American, are they going to testify at the trial? Just wondering aloud......

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