Talk Radio

Glenn Quagmire

Apr 30, 2012
How accurate are they?

Do they simply "preach to the choir"' or are they changing minds?

It would seem that with the recent election results, some credibility would be lost. However, I have been listening to some right wing shows (I am not a regular listener of any radio shows other than some NPR regulars like Terry Gross, and Ira Glass), and that does not seem to be the case.

It is my hope that this thread may actually be a way for some of us to bridge the understanding gap that I think exists between many of us?
I dont listen to talk radio. When I am in the car, I am either heading to or from work and want to relax to music.

reading magazines that cover business and current events as well as local newpapers and online newspapers which may shape my politics is how I spemd my spare time. I am a democrat mostly because my parents were democrats.

I think republicans listen to talk radio mostly because my personal friends and colleages who are republican seem to speak in lock step with the republicans on this board. I always
know what Limbaugh said on any given day by listening to my friends gripe about the same thing.

Hitching your wagon to any politician or media celebrity is unwise, unhealthy, and unworthy of your time, at least my time anyway.
I rarely listen to radio and if I do it's for music. My head unit in my car takes a USB and I put my personal play list on it.​

As for those who do listen, I suspect they listen for reinforcement of their beliefs. I do not think there are many dito heads listening to Mathews or vice versa,​
I am a regular listener of Neal Boortz, a Libertarian, who is retiring at the end of the year and yes, part of his reason, not the only one, is Obama.
I "DO NOT" listen to Hannity or Limbaugh, believe it or not !
And no and I can only attest to the Neal Boortz show, he has change some minds and opened others eyes, so it , in my opinion, is not "Just preaching to the choir"!
Herman Cain filled in for Boortz over the years, even before he ran for POTUS and will replace Boortz, after the first of the year and I will give him a listen or two, to determine whether or not I like his show !

Neal Boortz show:
4.25 million listeners per week

25 Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts in America” by Talkers magazine, and one of “Georgia’s 100 Most Influential People” by Georgia Trend. Boortz was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 2009, marking him as one of the most durable personalities in the field of talk radio.

2005, he co-wrote The FairTax Book with Congressman John Linder, proposing to implement a variant of a national retail sales tax in lieu of federal income taxes, payroll taxes, estate tax, etc. The FairTax incorporates a "pre-bate" of taxes up to those paid up to the poverty level.

Only other reason I use the radio, in my truck, is sports.
Music is lintened to, via my mp3 player !
I listen to talk radio (I know you're shocked) to stay current on the news and to hear callers. These are people giving their opinions, which is a much more honest if not accurate barometer of how the public feels about an event or issue than something delivered via teleprompter or a script that has been carefully spun/sanitized by hands unseen.

I'm also fortunate enough to have a station which has local shows for the morning and afternoon drive, as opposed to syndicated shows. They look at local and state issues more than they do national issues. Regular listeners not only can name their county supervisor, sheriff, and state representative, but they've probably heard them interviewed on the show regardless of their political leanings.

Boortz is currently carried after the local programming, and having listened to him as the fill-in guy, I'm a bit skeptical as to how well Herman will hold up as a regular host.

What I find interesting about the guys like Boortz and Jerry Doyle is that they are less tied to a party talking point (something I said in the other thread) than Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin, etc. I suspect they also see themselves as entertainers first and foremost, and not activists or political figures with a microphone. Boortz's entire career has been in front of a microphone. Doyle is an actor with a wicked sense of humor and sarcasm. I just don't get that same feeling with Cain. But I'll give him a shot.
I agree and even Boortz has stated, his main job is to entertain, keep people listening and so on , the ad revenue coming in, which covers everyone's paycheck , on the show.
But, Boortz entertains by talking about current events, voicing his opinion, like it or not, it is his show, and giving listeners a chance to voice their opinions !
How accurate are they?

Do they simply "preach to the choir"' or are they changing minds?

It would seem that with the recent election results, some credibility would be lost. However, I have been listening to some right wing shows (I am not a regular listener of any radio shows other than some NPR regulars like Terry Gross, and Ira Glass), and that does not seem to be the case.

It is my hope that this thread may actually be a way for some of us to bridge the understanding gap that I think exists between many of us?
I'd say 95% of it is simply preaching to the choir. Reaffirming listeners' confirmation bias(es) is simply too good for ratings-and therefore ad revenue- not to...

Glenn, excellent choice in shows, Fresh Air and This American Life are outstanding, may I also suggest : "On Point" with Tom Ashbrook

And Kev, I am afraid to listen to talk radio, out of fear of losing IQ points, or having multiple strokes from the amount of manure that gets slung over the air.
Glenn, excellent choice in shows, Fresh Air and This American Life are outstanding, may I also suggest : "On Point" with Tom Ashbrook

And Kev, I am afraid to listen to talk radio, out of fear of losing IQ points, or having multiple strokes from the amount of manure that gets slung over the air.
... Both of which are likely to happen... :)

So much for a civilized conversation about talk radio and I guess we see who the first side is , to start slinging the mud, but expected !
And Kev, I am afraid to listen to talk radio, out of fear of losing IQ points, or having multiple strokes from the amount of manure that gets slung over the air.

That's pretty how I feel watching MSNBC, CNN, and most of the legacy broadcast networks, and just about any daily newspaper or weekly news magazine.

Rachel Maddow and Chris Mathews are no better than Rush or Hannity. Same shrillness, different logo on their paychecks.
That's pretty how I feel watching MSNBC, CNN, and most of the legacy broadcast networks, and just about any daily newspaper or weekly

That pretty much rules out everything. Where do you get your intel from? Oh, i know, pravda and al jazeera. They are not beholding to anyone.

Am i right?
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Glenn, excellent choice in shows, Fresh Air and This American Life are outstanding, may I also suggest : "On Point" with Tom Ashbrook

And Kev, I am afraid to listen to talk radio, out of fear of losing IQ points, or having multiple strokes from the amount of manure that gets slung over the air.
I also enjoy "Talk of the Nation", "Science Friday", and "The Story" (with Dick Gordon).