Tempe forgets that there is no USAirways without YOU

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The quality of the testing can be determined by problems after rollout.

The website is one thing... They actually did a good amount of beta testing on it but still it had problems. With the BeNotified system they are still testing it and havent "activated" all the features of the system until they can get the basics right. That actually shows at least to me they have learned to do more extensive testing.

Your point

I think my point is clear. They do testing before rolling out new programs. Whats so hard to understand about that?
Tempe does actually do Beta testing on new programs they roll out. They did it on the new website (which yes I know is not great), on this new BeNotified system, etc. So yes they do testing.

Well Of Course they test, no one disputes that.

What IS being called into question is the length and depth of said testing.
The website is one thing... They actually did a good amount of beta testing on it but still it had problems. With the BeNotified system they are still testing it and havent "activated" all the features of the system until they can get the basics right. That actually shows at least to me they have learned to do more extensive testing.

I think my point is clear. They do testing before rolling out new programs. Whats so hard to understand about that?

Sad to say I think far to much of US Airways IT "Testing" is done live by customers. Now I realize that their is a cost to testing and at some point in time you throw the switch and hope for the best. I for one remain unimpressed with US Airways IT department.

Although since Beery left there does seem to be some improvement in system reliability. Given the overal system suckage that is cold comfort when you're a customer who is running late and the crap doesn't work.
This one has veered too far off original course. Please continue the IT discussion in the kiosk thread.
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