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Time to separate before we kill each other in a civil war


Mar 22, 2007
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Wonder how the democrats (aka dimwits) like how half the country hates there president. It’s time to separate, I literally can’t stand the left and know they can’t stand me. It’s time to stop pretending we can come together because any smart person knows that’s never going to happen
Meh, it's already happened. Left has the megacities, Right has everything else.

Fine with me to keep it that way. The Left can't survive without our resources, but we'll be just fine without their music, sports and movies....
Meh, it's already happened. Left has the megacities, Right has everything else.

Fine with me to keep it that way. The Left can't survive without our resources, but we'll be just fine without their music, sports and movies....

I seem to remember that 'WE' were just FINE, during the last Civil War.

Resources, what resources do we NEED ?
Hospitals ? you've got MD Anderson, we've got Sloan Kettering, Mass-General, Johns Hopkins, Cleveland clinic.

Food ? We've got California, (for EVERYTHING) Minnesota (for wheat, barley, corn.)

Sea food ? (Don't even go there)

Institutions of higher learning ? (the TOP of the TOP schools) You've got DUKE (research triangle). We've got soooo many institutions in MA,CT,NY,NJ.MD !

Airports ? You've got ATL/DFW/IAH/MIA. Again, don't even go THERE !!!!!

Railroads ? Again, Don't Go THERE !

Whack Job Evangelical Baptist churches ? Well, you got us There.

The KKK. You got us again there too !

Shall we continue, Mr. K-I-A ??
Wonder how the democrats (aka dimwits) like how half the country hates there president. It’s time to separate, I literally can’t stand the left and know they can’t stand me. It’s time to stop pretending we can come together because any smart person knows that’s never going to happen

iluvaa. This post is the Most TRUE, that you ever opined, Your best ever !

I've been thinking this for F YEARS, that we were heading for CIVIL WAR 2.
One in which the results will have the same OUTCOME !

Wonder how the democrats (aka dimwits) like how half the country hates there president. It’s time to separate, I literally can’t stand the left and know they can’t stand me. It’s time to stop pretending we can come together because any smart person knows that’s never going to happen

It wouldn't solve anything except to create TWO countries where people hated each other. Wanna make Texas, Florida and Georgia part of the same country? Great. But you are going to have places like Dallas, Houston, San Antonia, Austin, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami and Atlanta living in states where they hate the "majority" party.

Same thing with California, spin them off and you'l have the rural areas hating THEIR majority party.
Meh, it's already happened. Left has the megacities, Right has everything else.

Fine with me to keep it that way. The Left can't survive without our resources, but we'll be just fine without their music, sports and movies....

Well, maybe in the old days...but the companies that own the corporate farms that pay the rural farmers to grow their resources are based in "liberal" cities/
Cool. Ready to pickup my Cascadia passport and return to my homeland.

It's sad because I think we all want the same things. Security,Good Jobs, a Home, Healthcare, and the freedom to go wherever we want and worship how we want. It's just that we can't agree on how to do it.

and, lower taxes so we can have more of our own money to spend.