Trump scores another one!

Oh! 50,000?........ I didn't know you counted them!

Nitwits backslapping themselves over a DC swamp crowd booing the president. A president that shames them on a daily basis. How unoriginal.

BTW that team caught the Trump curse as a result and on an epic loosing streak.
What kind of d-bag doesn't bring his kid to a World Series game?

Let me guess, ORANGE MAN BAD?

Washington is a company town, and the company is the Federal Government. Anyone who opposes the unchecked power and growth of the Federal Government will be unpopular in Washington.

Note to Trump: If you're catching flak it means you're over the target. :cool:
Yes. He also was unusually detailed in telling our enemies just how we got him. So now they know what to look for.

By the way...are you going to credit Trump for this? You didn't credit Obama for getting bin laden.
You forget Obama outing Seal Team Six all over the global media?
Trump scored bupkis. He didn't plan or direct this operation at all. This was planned by the military after one of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wives ratted on him to the CIA weeks ago. Trump and his fellow scumbags just sat and watched it go down like it was a Saturday afternoon matinee movie. I'm surprised he didn't order Big Macs on a silver platter for the event.

Per his own standard:

You are BS, Dude.

Who mentioned Biden? Try Obama Admin, Son.

Wonder where WAPO got their info? NYT ran the same info.

Navy SEALs who killed Osama bin Laden are from the elite ‘Team 6’

The elite team of Navy SEALs tapped for the job were a group who were stationed at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach.

The team is part of a counterterrorism group so specialized that no one can apply to join it. The operatives are recruited from existing SEAL teams. They are an elite group within the elite.

The families of some of the 17 SEAL Team 6 commandos who were killed in an ambush in Afghanistan during a helicopter flight to help Army Rangers pinned down by Taliban gunmen accused the Obama administration of deliberately endangering their loved ones for political ends.

During a press conference on Washington Thursday, family and advocates for the fallen troops called into question the rules of engagement that they say prohibited their sons from being able to return fire, and the White House's decision to announce shortly after the killing of Osama bin Laden that SEAL Team 6 was responsible for the raid.