U.S. intercepts Russian bombers off coast of Alaska, California

Don’t mind the Russians they’re just mapping the west coast looking for their next big uranium source they can purchase for a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation.     
Knotbuyinit said:
Don’t mind the Russians they’re just mapping the west coast looking for their next big uranium source they can purchase for a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation.     
lol probably so
Perhaps this is why people are not really worried?
Looks like the US has scaled back it's flights.  We had a few U-2 missions over Georgia of an undisclosed nature. 
At least the public disclosure is that we have scaled back.  Given satellite tech it may be true but I would not be surprised if the US is still flying missions without telling the public. 
Now, after months of aggressive flying, Russia's overworked air force is falling out of the sky. On July 5, a Su-24M tactical bomber crashed during takeoff at Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East. The plane banked sharply after takeoff and hit the ground. Both pilots were killed.
The Russian Army, being what it is, can't mount an effective show of force beyond the country's borders. The Russian Navy can't send its remaining aircraft carrier and cruisers abroad without a oceangoing tugboat shadowing them — in case one of the ships breaks down.
That has to be demoralizing for the Navy crews.... being followed by a tow truck..... sad.
Sounds like we are just going to let Russia drive their military into the ground.  Seems like a good plan.
U-2 missions are reconnaissance only.
Russians are flying bombers to probe our reaction.
Only thing US probes them with is RC-135U ELINT aircraft.
Only ten SAC bases remain.
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southwind said:
It's what happens when you have a leader who's nads never dropped!
So this practice has been going on for years, During Reagan, and both Bush(s) also.
So there goes your theory down the drain once again, do you ever research before post?
Oh wait, we already know you dont.
Why waste fuel, man hours, maint.... etc when you already know the capabilities. From the sound of the article, the Russians don't have squat so who cares.
Ms Tree said:
Why waste fuel, man hours, maint.... etc when you already know the capabilities. From the sound of the article, the Russians don't have squat so who cares.
Didn't POtuS say that about ISIS not to long ago?...

It only a matter of months (or days?) for someone to go from being an ally to an enemy, so I'd rather see our military prepared for the worst instead of betting on unicorns farting rainbows all the time...
eolesen said:
Didn't POtuS say that about ISIS not to long ago?...It only a matter of months (or days?) for someone to go from being an ally to an enemy, so I'd rather see our military prepared for the worst instead of betting on unicorns farting rainbows all the time...
How long had it been since we ramped down surveillance of Russia? Did we suddenly stop in 2008?

We Russia is there. We know their hardware is unreliable at best. We know their response time.will suck. What benifits is there for sending bombers to their border?