On 11/6/2002 1:37:18 PM AA191 wrote:
We understand that UA has planned, or is already in the process of, moving the majority of its 747-400 fleet into the desert. The 777 can do the polar route but not in the winter due to the fuel freezing situation and mach speeds VS the 747-400.
Is this parking thing really happening?
If so, how many 400's are going to the heat?
Depends, some nu8mbers as high as 24 (of 44). Currently our WB numbers don't match WB flying. The company is flying the 400s up until they require a D check. It's much cheaper to fly the heck out of the 777s and the remaining 400s than to keep all the 400s on line and not max them out. The jets will still be there though, and as soon as things turn around, will likely be pulled back out. As for the polar flying, the 400s are capable of a higher Mach speed which increases the TAT (total air temp) which keeps the fuel warmer. When the fuel temp gets too low the 400 just speeds up some, whereas the &&& can't due to a lower MMo.