At least AMFA didn't try to block the election with DEAD,FIRED,and RETIRED people. UAL mechanics remind me of the NWA flight attendants. They could have struck to make a stand, but instead decided stick their heads in the sand. This statement does not apply to the true AMFA supporters at UAL. The IAM crybabies ought to be real happy now. AMFA was handed the keys to the Titanic after it had already struck the Iceberg. Let's see if the "GANGSTERS" do any better.
At UAL the mechanics have had the opportunity to exercise their right to choose representation twice in the last six years.

At AA we have not had the opportunity to exercise our right to choose representation since 1948. We have been interfered with by the incumbent union, the company, and by the U.S. government. The incumbent union and company interference we could handle the meddling by the U.S. government was too big a hurdle.

In 2004 when the government quashed our attempt to exercise our right a young lady in Tulsa was heard declaring, "We won, we won", just what did we win she was asked? "We won the right not to have an election for representation."
