" Uh, Oh. Steve Bannon Protege , "Judge ROY " is a DIDDLER"

Gloria is marching out yet another accuser this afternoon......haven't we seen this movie before?

Salem Witch Trials 2.0
By the same standard that establishment Republicans are holding, the establishment Democrats should have demanded that Bob Menendez resign when he was indicted for corruption including 13 year old prostitutes. Yet he's still a sitting Senator.

There are a few known Republicans who want Moore to step aside, but it's faux-outrage. They want someone more like them, more controllable. They don't want the boat rocked any more than it already is by guys like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee who tend to stand on their convictions and not on their wallets.

There's always the chance that the Republicans could use a Democrat play: Torricelli from 2002.

By the same standard that establishment Republicans are holding, the establishment Democrats should have demanded that Bob Menendez resign when he was indicted for corruption including 13 year old prostitutes. Yet he's still a sitting Senator.

There are a few known Republicans who want Moore to step aside, but it's faux-outrage. They want someone more like them, more controllable. They don't want the boat rocked any more than it already is by guys like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee who tend to stand on their convictions and not on their wallets.

There's always the chance that the Republicans could use a Democrat play: Torricelli from 2002.


You know, E, I have a gut feeling GOP doesn't really care to be on control. Let the dems run the show, some photo ops against dem legislation, still get all the perks and what not....and never have too put your ass on the line......
Both sides suck and use dirty tricks to attack each other.
Billery's email fiasco that ended in nothing.
Wish we had someone with integrity to vote for, for a change.
This new lady seems credible, but really, this was how many years ago was this.
A DemoRat lady wears a cowboy hat and is ridiculed, but a RepubliRat wearing 'cowboy' clothes and is given a pass. Really, how many cowboys does Bama have?
I lived in Bama for 3 years and never seen one except in a bar.
Both sides suck and use dirty tricks to attack each other.
Billery's email fiasco that ended in nothing.
Wish we had someone with integrity to vote for, for a change.
This new lady seems credible, but really, this was how many years ago was this.
A DemoRat lady wears a cowboy hat and is ridiculed, but a RepubliRat wearing 'cowboy' clothes and is given a pass. Really, how many cowboys does Bama have?
I lived in Bama for 3 years and never seen one except in a bar.

Is it just me, or does Moores cowboy had look small...or is that just because he was packing a manly Derringer? I dunno....this picture reminds me of a little kid playing cowboys and indians

Just for you Spankmaster, more than one line, not that it would make you any more capable of understanding.

Here is what the Republicans should be saying.

" We have heard stories about a candidate nominated for the United States Senate in the Deep South. Not sure if they are true,
but hard to ignore the possibility of a member of the distinguished US Senate being a child molester.

Republicans love the Deep South, Reliable stooges who jump at any dog whistle that suggests White Supremacy, but doesn't come right out and say it (or if it does). They love their guns, even when some lunatic takes an automatic weapon into a church and massacres children. They love their churches, too. The message of love thy neighbor sometimes gets lost in the carnage of gun lust, but that is just collateral damage. Guns are more important than the peace Jesus preached. When you get down to it he was a holy man/god, but he had long hair and was a pacifist. If the choice is Republicans or Jesus, the Deep South chooses guns.

What the Republicans love best about the Deep South is the Clintons. For the last twenty-five years the Viagra salesman on AM radio could say. 'It doesn't matter what the Republicans do. Be it starting wars and getting rich on them, or grabbing pussy (just because they can), or hating on people that didn't look like them, being contemptible slime is all right because they know Republican dumbasses would excuse it.' More Viagra could be sold by claiming the Clintons, all by themselves, were worse than the legions of Republican knuckledraggers.

Getting back to what is going on the Deep South. Alabama is a place where the village idiots move to be of normal intelligence. It is not unique in the Deep South, which has spread as far West as Tulsa, but Alabama has gotten it down.

That Alabama has nominated an ignorant, inbred, judge who truly believes the United States Constitution should be pissed upon and then burnt because it doesn't say what he wants it to and that child molestation is justified by Holy Scripture, unless he forgot he did it. All of that doesn't surprise Republicans.

Republicans would be surprised if Alabama didn't".

You are welcome.
Your right Wonder Mutt, all that bigoted tripe is hard to comprehend from a simpleton that has 11700+ posts of unfunny and moronic one-liners. I noticed you had quotations on your BS dissertation, surely you didn't copy that from MSLSD archives? They are really falling apart if you did. I guess you should stick to one-liners, you write like a angry 3 year old .

You spew all the lefty cliches of the "Deep South", that they are all inbred knuckledragger Republicans and are all racist gun loving bible thumpers. Too stupid to know right from wrong, or vote for a libtard in "Deep South" elections. Can you address WI, MI, OH, PA, IN, IA, KAN, NEB, ND, SD, WY, UT??? All states Trump won that are not in the "Deep South". What the hell happened in 2016 Pin Head? Did all those "knuckle dragging" Republicans move up to the North, West, and East to vote for Trump? It seems your bigoted red neck narrative doesn't fit the results of 2016 does it?

The Texas church shooter also did not have an automatic Ruger AR556 because it's only sold as a SEMI-AUTOMATIC. Not that you would know the difference. Full automatic firearms are very illegal unless you have a Class 3 license, which is damn hard to get. Owning guns doesn't mean that one chooses them over the lord Jesus. One can have both, the bible says: Luke 11:21 "When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace". People have a right to self protection. With the violent leftist atheists and the groups aligned with the "resist" movement like Antifa and BLM becoming more unhinged at the Trump presidency and it's supporters, carrying today is the only option against the violent left. The leftists also love to hate the NRA. Unfortunately for the radical leftists, they cannot name one shooter, not one, that has committed a violent act of murder as a NRA member. Let that marinate in your pea brain.

You state that Judge Moore pissed on the Constitution because he doesn't like what it says. What did Obammy do with it? He went around it and pissed on it for 8 years at every turn with unconstitutional executive orders didn't he? Of course he did, but you don't want to address those facts. It's rather odd you accuse Moore of "child molestation" with only accusations and 40 year old hearsay. You accuse Trump of "grabbing pussy" but again with only a video of him being a braggart, again not a shred of evidence. Then we go to an actual sexual predator Billdo Clinton, and his accomplice Hildabeast, who attempted to destroy all the women who were actually assaulted. Billdo lied about it and was impeached for it, but he gets a pass. Libtards then voted by the millions to bring him back into power as the "first man" and his criminal wife Hildabeast as the President. So in the stark reallity, Demorats are just fine with known sexual predators being in the highest offices of power, as long as it's a Demorat. What a load of hypocrites. Then I could go into the libtard cesspool of Hollyweird with all the big screen gun violence and Weinsteins actual sexual crimes, all "friends" of the Clinton Crime Syndicate. I will let that one go for now, as the charges and convictions are still pending.

I look forward to more of your twisted "facts" Wonder Mutt, one line at a time again I would surmise.
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Is it just me, or does Moores cowboy had look small...or is that just because he was packing a manly Derringer? I dunno....this picture reminds me of a little kid playing cowboys and indians

Not that you would know, that's not a Derringer KCFrier. Most Derringers have two barrels. Maybe the asshat Freddy could give him some tips on wearing fur cowboy hats for race pimpin. Maybe you could dress up as Pocahontas and play with his toy gun, since you think it's unmanly. Don't look down the barrel though.

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Not that you would know, that's not a Derringer KCFrier. Most Derringers have two barrels. Maybe the asshat Freddy could give him some tips on wearing fur cowboy hats for race pimpin. Maybe you could dress up as Pocahontas and play with his toy gun, since you think it's unmanly. Don't look down the barrel though.

So I don't know my Derringers. That doesn't stop the fact that he looks silly with that "gun" he is holding. I had a Daisy CO2 pellet gun that looked far more "manly" that that thing he is holding up. Maybe Lolitas like big men with little guns though.
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lolita huh?? lmao if he was a democrat you and your lefty cohorts would be lined up saying innocent till proven guilty and you know it.
actually come think of it you wouldn't have because a thread likely would have never been started about a democrat
lolita huh?? lmao if he was a democrat you and your lefty cohorts would be lined up saying innocent till proven guilty and you know it.
actually come think of it you wouldn't have because a thread likely would have never been started about a democrat

But you would have.
Mean while, one liners go over Hack's head, a bunch of one-liners woven together go over Hack's head, maybe that head needs to be in a higher place.
Both sides suck and use dirty tricks to attack each other.
Billery's email fiasco that ended in nothing.
Wish we had someone with integrity to vote for, for a change.
This new lady seems credible, but really, this was how many years ago was this.
A DemoRat lady wears a cowboy hat and is ridiculed, but a RepubliRat wearing 'cowboy' clothes and is given a pass. Really, how many cowboys does Bama have?
I lived in Bama for 3 years and never seen one except in a bar.

He he he.....Sessions is going to pop the cork on the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

Fed Judge on the Fusion GPS colluded with GPS and helped them seal their bank statements from Congress.....Her higher ups forced her to recuse herself.....now the Judge, Robert Leon, who's been slapping State around over dragging their asses on releasing HRC emails is in the driver seat.