US Air Readies for Court Fight With Union
The pilots didn't strike, the mechanics did. And no, I for one am not ready to cut off my nose to spite my face. I am still hopeful that CWA will give us something to vote on; I don't understand how some of my co-workers can think we're better off going to the judge, and no one has been able to give me a valid reason that supports their belief.----------------
On 8/29/2002 5:44:53 PM
hmmm... what year was it the pilots struck, '92??? the Fa's caused chaos??'2000? Any other labor actions I forgot?I guess it's everyone elses turn to sweat their careers and livelihoods out, now that they got their snapbacks and pensions protected, and see how mechs and cwa grab seagull by the no-nads and/or bring the entire company down with a walkout both unions. I am ready..are the rest of you?
On 8/29/2002 5:44:53 PM
hmmm... what year was it the pilots struck, '92??? the Fa's caused chaos??'2000? Any other labor actions I forgot?I guess it's everyone elses turn to sweat their careers and livelihoods out, now that they got their snapbacks and pensions protected, and see how mechs and cwa grab seagull by the no-nads and/or bring the entire company down with a walkout both unions. I am ready..are the rest of you?