US Airways employee travel and zed benefits


Jul 12, 2011
Hi everyone,
I just recently started with US airways and I was wondering how are the zed pass benefits on southwest airlines and united airlines such as price for the pass.
Also I wanted to know the non rev employee price on intentional travel on Us airways. I know domestic is free if space available.

Thank You in advance.
I don't get my log in till monday

Both United and Southwest are Zed low carriers...which means we get the lowest price. International travel is free as far as the airfare goes but you do pay tax...and that can vary quite a bit depending on the destination.....Italy for exanple is only around $40 round trip whereas England and Germany are around $140-$150 or so.
Both United and Southwest are Zed low carriers...which means we get the lowest price. International travel is free as far as the airfare goes but you do pay tax...and that can vary quite a bit depending on the destination.....Italy for exanple is only around $40 round trip whereas England and Germany are around $140-$150 or so.

All depends on what the country taxes Americans. Mexico is about $65, Brazil is around $180.

Its nice to have a second passport! :lol:
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Both United and Southwest are Zed low carriers...which means we get the lowest price. International travel is free as far as the airfare goes but you do pay tax...and that can vary quite a bit depending on the destination.....Italy for exanple is only around $40 round trip whereas England and Germany are around $140-$150 or so.

Thanks... So there is no flat rate on southwest or united because when I use to work at fedex it was 70 for southwest to go anywhere.
Thanks... So there is no flat rate on southwest or united because when I use to work at fedex it was 70 for southwest to go anywhere.
Southwest used to be flat rate, it is now ZED. There are only a handful or airlines that are flat rate anymore and none are major domestic airlines.
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Also does anyone how much it cost to upgrade to first class on flight that has an open seat.
Not to bust your bubble. But..........a lot of carriers require minimum service, ie:3 to 6 months service, so once you get on wings check out eligibility.

It is a great benefit! Have fun..........
Speaking of ZED fares, a couple of OAL agreements have gone from service charge to ZED. Soutwest and jetBlue, which had been a flat $25 (or maybe $30) fee are now ZL (low ZED). Yes, it does save a few dollars on short hops, but makes long hauls pricier. Anyone know of any others that have changed?
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Not to bust your bubble. But..........a lot of carriers require minimum service, ie:3 to 6 months service, so once you get on wings check out eligibility.

It is a great benefit! Have fun..........
You mean zed is 3-6 months? or employee travel on us airways is 3-6 months?
I know zed is 3- 6months because that what is says in the travel guide.