VP Real Estate


Oct 6, 2002
Is this a new VP position? Surely, with all the real estate holdings required to run an airline, it would be typical to have a position like that. So, this Duane Herndon is new. How big is that Real Estate Department? Are they in charge of all the leases? or are they handled mostly by lawyers? I see that Mr. Herndon is an attorney.

Just curious? I''ve always thought that real estate and architectural issues are important to the flying experience. You want to be able to get to your aircraft easily and maybe feel like flying is more than just getting around.
I trust you jest.

Dave has made it perfectly clear via the PIT debacle that _it does not matter_ what you think of the terminal or the non-flying experience, since you, as the pax, won''t pay more (duh, since you don''t care!).

So, I''d imagine this guy is handling leases and the like.
The VP of Real Estate position is not new. C Stipanik previously held the position, DELETED
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On 5/20/2003 10:38:29 PM ClueByFour wrote:

So, I''d imagine this guy is handling leases and the like.


I would expect as much..... leases and terms are very important to the airline tenant, the airport sponsor AND the Feds. Other interests often get involved, too.

It''s just that the ''building and grounds'' part is more fun. When I''m supposed to be pouring over a stack of lease and use documents to find the real balance of interests.... I find myself going back over the Airport Layout Plan of Terminal Map. Once an architecture major...

But it''s true that the terms of a lease are connected to the pax experience of the terminal.

Anyway, leases.... facilities... design.... all important.

I, like PineyBob, don't necessarily think this is the right statement to make. The delays were, in many ways, out of the realm of a VP of Real Estate. One of the major delays of A-West was a result of new security rules put in place in the wake of 9/11. Since the plans were finalized and ground broken well before 9/11/01, some of the delays couldn't have possibly been forseen. Then, of course, you have to deal with the city of Phila. who owns and manages the whole joint.
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On 5/21/2003 9:10:43 PM skyguy wrote:

The VP of Real Estate position is not new. C Stipanik previously held the position.


So, you think he might be looking for a job in the area of airport business issues, including airport revenue, access and lease issues? What about other folk who have experience in the ''airport lease and use'' area, but have been made ''redundent'' at U? Any suggestions?