War, Gas Increase, Accident...what do you think?


Jan 28, 2003
When Dave was conducting his around the system tour and giving his speech regarding the future of our company he made several interesting comments. (You remember, the tours that the company spend big bucks on that was conducted in expense buildings- but should have been held in company owned/leased hangers)Anyway, He stated that should there be another 9/11, gas price increase, or an accident he will shut US down. Well, unfornutately two of these issues have happened, and the war is pending. How do you think this will affect US? Any opinions, theories, rumors?
Regulation is not the answer. Companies then let costs go out of control, ask for a fare increase and pass it on to the flying public. Just out of curiosity, U had some of the highest costs in the industry, but when was the last time U made a profit? Then I ask when was the last time U made a profit 2 years in a row? 3? 4? 5? Maybe some of the givebacks should have happened long ago instead of take, take, take. Does that make any sense to anyone? I'm not trying to pick a fight just wondering. Savy
The fact of the matter is when Seth terminated the then ununionized customer service, ramp, and administrative personal pension plans in 1991, It was a weak attempt to fix what was then known as an ill suited merger of three profitable airlines. He did not have the rocks to take on the unions and in effect created two classes of employees, Unionized employees with full benifits, and unuinized employees demorilized and treated as second class citizens. This has greatly contributed to the demize of Usairways. Usairways would be strong today if Seth had taken this airline into BK then and done what Dave is doing today, and every employee should enjoy exactly the same benifits, on the same page. Give the employees without a pension plan a pension, or put ALL employees with a defined benifit pension plan in the same shoes we stept into in 1991. This is post 9/11 and that is the only way ANY of us is going to have a future in this industry.
The "take,take,take" came from management (Wolf/Gangwal). Every time labor gave W/G got 26 million dollar bonus.
The last good news I heard was "Piedmont is going to London".
Been a nightmare since...
No concern at all. Every word out of daves mouth has been a lie. This company will not liquidate under any circumstance.
We're doomed. If your career hasn't been ruined, like mine. The bell tolls for you soon. Until the government brings sensible regulation to the airline industry, there is no hope for ever finding a stable career that pays decently in this industry. The destruction has only begun and the only people standing in the end will be Siegel, Wolf and the others who we "gave" for. The only people who will benefit from your concessions will be those greedy executives.

The worst is still ahead. Months of unemployment await you all and eventually the unemployment checks will stop and the only jobs available in aviation, for the lucky few, will be pumping AvGas at the local FBO for minimum wage. The closest most of us will ever see of aviation again will be working in the Chick Fil A or Starbucks franchise in the terminal.
On 1/28/2003 7:47:20 PM wannacareer wrote:

When Dave was conducting his around the system tour and giving his speech regarding the future of our company he made several interesting comments. (You remember, the tours that the company spend big bucks on that was conducted in expense buildings- but should have been held in company owned/leased hangers)Anyway, He stated that should there be another 9/11, gas price increase, or an accident he will shut US down. Well, unfornutately two of these issues have happened, and the war is pending. How do you think this will affect US? Any opinions, theories, rumors?
i think you are overlooking the obvious.....when dave was doing the roadie thing,we were still seeking DIP financing and lining up creditor support.what we had in the bank was all we had at the time.if something would have happened then yes it would be'goodnite irene'...but things have changed finacially quite dramatically since then.based on these changes to us we now have more headroom than 4 months ago.