What you fail to grasp


I also have a problem with Chip comaparing "apples to oranges". His comparisons are not relevant in my opinion. But his opinion holds as much water as yours or mine. Agree or disagree he does provide a great number of interesting posts.

This problem will be solved when Dave understands the foolishness of what he is attempting. The sad thing is that at the start, I thought we finally had someone with Kelleher's mentality in charge here. Now it is apparent that he is just like the rest. That is sad. He obviously doesn't understand tat the most important asset of this (or any) company is the employees. What they don't teach at Harvard is more important that what they do. BTW, Kelleher hates Harvard. He told me so to my face.

Have faith that the pilots will do what is right when Dave does. You can count on that. But our limit has been reached. If he doesn't understand that I truly believe this company is toast. And that too is sad. And this has nothing to do with you and the thousands of other professionals whom I admire and enjoy working with daily. Isn't it a shame we can't admire Dave Seigel and his minions? This fight is between Dave and us. It is a true shame you all may get caught in the crossfire.

Mr Planes. I DO NOT have a problem with Pilots or Doctors getting paid more for what they do. Yes management has gotten us into this mess, however they have been pushed along by the most powerfull union on the property. My problem is with Chip and his almighty attitude. He tells me and my group how we should act but when the company pulls the same crap with his group then it's a problem. I do agree that if I ran my company they way that Upper Management has run US for the last several years, I would have been out of Business years ago. Remember that if we don't work together, there is going to be no work.
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On 2/24/2003 7:30:32 AM Hope777 wrote:

T-Bone, Chip gets it. It is just the Pilots Mentality.


To suggest that Chip and pilots have the same mentality is not a good way to start out any position if you wish to have credibility. Almost all pilots are bewildered that some people accept Chip as the self-appointed “pilot spokesmanâ€(if not by legitimate means, then by shear volume of spam). Most pilots, while recognizing Chip as a likable enough guy at the “pubâ€, have often vehemently reject his views on Management

$crew the rest of the employees for me,me,me.

And for whose benefit are you demanding that Pilots make further donations? Management is the only one who will benefit. If pilots believed that further concessions were necessary they would give them. But they (and you) have more than adequate evidence that Management has, shall we say, won the snout contest with Pinocchio.

They didn't care years ago when THEY got paid durring the maintenance strike or the pay for sitting home when we parked the F100's.

Who decided to park planes and forgo the revenue, knowing full well what their own contract required? Could it be Management?


And lets not forget about the RJ scope which has put this company in the corprate disadvantage it is in today.


How many airlines have been profitable every year? I’ll give you a hint. They don’t have one express plane. Not one. And if they don’t have any RJs or props, how can they make a profit? (I’ll give you a hint. Their Management is not spending all its efforts figuring out how to get one group of employees to demand that another group of fellow employees give up money so they can keep their job.)

I honestly don't know who is worse, Chip(and his ALPA buddies) or Dave.

As I said earlier, Chip and ALPA should not be regarded as synonyms. And as far as Chip and Dave, perhaps there have been times when you could call them synonyms. However, I came to the conclusion that actions in ignorance are excusable, while premeditation...

One thing I still don't understand is how Chip didn’t get fired over the Editorial he wrote for the Charlotte Observer saying how the CSA and FLEET are going to bring down the company.

Chip’s CLT Observer Editorial absolutely enraged many employees (and [b]especially[/b] pilots. Because most pilots supported you and were livid that Chip would undermine another unions efforts.) I think it is pretty obvious why he did not get fired. It is simply because pilots do not hire and fire. [b]Management[/b] does. And [b]Management[/b] could not have bought an editorial that furthered their cause more effectively. Why would they fire him? They were thinking about promoting him!

Well, this time I guess its going to be the pilot group but hell, they got us into this position anyway.

Where did you ever get that Idea? Do you still need a hint? [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/7.gif']

If nothing changes, expect nothing to change.
Zephyr, let me apologize,I was fool enough to believe Chip's opinions represented the majority.
So sorry.

Good luck with your pension fight. I believe the majority of maitenence personal (albeit silent majority) are on you side.
On 2/23/2003 1:03:25 AM chipmunn wrote:


Stew said: With all the givebacks the entire employee groups have given back and the $$ from GE, do we really need the 200 million from B? That seems to be a pittance for all we are giving up. Can't we get rid of that L**CH. I am asking you because you seem to have some information that isn't shared with the rest of us.

Chip comments: Stew, today I saw the company's financial data, cash flow target, and liquidity situation and it isn't pretty. I wish there was another way around the financing requirements, but there is not.

US missed its public debt payment on Thursday because cash is tight; therefore, there must be a successful resolution to the pilot pension problem to permit the release of the final DIP payment, loan guarantee, and equity investment or the airline will likely liquidate before the end of March.

The good news is that the company anticipates reaching agreement on these payments during the 10 business-day cure period allowed for these payments, the company has changed its pilot pension plan termination petition, and RSA told the court there are potentially other ways to satisfy the final DIP investment conditions, other than to terminate the pilots’ pension plan.

[/blockquote]Thanks for the response Chip, I doubt that they will shut down...this baby is a cash cow....but let me ask you this...How did the bank release money to Gangwal, Wolf and Nagin if it was not approved?...35 million???? and we did the retro give backs? If they shut it down...I have no guilt about trying to help...I just hope my next employer is not like this bunch of....fill in the blanks. Just Disgusted...is there no more hunmanity?

Messrs. Wolf, Gangwal, and Nagin receiving $35 million just prior to the airline filing bankruptcy. US Airways' management has not sought to recover these payments even though by law the airline is permitted to obtain these monies.

On 2/25/2003 7:06:17 AM Hope777 wrote:

So Chip, since you are in the know,we isn't the company seeking this $35 Million back?

Well, you know... A deal's a deal! A contract is a contract! We must respect these hallowed covenants!
(hee hee....)

But seriously, I think it's quite clear: Upper management takes care of their own kind and pass the buck to those who actually do the work around here.

At least as far as they can get away with. The limits are resistance from those who do the work (such as the pilots are presenting) and embarassing public exposure (a la Enron). We'll see where this goes.

$35 million is a lot of clams. More than some of the smaller labor groups were forced to cough up over the next 7 years!


Hope777 asked: So Chip, since you are in the know,we isn't the company seeking this $35 Million back?

Chip answers: Hope, why do you think Siegel is not trying to retrieve these payments, which were board authorized? Whose the Chairman of the Board?

Nonetheless, expect moren ews on this issue in the future.


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