Which Airline has the best Rewards program?

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kind of begs the question of what airlines exist for - to give seats away as awards to get people to fly them or to maximize revenues.

Seems to me that a profit-oriented business exists to generate the best returns for its owners which probably DOES NOT entail giving away seats if it can make more money actually selling them.

surprisingly, there is only ONE US airline that beats all of the others in yield - and it isn't WN.
WorldTraveler said:
kind of begs the question of what airlines exist for - to give seats away as awards to get people to fly them or to maximize revenues.
Sounds like a major case of sour grapes to me 'just because a the story doesn't fit somebody's dreams of DL grandeur.
And ofcourse he would write this, failing to note that DL is #2 in giving seats away.
Kind of a trying to get the spec out of your brothers eye while ignoring the log in your own eye.
I would be interested to see what the totals were if the international seat award tickets were added to the totals for DL, UA and AA.
INHO the article also makes a good point about redeeming miles on routes with cheap fares.  I almost exclusively redeem the miles I accumulate for international seats, since for the places I tend to go to the international fares are at least 5X more expensive than the US segments that I fly.
For profit companies don't vie for who can give away the most product.

They vie to increase revenues.

Rarely does giving away your product increase your revenue unless the only way to keep passengers loyal is by giving away product.

Companies that can make more money selling their product without giving away generate better returns for the company.
WorldTraveler said:
For profit companies don't vie for who can give away the most product.
Perhaps that's why since DL profit in 1Q was lower than AA because they gave away more seats.
Ooops, sorry to ruin your dream of DL grandeur with facts.
no, DL hedged fuel while AA did not.

nothing more.

DL generated more revenue per seat than AA did.

only you would take a swipe at something and be so incredibly wrong.
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