WIFI Comes to US Airways!

Porno on airplanes happens more than you would think. Most people are fairly discreet, but you will get the occasional person holding up and looking at the centerfold. And, I've seen several x-rated movies on a personal computer, as well as x-rated photos.

As you say, most are discrete.

Also, as you point out, there are X-rated movies/videos resident in the memory of some folks' computers already. How would a software block on the WiFi connection help that? How would the software block on the WiFi connection keep the occasional dweeb from opening up the centerfold of a nudie magazine? (Rhetorical questions not necessarily directed at you.)

Short answer: It won't help.

Then why be concerned at all with internet porn on the airplanes?
For 15 years now, every time the internet has been introduced to a new venue, the concern about Junior seeing random pr0n gets trotted out. Thankfully, there are not many places left that are internet-free, so maybe this will finally go away.

Hey, maybe pr0n will help someone forget they’re flying US.
I'm sure you know my point. Porn is porn no matter what the medium. I have never heard of any complaint pre-internet, or even today, of a passenger pulling out a pornographic magazine in flight and causing consternation among other passengers.

Why would one assume that, just because it's on a computer, that porn would suddenly become a problem for inflight comportment?

It happens. Trust me, I've personally had to address it. With children seated nearby. In my cases, magazine porn.
Gogo will initially be installed on US Airways A321 aircraft, flying select domestic routes. A map detailing those routes can be found at www.usairways.com. And later next year, customers will be able to see if Wi-Fi is available on a specific flight by looking for the Wi-Fi icon while booking their flight on usairways.com.

I love how the written propaganda for this stuff says "select domestic routes," but the route map that goes along with it shows the service available to and from CUN. Typical attention to detail.
What do you all suppose the chance are of this going fleetwide?

Of course for the great many US customers who never set foot on mainline metal that wont make a bit of difference.
By reducing the opportunity for boorish behavior?

Wrong. Someone who is a boor in respect to porn will have it on the airplane and display it indiscriminately whether it's available online or not. He (she?) will simply load it ahead of time, or buy it at the newsstand.

Boors will act boorishly whether they have WiFi or not.