You can run, but you can't hide.


Jul 27, 2006
We have known that the turnover rate of scabs that are working on aircraft at nwa has been noticable at times. What we have to realize is that these low-lifes should not for one second think that just because they left nwa, they are no longer a scab. I think a thread should be maintained letting everyone know where these creatins decide to slither after their tenure at nwa is ended. I will start if off by letting everyone know that scab rudi crebel has surfaced at Pemco world aviation services down at Dothan, Alabama. If you didn't hear the story, after rudi scabbed at nwa, he was caught napping while at nwa on midnights. Well he was given a one way ticket out, see you later. I am wondering if the good folks at Pemco know the whole story...If anyone has any other sightings, do not hesitate to let everyone know....
..." I am wondering if the good folks at Pemco know the whole story...If anyone has any other sightings, do not hesitate to let everyone know...."
Hey Slothman, you gotta learn the tool bar over head. The "you can run, but you can't hide" guy Rudi Crebel needs to be emphasized. The scab from Cleveland. And know it all. :down:
Anyway, good luck on your new position Sloth! :up:
"you can run, but you can't hide" guy Rudi Crebel

You just have to make sure the SCAB is not X-AA otherwise the AA/TWU Grandstand Cheerleaders will cry foul. If the AA boys ever went on strike they wouldn't have to worry about Outhouse Scabs crossing their picket line because every one of them would cross their own the very net day. AA operations wouldn't miss a beat.

For example: EWF is currently working for Precise Machine in Tulsa, Ok. I hear that they do a lot of work for AA. See how them AA Lackies welcome Scabs into their Backdoors? :lol:
I very highly doubt that you scabster will ever see a day where those worthless POS scabsters will step foot on AA property. Keep dreamin even though it wont ever materialize for you.