2015 Pilot Discussion.

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Claxon said:
In full fairness to that poor, permanent child in his tres elegant "Army of Leonidas" T-shirt...well, I did have to agree with one line/question = "What kind of freak show is this?"...Not that the west's/"sparta's" collective videos alone haven't always begged that same question.
Congratulations to the West reps in their latest update from the fishbowl...

They are adamant that a contract is a contract (and everyone should abide by it, like it or not)..

"The simple fact of the matter: NOW IT IS CONTRACTUAL- it’s not just a GOOD IDEA, it is the CONTRACT."

They now fancy themselves to be the nemesis of Dominos pizza delivery (the NOID) because folks might want their pizza in 30minutes or it's free, but that ain't the contract...American might want a reserve pilot at the airport in 2 hours, Amercan might want an ETA.. but it ain't in the contract...

Oh the irony.. Spartans may want the Nic, but it ain't in the contract.
Well, that didn't take long. Thanks for being that special kind of jack-wagon we've all cone to expect. Karma, it's not just a breakfast cereal.
Wonder what you will rant about after March/April when this is all over? You don't know what the BOA is going to do. They do not have to use the NIC, but they might, and you have little to no recourse if it doesn't go your way.
Time to move on.​
Phoenix said:
Congratulations to the West reps in their latest update from the fishbowl...

They are adamant that a contract is a contract (and everyone should abide by it, like it or not)..

"The simple fact of the matter: NOW IT IS CONTRACTUAL- it’s not just a GOOD IDEA, it is the CONTRACT."

They now fancy themselves to be the nemesis of Dominos pizza delivery (the NOID) because folks might want their pizza in 30minutes or it's free, but that ain't the contract...American might want a reserve pilot at the airport in 2 hours, Amercan might want an ETA.. but it ain't in the contract...

Oh the irony.. Spartans may want the Nic, but it ain't in the contract.
Sorry, the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list applicable to all LCC pilots. Oh, and it is still very much in the contract.
By contract I mean the MOU.  Take another look, the Nic is in there!
cactusboy53 said:
Well, that didn't take long. Thanks for being that special kind of jack-wagon we've all cone to expect. Karma, it's not just a breakfast cereal.
"Karma,"?..Seriously kid? Don't forget the Tooth Fairy and at least the Easter bunny as well while "you'se" are it. I'll back off after that. I'd hate to risk irritating any "spartan soldiers"....Grow Up.
EastUS1 said:
"Karma,"?..Seriously kid? Don't forget the Tooth Fairy and at least the Easter bunny as well while "you'se" are it. I'll back off after that. I'd hate to risk irritating any "spartan soldiers"....Grow Up.
Karma is very real thing, Gramps. Let's just see if she knows where you live.
nic4us said:
Sorry, the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list applicable to all LCC pilots. Oh, and it is still very much in the contract.
By contract I mean the MOU.  Take another look, the Nic is in there!
You are looking at the tattoo on the inside of your eyelids, again.

The BOA is free to do whatever they want (and probably have already made up their mind).

The BOA decision is a total mystery. Anyone who pretends otherwise is high.
cactusboy53 said:
Karma is very real thing, Gramps. Let's just see if she knows where you live.
Sigh....Little "spartan" punk? Should you EVER personally grow even the slightest excuse for a spine with which to want to inflict "karma" on me; How about start with accepting even a recreational flying wager for at least a few grand? "if she knows where you live" isn't any issue here, as you're called out to publicly demonstrate your vast "skills" aloft for all the world to see on permanent video record, same as always before.  No doubt that all of us could use a good laugh here.  Otherwise?...Just kiss my arse kid. "Curiouser and curiouser" though...a "battle"-tested "spartan" "knight"/whatever can't even "man up" to take on a "Gramps"?...Seriously? Po' widdle child hasta' leave all such matters to "karma"...or maybe the Easter Bunny/whatever instead? Most impressive indeed.
Umm...I "promise" I'll lay awake at night in fear of PHX "karma"...Feel better now?
"Karma is very real thing, Gramps." EIther grow up out of your infantile fantasies, or otherwise properly instruct the whole world on video record as the the true validity of your childish fantasies. For myself?....Having far fewer friends in Fantasyland than you clearly do...well....I could well be stuck with just "Tigger" as a Second. I do realize that "you'se" might well bring a "war veteran", even "dire wolf" the likes of your "cap'n aux", but I will still take my chances. ;)
As always; thanks for the dependable laughs..."soldier".
cactusboy53 said:
Karma is very real thing, Gramps. Let's just see if she knows where you live.
I'll leave it to the readers to decide: What's it truly say about this supposed "man's" (more laughably even "Pilot's")...umm..."character" that "he" could only ever "threaten" another with nothing more than childish fantasies?
Why is it every PHX update seems to come across as whinny? They seem to extol their own ingratiating, undying loyalty to all things company (they are poster boys for Doug), and they continuously lament the unrequited love.

It seems they find it so tough to be the unacknowledged Prima Donna.
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