2015 Pilot Discussion.

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O...Im so sorry that your only connection to the aviation world is now thru this forum and attacking me ....

"The aviation world" is far larger than you sadly imagine and I'm still in my last stage of airline nonsense regardless. You truly are an unimaginative and utterly clueless buffoon, but at least you have the combined benefits of no spine and nothing more than a big mouth to offer.

"I think your personal attacks are a bit juvenile" is particularly pithy, especially coming from some "clown that likes to hide behind keyboards and monitors."

"None of you have the balls to say any of this garbage to me personally as you hide like little rodents behind the safety of a keyboard and screen." Sigh...PM if interested in wager terms and scheduling arrangements. Such would be within an essentially safe and even tourist-friendly environment that routinely provides faux "fighter fantasy" encounters...but with a bit longer leash than usual. Just think of what a great "Star" you could forever after be on internet video while fully showing your vast flying "skills" to the whole world. Heck, you might get bragging rights for the duration of your career to "impress" your coworkers with, given that the internet never forgets. I am of course seriously concerned by your hollow-chested-thumping though: "I laugh at you man as you simply have no idea about who I am or where I have been." Even with that, well...somehow, I'm still willing to take my chances against you aloft. "you simply have no idea about who I am or where I have been"? So show me.

Thanks for yet another issuance of the always dependable laughs boy. ;)
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"The aviation world" is far larger than you sadly imagine and I'm still in my last stage of airline nonsense regardless. You truly are an unimaginative and utterly clueless buffoon, but at least you have the combined benefits of no spine and nothing more than a big mouth to offer.

"I think your personal attacks are a bit juvenile" is particularly pithy, especially coming from some "clown that likes to hide behind keyboards and monitors."

"None of you have the balls to say any of this garbage to me personally as you hide like little rodents behind the safety of a keyboard and screen." Sigh...PM if interested in wager terms and scheduling arrangements. Such would be within an essentially safe and even tourist-friendly environment that routinely provides faux "fighter fantasy" encounters...but with a bit longer leash than usual. Just think of what a great "Star" you could forever after be on internet video while fully showing your vast flying "skills" to the whole world. Heck, you might get bragging rights for the duration of your career to "impress" your coworkers with, given that the internet never forgets. I am of course seriously concerned by your hollow-chested-thumping though: "I laugh at you man as you simply have no idea about who I am or where I have been." Even with that, well...somehow, I'm still willing to take my chances against you aloft. "you simply have no idea about who I am or where I have been"? So show me.

Thanks for yet another issuance of the always dependable laughs boy. ;)
Oh no I know exactly who you are. The same idiot that challenges everyone on this forum to some sort of skills of flying contest. I have often wondered just how you would pull this off and how would a winner even be determined. I am more than willing to meet you in fact I always arrive early grab my Dunkin coffee and relax before my trans Atlantic flights.

Say the word lil man and we can make it happen. Not sure about the whole video thing but hey if you feel you need t capture the encounter on video be my guest.
I have often wondered just how you would pull this off and how would a winner even be determined.

It's been previously explained many times over the AWA vs East years. Scoring is done automatically. Again; PM if actually interested in wager details and scheduling. I suggest a minimum wager of $5k-10k to allow for at least some level of serious interest. I see no rational basis to hold trust in your "honor" so funds would be deposited to an agreed on third party institution for immediate disbursement after the event is completed. Running your mouth in typical fashion fails to impress and a good amount of detailed discussion would be required. Your being "Not sure about the whole video thing" fails to surprise since such things last forever and the fear of being a potential laughing stock the remainder of your career/"life" is a consideration, but is part and parcel of the wager terms.
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It's been previously explained many times over the AWA vs East years. Scoring is done automatically. Again; PM if actually interested in wager details and scheduling. I suggest a minimum wager of $5k-10k to allow for at least some level of serious interest. I see no rational basis to hold trust in your "honor" so funds would be deposited to an agreed on third party institution for immediate disbursement after the event is completed. Running your mouth in typical fashion fails to impress and a good amount of detailed discussion would be required. Your being "Not sure about the whole video thing" fails to surprise since such things last forever and the fear of being a potential laughing stock the remainder of your career/"life" is a consideration, but is part and parcel of the wager terms.

Ok so let me see if I have this correct. You wish to place a wager upon which of us is the better pilot and the scoring is done somehow automatically. Does this about sum it up?
Ok so let me see if I have this correct. You wish to place a wager upon which of us is the better pilot and the scoring is done somehow automatically. Does this about sum it up?

PM if ever seriously interested in wager details and scheduling. You otherwise simply serve to bore me.
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PM if ever seriously interested in wager details and scheduling.

Hey man I just find it rather amusing is all because there is really no way to do this other than something like the Reno air races. I mean you can not honestly expect to play this game in a transport cat aircraft, can you? Oh man its worth the PM just to hear the details of nothing else.
Hey man I just find it rather amusing is all because there is really no way to do this other than something like the Reno air races. I mean you can not honestly expect to play this game in a transport cat aircraft, can you? Oh man its worth the PM just to hear the details of nothing else.

"I mean you can not honestly expect to play this game in a transport cat aircraft, can you?" No I don't. What did you have in mind, perhaps renting a couple of Airbii and seeing just how fast we put them on autopilot or what? See the below links...I mean you DO at least pretend to be some even slight/sorry excuse for a "Pilot"....Right? You perhaps DO have some understanding that the term "Pilot" generally supposes that one can actually FLY aircraft? Don't forget your earlier: "I laugh at you man as you simply have no idea about who I am or where I have been." Again: "So show me"...? I can suggest several venues wherein the wager would be perfectly workable...unless of course you pathetically offer yourself up as not even anything possibly more than a "transport cat" supposed...Umm...."Pilot"/30 degrees max bank/etc on even your best day ever? I rather doubt you've full understanding of even the very term "Pilot" but you are of course welcome to show both myself and literally the whole world the full error of my notions there. A gentle suggestion for your future "life" whenever mindlessly fantasizing you're "All that and bag of chips too" is to at least have so much as even a single "chip" to actually offer, which you clearly do NOT. Per your "Hey man I just find it rather amusing.."? I wish I could say the same, but I find even your very employment as even a laughably supposed "Pilot" at ANY airline utterly disgusting and simply a VERY sad testimony to these sorry times.

P.S. Per your: "Hey man I just find it rather amusing.."? You want a real example of "amusing"? Let's examine this extract from your home page: "A330PYLUT "I was told that I have to do some WB flying before I upgrade and Im happy I took their advice. Jul 13, 2017" Gasp!...A "widebody" must naturally somehow intimidate?...Seriously? ;) Even just within purely the "Autopilot 1 or Autopilot 2 On" world of yours, shall we now revisit your earlier oral flatulence: "I laugh at you man as you simply have no idea about who I am or where I have been."...? I've every fair idea of just exactly who and what you are and where you've been = Nobody and Nowhere worth even the time of day outside of your hopefully wagered funds. Per your: "None of you have the balls to say any of this garbage to me personally as you hide like little rodents behind the safety of a keyboard and screen."? Your choice here to "hide like" some "little rodent behind the safety of a keyboard and screen" and only laughably fantasize you have "balls"....or not. So what's it to be punk? I've seen NOTHING more than infantile arrogance and mindless/spineless keyboard droolings from your both pathetic and disgusting sort for over a full decade now.....So? Finally step up and show myself and the whole world just what you've actually got to offer as a "PYLT"...? ;)


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Here is one area where Ray has no competition. Truly in a class by himself.

Indeed, and just when I'd thought the AWA "Army" of infantilely self-styled-supposed "Spartans" had finally offered up their last laughs to us all. ;)
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I am more than willing to meet you in fact I always arrive early grab my Dunkin coffee and relax before my trans Atlantic flights.

We may have found the culprit behind Ray's mystifying episodes of unhinged, berserk behavior. A reduction in caffeine intake might work wonders in calming the mind's reaction to mundane stimuli such as a jammed door lock.

Just a suggestion.
We may have found the culprit behind Ray's mystifying episodes of unhinged, berserk behavior. A reduction in caffeine intake might work wonders in calming the mind's reaction to mundane stimuli such as a jammed door lock.

Just a suggestion.

Hmm...Might be due to an excess of sugar as well. Some doughnuts might pack a heavy punch there.
The Spartan Army

Chowderhead Johnny Mac

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