2015 Pilot Discussion.

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Looks like Rays' west pals cannot stop denying jumpseats. They denied an east pilot, who needed to get to work over Thanksgiving.
As a result, the denied pilot was put on the next flight, and a non rev going home for the holiday was stuck in PHX.
Capt. Rocco and F/O Mihailovic are going to have a difficult time getting the jumpseat in the future.
Ray and his pals are a vindictive lot.

Just saw the update, these guys will never ride my jumpseat, I’m also going have a hard time letting any west pilot on my jumpseat out of PHX even though that’s not really fair.
Just saw the update, these guys will never ride my jumpseat, I’m also going have a hard time letting any west pilot on my jumpseat out of PHX even though that’s not really fair.

I fully understand your feelings there sir, especially after long ago being denied a ride home from a fine vacation from a smirking widdle "spartan" while my significant other rode home on a paid ticket. My inept defense to her afterwards was that I'd foolishly imagined all rumors of the west's infantile idiocy to be incredible, but I'll still stick with the idea that we should always conduct ourselves decently and professionally....and leave any/all denials/childish nonsense to the "children" instead. In fairness to the PHX folks, their FA's onboard spoiled her rotten and were profusely apologetic about their "captain's" infantile behavior.

It should be noted that I was literally in the process of shaking the "man's" hand while introducing myself and requesting a ride on the jetway when "he" smirkingly removed "his" hand and denied me the ride, based purely on the queston of "Where are you based?" I'll confess I've always wanted to meet some/ANY absurdly self-styled "spartan soldier"/"battle"-tested-"knight" aloft in wagered challenge since that time. Given the true nature of such infantile jokes-of-"men" none came forward in even 10 full years to grant my wish there, their last such "soldier"/"PYLT" here heroically deleting his "App" instead...but I'll never deny any even laughably supposed "fellow pilot" a ride myself. Regardless of how distasteful it can sometimes be a man lives by his principles or not. No gain is had by sinking to the disgustingly childish behavior level of a former foe, especially after the contest has been settled...Just saying.
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Capt. Rocco and F/O Mihailovic are going to have a difficult time getting the jumpseat in the future.
Ray and his pals are a vindictive lot.

I wonder if Rocco calls herself "Pitbull." :D

In all seriousness, Rocco is well known to management pilots and not in a good way. A total *uck-up and dumb as a brick. If we didn't have a union, she would have been bounced years ago.
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OMG! "Captain" Rocco is not just a pilot. She is also a highly distinguished attorney. Read on.

AZ State Lawyer Additional Information: More About: Ms. Tania Elena Rocco, Educated at Arizona Summit Law School, admitted to practice in 2014, admitted to the State Bar of Arizona September 9, 2014.

You'll never guess who her law partner is:

Another legal savant:

Polygraph Statement of Mr. Mark C. Doyal
I had always wanted to be an FBI agent. With that singular goal in mind, I enrolled in Southwest Texas State University in the fall of 1988. My major was Law Enforcement with a minor in Economics. I graduated in December 1990 and I took the written FBI exam that next January. I passed and was scheduled for an interview in March of 1991. The interview went great and I achieved a perfect score. However, the FBI determined that I needed more experience and informed me to re-apply in two years. I immediately took the Law School Admissions Test and applied to South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas. I was excepted for the class beginning in January 1991. I was fortunate in that I was able to obtain employment on a full time basis with the Harris County District Attorney's Office - Economic Crime Division. I remember my new boss asking me after he interviewed me what I planned on achieving with a law career. I immediately responded that I wanted a career with the FBI. Everyone who I met knew that that was my goal.

Working full time for the District Attorney while attending law school at night was tough, but I knew I had to get the right kind of experience and education to make myself the best possible candidate for the FBI. Upon graduation from law school (Dec. 1994), I re-applied with the FBI. I was scheduled to take the written exam on a Monday following the Bar exam. I again passed the written exam and had to wait to be selected for the interview. I wrote letters nearly every month to the applicant coordinator asking to be interviewed and explaining what I was doing each month. Finally, I was selected to be interviewed in Kansas City in July of 1996. Seven of us in our region were selected to go, but only two of us passed the interview process. Myself and another girl. I was on top of the world, knowing that I was about to realize my dream.

The polygraph exam was next, August 7, 1996, in San Antonio, Texas. I knew I had nothing to worry about, since I had never violated the FBI's drug policy and I had not lied on my application. The agent administering the polygraph noted during the pre- polygraph interview that I had attended a university that he believed was a "party school" and that I needed to tell him what drugs I used when I went there. I stated that I had taken none, that I didn't live on campus, I lived in another city, and that I was an older student and wasn't influenced to do such things. He repeated that that couldnít be the case and told me again to tell him what illegal drugs I had done. I countered again that that just wasn't the case and that I was telling the truth. This went back and forth for about 10 minutes and he seemed to be getting upset that I wouldnít admit to taking drugs. Finally he stated that if I was lying he was about to find out. I was upset at the unbelievable accusations he was making. Up until that point I had been treated with the utmost professionalism by the FBI staff, now I was being treated like an accused criminal. After the polygraph was over, he told me I had failed. I almost passed out in disbelief

I wrote several letters to FBI Director Freeh, and in October of 1996 I was polygraphed again, by another agent with the first agent who polygraphed me present. The results were the same, he told me I had failed. I just could not believe it. I had not lied on the polygraph. Even the first agent that had polygraphed me told me as I was leaving that he now believed me, that I was telling the truth. I wrote the Director several more times to no avail, my application was terminated in November of that year. My dreams were shattered.

Finally, as a side note, I later applied with the Secret Service. I did just as well in the testing and interview stages as I had with the FBI. When it came time for the polygraph, the agent administering it asked me if I had been polygraphed before. I told him yes, and under what circumstances and the results. He thanked me for my honesty, unhooked me from the polygraph without testing me and told me that he would have to contact his superiors for their advice. I could not believe it. Two months later I received a form letter stating that I was no longer competitive with the other agent applicants. I am a licensed attorney, professional pilot, have law enforcement experience and with top scores but I was not competitive? Obviously I had been "black balled" by the erroneous polygraph results from the FBI.

I will probably always be effected by the injustice of what happened. I wrote a final letter to Director Freeh this summer asking for another polygraph. I even offered to pay all expenses associated with retaking it if I were to fail. I guess I still haven't accepted that you can fail a polygraph while telling the truth. Or the fact that the FBI could make this kind of mistake. I had always looked up to that agency as the pinnacle of professionalism. I received the same form letter back that I had received almost two years earlier. It is a shame, since all I wanted to do was to have a chance to serve my country and make my family proud.


Mark C. Doyal
Looks like Crastor is hanging in the UAL lounge. Total fail.

I just like to agitate them. Its like poking a bee hive. I'm more interested in Norwegian but its over for me and I have nothing to lose that has not already been taken by that **** company and their homosexual union that stabbed American Eagle in the back. So forgive me if I don't like ALPA. BAL PA maybe but AL PA never.

and I would never pass their Hogan, according to them. I predict they will be out of business, that's what I predict. Please tell the HOG ANS: that I've gone septic scab. If you don't like how you are being treated at work, nut up and quit. Take a Winter Solstice day. No union necessary. That's the New World Order as I see it. ALPA is irrelevant. #DenyALPA #Decertify
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Amazing, Vaselino and Pitbull.
Mitch's partner is a nasty hothead.
Meanwhile, west pilots attempting to validate Rocco's denial to Legacy AA pilots. To no avail.
Kothny/Res Judicata joining in.
Amazing, Vaselino and Pitbull.
Mitch's partner is a nasty hothead.
Meanwhile, west pilots attempting to validate Rocco's denial to Legacy AA pilots. To no avail.
Kothny/Res Judicata joining in.

The AA boys had Kothny figured out long ago. He is easily the least respected Westie on c&r. The word is out in his new DFW base that he is truly nuts.

Johnny Mac also jumped in to try to deflect the thread topic away from Tania Rocks-in-Head. Good luck with that. The only good thing that can be said about the chowderhead is that he never tried to be a fantasy "attorney" via Arizona Summit School of Law.
I wonder if Rocco calls herself "Pitbull." :D

In all seriousness, Rocco is well known to management pilots and not in a good way. A total *uck-up and dumb as a brick. If we didn't have a union, she would have been bounced years ago.

Actually, I believe Rocco is AKA T. Bziukiewicz, the former West ALPA communications chairperson that we had so much trouble with. She would come up with her own bizarre narrative even after official statements by CEO Parker. She is opening up old wounds unnecessarily and I would hope that management and APA holds her accountable. The '96 hire apparently is still angry that she was unable to cash in her Nic lottery ticket.

The self-imposed nickname of "Pitbull" was already taken by West 330 F/O who is already making a name for himself, both in PHL and C&R. He is also a former West ALPA usual suspect.
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..... I've gone septic scab.

Your anger at and total disgust with alpa is fully understandable and shared here, but I'd strongly suggest you give going "septic scab" further consideration. A soul, once sold, can't likely be redeemed....and there is a whole lot more to life than momentary income or supposed status....period. Some corporate "Captain" costume or last month's paycheck/etc aren't at all as important as being able to at least largely like what you see in any mirror.
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The self-imposed nickname of "Pitbull" was already taken by West 330 F/O ....

Well, to be at all fair to that individual's brilliantly creative self-styling it must be noted that the "Army of Leonidas" previously exhausted a great many ferocious -Fantasyland-esque "names" for themselves long ago...and perhaps further evolution into "Battle"-tested-"Unicorn(s)" or the like fell short of that particular "spartan soldier's" needs. I can't speak for others but I'll confess I'd rather face a mere "Pitbull" than a fully fledged "Dire Wolf" in any case. ;)
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The news just keeps getting worse for Arizona Summit and its motley collection of grifters, scammers and illegal alien "students."


I can't speak for others, but "somehow" a JD from the pathetic likes of Arizona Summit would NOT be the first thing I'd look for when indulging counsel of ANY kind. That only a minority of their "graduates" could/can even so much as pass the Bar is noteworthy, but an additonal bit of actual wisdom clearly kept hidden from all those (I can't actually qualify for ANY real law school) fools choosing such pathetically scam "schools" follows below:

Most tragically; one must assume that sad "spartans" who indulged in such folly wasted the better part of 200K on their supposed "education" in such august institutions of "learning"....No matter. Personal choices and actions have consequences....The saddest thing in the AWA "spartan" versus everyone else "war" is that so many of the "mommy bought me my 'PYLT's license" types were sufficiently gullible as to blindly follow their most 'select' sorts who'se mommies even bought them their "lawyer's" license as well. ;)
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Johnny Mac also jumped in ...

Has he recently, essentially donned kneepads and once again begged of the CEO on company video an answer to whether or not he "should turn in" supposedly "fellow pilots" for the clear felony of daring to ever taxi with both engines running? ;) And sadly no American legacy folks, I'm NOT making that up...Welcome to what we've dealt with in the previous decade. Most of the PHX folks I've encountered aren't bad sorts at all....but be wary of the clinically insane and utterly treacherous minority who never personally evolved past (at best) the level of perpetual teenagers...I've sometimes wondered just how many paying passengers woud have properly fled their aircraft while still at the jetway (or even afterwards) were such infantile idiocy as the below EVER shown as part of the boarding briefing. No sane person wants to trust their very lives to obvious "nut jobs" and I'd have to honestly guess that just "I'm captain Tony Anger" alone would've sufficed to induce an uncommanded evacuation all by itself after seeing the following video:

Again, per No sane person wants to trust their very lives to obvious "nut jobs"; What can anyone imagine would actually happen were this below shown to "cap'n aux's" passengers...and that obviously infantile and apparently drunken, T-shirted lunatic is somehow, however strangely, actually allowed to fly helpless passengers around to this day. America West obviously held only the very highest hiring "standards" for their...umm..."PYLTS"...No psych eval nor intelligence test required, quite obviously.

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