Afa-cwa Mec Pres Calls It Quits


May 22, 2003
This was an E-line that was put out this evening. I feel we are truly losing a great union leader. I understand why she is doing it, but I hate to see her go.

Subject: MEC President Departs at the end of the Year.

I am writing to you to inform you that after rescinding my VFLR once early this week, I re-thought my decision again, and decided to take the VFLR on December 2, 2005. I had agonized over this decision with my family and close friends outside the business and decided that, after 25 years of service to our airline and 4 years of being your labor advocate, it is time to hand over the baton to someone else who will bring new fire and energy into the union and represent the ever-changing needs of our group.

I would like to spend most of this letter thanking you for the opportunity you gave me by trusting me enough to be your voice of representation at a time when all odds were against labor, our airline and industry. Together, in these past four years, we have endured the pains of 9/11, job uncertainty, furloughs, displacements, base closures, 2 bankruptcies, 3 lifestyle-changing, career-changing concessions, pensions dumped, 2 management teams not from this planet, IRAQ war with fuel prices soaring with no end predicted, and multiple reworked, over done business plans. Here we sit, at present day, not nearly in the break-even mode, looking for an airline partner to marry. If successful, that will be yet more changes to endure in this ever dynamic industry in flux.

As predicted the VFLR will allow many of the f/as who have been reserve to capture lines sooner rather than later, as the VFLR went somewhere mid 1988 and up the seniority chain. In addition, there will be over 470 f/as who will retire by year's end. I hope for a better existence for our members as time proceeds.

For the new electee who succeeds me, I wish you strength as a leader, with an obsession biased towards labor, "balance-driven" motivational ideology, and a "rain-maker" when dealing with this management, placing your professionalism on a window sill nearby and using it on an "as- needed-basis". And, most importantly, make the media your friend because that is the heart of success in this labor-intense business.

To you the AFA membership who have shown much courage, strength, dedication, who have performed your jobs with professionalism and excellence in a brutal, oppressive environment, you have given a mutual respect to the union. I salute you and applaud your tenacity to protect the profession and your airline in spite of all the trials, tribulations, criticism, and you, I say, protect one another at all times.

I will continue to do my work for the MEC, for you the membership, through these next several months, with the same energy, motivation, and focus to ensure your needs are met in the work place and the contract is honored by all parties until my final hours in the MEC office.

This ride has truly been an amazing and enriching experience; one I won't ever forget as I continue on my life's adventure. Hope to see you, one fine day, on the other side.

Teddy Xidas
MEC President, USAirways, AFA-CWA , AFL-CIO
Teddy, you are by FAR the best representation we have ever had. Since I have been on the property anyway. You definately made a difference and really cared. I say, "Thanks" for really giving us a voice. Though I am usually in my crashpad in PHL, when I get home to PIT I always look out to see if your on talk radio or on Honsberger Live. Loved catching you on those shows. I wish you luck and great success in all that you do after airways. Leave knowing you were definately appreciated. Congratulations ! ! ! !
You will be missed by many (except management).

It was nice that you didn't take June 1 so as to ease the transition.

Thank You for all you have done for all US employees. You are one of the most unselfish union leaders I have ever known. Good luck in your LAUS (Life After USAir).

I too am throwing in the towel after 23 years. I am leaving June 1.

Joe Dunlap PIT F/A
Last posting See Ya
I only wish the ALPA reps at CLT, BOS, and LGA had the balls you do...You will be missed. I have never been so impressed, in over 20 years at ALPA, at how WELL you take care of your membership. You will be missed. Greeter (hoping to fly with you before your departure.)
Walmartgreeter said:
I only wish the ALPA reps at CLT, BOS, and LGA had the balls you do...You will be missed. I have never been so impressed, in over 20 years at ALPA, at how WELL you take care of your membership. You will be missed. Greeter (hoping to fly with your before your departure.)

No Sh*t about ALPA! Teddy was by far the most hard-working, dedicated AFA leader I've ever witnessed. God speed Teddy and best wishes to you in your new endeavours.

I bet the Second Floor at CCY was throwing a party.

Hate to see Ms Xidas go, she is a true trade unionist.
What is with the American and United employees on this board? Some of the crap being posted is just vile. Let's cut to the chase, you really want US Airways out of business don't you? It's time for Plan B kids; looks like this pig is gonna keep flying.
Three years ago, who would have ever thought I'd have done a complete 360 on my opinion of Teddy... but I shudder to think what CCY would have inflicted on the flight attendants without her chutzpa and utter dedication to the infllight group. I guess we need look no further than ALPA and IAM to answer that question.

I am sorry that Teddy won't we with us when we have to take on the next management teams, be they in Arlington, Tempe, or some place inbetween.

Teddy, Best of luck to you and your family, and God bless! You truly will be missed. Even by me, LOL!

EyeInTheSky said:
What is with the American and United employees on this board? Some of the crap being posted is just vile. Let's cut to the chase, you really want US Airways out of business don't you? It's time for Plan B kids; looks like this pig is gonna keep flying.
Oh honey...this airline is like Cher...a cockroach! Nothing...not even a bomb will bring her down! She will always survive.
:) Best of luck with your new career. Make sure you wear those sexy new glasses at your interview!!!!!! hehe

Big R
Some guts! AFA says they will strike, then you dummies at US AIR voted yes to more concessions! :down:
:down: You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are talking about. This lady poured her heart and soul into this ariline and it's employees. It's employees like you who make flying United and AA such an unpleasant experience.

Very few post on this board have pissed me off as much as this one.
TransatlanticFlyGuy said:
Oh honey...this airline is like Cher...a cockroach! Nothing...not even a bomb will bring her down! She will always survive.

ROTFLMAO! Thanks for the chuckle! I just spit 'cawfee' all over the keyboard. Thank god I drink it black. :p