Aircraft maint issues

Whining? Hardly, we do like to ***** a lot though, and for good cause. Been doing it for over 30 years, ain't gonna stop now.
Whiny like a broken $6 violin. Could you imagine this keyboard sniveler having to live under 15 years of TWu record setting concessions? Reamster Roy (Nutdriver is now RR) from SWA can't even live under a fully intact contract and one of the best without a river of tears flowing about his money, the 6 years for a raise, and "my T/A to vote YES on" so he can get that pay matter what language is in it. We know the IGM type, in the man's office on his knee's seeing if he can get his daily overtime fix like a crack addict because he's a real "high roller" don't ya know.

Then he wants to disparage and degrade those that actually had to really fight when Northwest management forced the AMT's out the door? Where was Reamster Roy from SWA in 2005, 13 years ago this August 20th, when many of us were walking on the picket line and discussing all of these events here to no end??? I can tell you where... on his knees...begging the man for his overtime...just like he is today. He wants to change the history books about AMFA to his company man/industrial union sell-out narrative, but we all know what happened. AMFA essentially got locked out, and NWA went down and is now Deltiod.

God forbid AMFA is forced to call a strike at SWA, his co-workers on the picket line will have foot prints up their back when Reamster Roy runs over them to scab...he has bills to pay.
Whiny like a broken $6 violin. Could you imagine this keyboard sniveler having to live under 15 years of TWu record setting concessions? Reamster Roy (Nutdriver is now RR) from SWA can't even live under a fully intact contract and one of the best without a river of tears flowing about his money, the 6 years for a raise, and "my T/A to vote YES on" so he can get that pay matter what language is in it. We know the IGM type, in the man's office on his knee's seeing if he can get his daily overtime fix like a crack addict because he's a real "high roller" don't ya know.

Then he wants to disparage and degrade those that actually had to really fight when Northwest management forced the AMT's out the door? Where was Reamster Roy from SWA in 2005, 13 years ago this August 20th, when many of us were walking on the picket line and discussing all of these events here to no end??? I can tell you where... on his knees...begging the man for his overtime...just like he is today. He wants to change the history books about AMFA to his company man/industrial union sell-out narrative, but we all know what happened. AMFA essentially got locked out, and NWA went down and is now Deltiod.

God forbid AMFA is forced to call a strike at SWA, his co-workers on the picket line will have foot prints up their back when Reamster Roy runs over them to scab...he has bills to pay.
Taking Trumps play book I see. Where were you when the AMFA vote failed at American. What's stopping you,from doing the great card drive at American Airlines, oh I know all talk and no action. So tell me that you live the break room fantasy land, What will be this great contract AMFA would bring you. When you read the Association updates they can't even get Parker to bring you guys up to the IAM standards. If you guys went IAM, you would at least have the USair contract. I swear Swampy must have you on speed dial someone is saying something bad about AMFA , I must get Hasbeen Hackneyed to defend them.
Whiny like a broken $6 violin. Could you imagine this keyboard sniveler having to live under 15 years of TWu record setting concessions? Reamster Roy (Nutdriver is now RR) from SWA can't even live under a fully intact contract and one of the best without a river of tears flowing about his money, the 6 years for a raise, and "my T/A to vote YES on" so he can get that pay matter what language is in it. We know the IGM type, in the man's office on his knee's seeing if he can get his daily overtime fix like a crack addict because he's a real "high roller" don't ya know.

Then he wants to disparage and degrade those that actually had to really fight when Northwest management forced the AMT's out the door? Where was Reamster Roy from SWA in 2005, 13 years ago this August 20th, when many of us were walking on the picket line and discussing all of these events here to no end??? I can tell you where... on his knees...begging the man for his overtime...just like he is today. He wants to change the history books about AMFA to his company man/industrial union sell-out narrative, but we all know what happened. AMFA essentially got locked out, and NWA went down and is now Deltiod.

God forbid AMFA is forced to call a strike at SWA, his co-workers on the picket line will have foot prints up their back when Reamster Roy runs over them to scab...he has bills to pay.
Wrong again Hasbeen Northwest management used the money they saved by **** canning all the mechanics, after poor AMFA took their bait and refused to let their membership vote on the last offer. Delta and Northwest filed bankruptcy the same day , and again Northwest management is running Delta Airlines. Like I told you stupid, I have ex Northwest mechanics and United Airlines mechanics on my crew that worked under AMFA, with bad management. You see the reason AMFA has succeeded at SWA, is because we have been profitable for over 45 years. It's not hard to have ILC under a successful company. You talk about me if I was Under the TWU. I learned my lesson after I got out of the Navy, and took that job with Midway Airlines, and they folded. They were Teamsters in Chicago , and that didn't save them from bad management. However my Teamster contacts helped me get on with SWA, so it worked out, plus other professional contacts from my Navy days.
Taking Trumps play book I see. Where were you when the AMFA vote failed at American. What's stopping you,from doing the great card drive at American Airlines, oh I know all talk and no action. So tell me that you live the break room fantasy land, What will be this great contract AMFA would bring you. When you read the Association updates they can't even get Parker to bring you guys up to the IAM standards. If you guys went IAM, you would at least have the USair contract. I swear Swampy must have you on speed dial someone is saying something bad about AMFA , I must get Hasbeen Hackneyed to defend them.
You can say bad things about AMFA, I fully expect it from a uneducated Reamster fan boy. However when you spout outright lies and half-truths your getting called on it Reamster Roy. First thing you got wrong, there was no "AMFA vote" at AA. The company, the NMB, the TWu and the Reamsters fake drive all saw to that. The person holding the cards failed to get them to the NMB on the day the company hand carried (a first ever) the eligibility list to the NMB in DC. Some say this "card snafu" was on purpose because there was about 60%, it was big F up. Regardless, the NMB conveniently ruled "no interest", therefore no representation vote. Got it Reamster Roy???

Second, nobody, including myself, ever stated AMFA would get us "this great contract" simpleton. Merely the fact that AMT's would have the majority stake in our union affairs, unlike it is now. We have had "strength in numbers" and the vaunted "An injury to one is injury to all" for 70+ years. The TWu has never had a ILC in my 30 years, we were always at the bottom, save for about 1.5 years before 2003 when the TWu tried to match AMFA at NWA but could not.

Third, so you think if we went over to the feckless IAm with a broke pension, the benevolent company would suddenly wave the hand and just give us all of our benefits, holidays, sick time, and vacation back? I hope you don't get a drug test this week, because your higher than a giraffes ass.

Stating a card drive at this massive AAirline is a huge undertaking, lots of time, many people, and a large amount of money. It's even harder with US Air now on the list. This ain't Southwest. I doubt you've ever been involved in one, because your too busy working overtime, but maybe get your feet wet. You can start one at SWA since the AMFA hasn't got you your money yet.
Then say goodby to your scope that AMFA won, but money is all you care about Reamster Roy.
Wrong again Hasbeen Northwest management used the money they saved by **** canning all the mechanics, after poor AMFA took their bait and refused to let their membership vote on the last offer. Delta and Northwest filed bankruptcy the same day , and again Northwest management is running Delta Airlines. Like I told you stupid, I have ex Northwest mechanics and United Airlines mechanics on my crew that worked under AMFA, with bad management. You see the reason AMFA has succeeded at SWA, is because we have been profitable for over 45 years. It's not hard to have ILC under a successful company. You talk about me if I was Under the TWU. I learned my lesson after I got out of the Navy, and took that job with Midway Airlines, and they folded. They were Teamsters in Chicago , and that didn't save them from bad management. However my Teamster contacts helped me get on with SWA, so it worked out, plus other professional contacts from my Navy days.
I don't care who you know Reamster Roy, I was on the picket line with NWA strikers and I hale from the great white north. I use to work in MSP, so I know a lot more NWA people than you do. So shut your pie hole about who you know, you don't know Jack.

Northwest also received millions in government hand outs that they spent to break the unions, not just AMFA either. They all got screwed in the end the pilots and F/A's got hammered in BK. AMFA had a strike vote that was 93% in favor of walking. Your a real moron to think bringing back a T/A that cut 50% of the AMTs and cleaners with a 25% pay cut had a chance in hell of passing. Maybe a dolt like you would take that screwing, but the NWA people I know would not.

Finally, you need to stop looking like a slack-jawed fool and do your own research about the AMFA strike at NWA. Because your Reamster talking points are about as rank as open sewer line full of brown honey and Baby Ruth bars.
Here ya go, your favorite attorney, SSM&P filed this brief with the Minnesota Dept of Labor. The Minnesota Supreme Court overruled ULJ and found the NWA AMFA strike was a CONSTRUCTIVE LOCKOUT.

I'm not giving you the link, you can find it yourself.

From the court decision;

"Second, the record shows that the highest-paid cleaners were paid approximately the same amount as the lowest-paid technicians. Thus, under the ULJ's reasoning, even though both would be subject to the same wage cut, a cleaner or custodian would be entitled to unemployment benefits, while a technician or inspector would not. The ULJ based this differential result on the fact that a cleaner at that wage level would be near the top of the pay scale and have little chance for advancement, while a technician would be at the lower end of the pay scale and have greater chance for advancement. The ULJ also noted a lack of evidence that technicians were employed at the lower pay level. But this differential is logically inconsistent and does not produce an equitable result for employees of the two crafts who may have experienced the same wage and benefit loss. On this record, we conclude the ULJ's determination that no constructive lockout occurred for the technicians and inspectors was arbitrary and capricious.

We therefore affirm the determination that the custodians and cleaners are eligible for unemployment benefits. But we conclude that the ULJ erred as a matter of law in determining that the technicians and inspectors were ineligible for benefits, and that determination is reversed.

Affirmed in part and reversed in part.

Finally I could give a rip about your life story Reamster Roy. Your a day late and dollar short. I'm not wasting anymore time replying to your foolish uninformed rants on NWA or the AMFA, we already did that years ago here. Good luck with your pay raise. I hope you get it soon...for our sake.
You can say bad things about AMFA, I fully expect it from a uneducated Reamster fan boy. However when you spout outright lies and half-truths your getting called on it Reamster Roy. First thing you got wrong, there was no "AMFA vote" at AA. The company, the NMB, the TWu and the Reamsters fake drive all saw to that. The person holding the cards failed to get them to the NMB on the day the company hand carried (a first ever) the eligibility list to the NMB in DC. Some say this "card snafu" was on purpose because there was about 60%, it was big F up. Regardless, the NMB conveniently ruled "no interest", therefore no representation vote. Got it Reamster Roy???

Second, nobody, including myself, ever stated AMFA would get us "this great contract" simpleton. Merely the fact that AMT's would have the majority stake in our union affairs, unlike it is now. We have had "strength in numbers" and the vaunted "An injury to one is injury to all" for 70+ years. The TWu has never had a ILC in my 30 years, we were always at the bottom, save for about 1.5 years before 2003 when the TWu tried to match AMFA at NWA but could not.

Third, so you think if we went over to the feckless IAm with a broke pension, the benevolent company would suddenly wave the hand and just give us all of our benefits, holidays, sick time, and vacation back? I hope you don't get a drug test this week, because your higher than a giraffes ass.

Stating a card drive at this massive AAirline is a huge undertaking, lots of time, many people, and a large amount of money. It's even harder with US Air now on the list. This ain't Southwest. I doubt you've ever been involved in one, because your too busy working overtime, but maybe get your feet wet. You can start one at SWA since the AMFA hasn't got you your money yet.
Then say goodby to your scope that AMFA won, but money is all you care about Reamster Roy.
You never change you ***** and moan about your lot in life. Face it like Weazz said the TWU has been there for 70 years, and will never go anywhere. So your choice is either complain about it, your entire my life sucks carrer at American. Or realize you will never get AMFA at American and try to start an independent union with the mechanics, inspectors, crew chiefs and maintenance controllers, and maybe GSE, whoever is part of the TWU/ IAM group. You act like you are such a saint. With the TWA buyout those people got screwed too, and I am sure you had no problem stepping over their dead carcasses to protect yours. In fact this is where the McCaskill/Bond act legislation came from. Or you could always leave like Brett did, and go somewhere else. Or realize since you are not a pilot or management that American will stay the way it is, and it will be an uphill fight for maintenance as it pretty much is regardless what union you have.
You never change you ***** and moan about your lot in life. Face it like Weazz said the TWU has been there for 70 years, and will never go anywhere. So your choice is either complain about it, your entire my life sucks carrer at American. Or realize you will never get AMFA at American and try to start an independent union with the mechanics, inspectors, crew chiefs and maintenance controllers, and maybe GSE, whoever is part of the TWU/ IAM group. You act like you are such a saint. With the TWA buyout those people got screwed too, and I am sure you had no problem stepping over their dead carcasses to protect yours. In fact this is where the McCaskill/Bond act legislation came from. Or you could always leave like Brett did, and go somewhere else. Or realize since you are not a pilot or management that American will stay the way it is, and it will be an uphill fight for maintenance as it pretty much is regardless what union you have.

In case you haven't noticed, no AA AMTs agree with you.
In case you haven't noticed, no AA AMTs agree with you.
That's fine , you need a game plan to figure out what you are going to do. You guys don't like your situation then change it. Have some meetings and figure who you can go with. SWA with maintenance has been the IAM, then their own in house union. Teamsters for years, then AMFA in 2003.I doubt seriously they would have gotten in, if the Northwest situation would have happened in say 2000 or 2001. Pick some one you can actually certify the UAW someone.
I'm glad to see that you think so highly of yourself. So you think that those of us at AA are to stupid to figure out when to have a card drive. Your an arrogant piece of ****. The world here at AA is a lot more complicated than over at SWA. We will decide when is the proper time to have a card drive and whether it is AMFA,AMP or going in a different direction.
I'm glad to see that you think so highly of yourself. So you think that those of us at AA are to stupid to figure out when to have a card drive. Your an arrogant piece of ****. The world here at AA is a lot more complicated than over at SWA. We will decide when is the proper time to have a card drive and whether it is AMFA,AMP or going in a different direction.
Doing something,about your situation is better than doing nothing, I didn't tell you when to have a card drive, you are the guys that complain about your situation.
You never change you ***** and moan about your lot in life. Face it like Weazz said the TWU has been there for 70 years, and will never go anywhere. So your choice is either complain about it, your entire my life sucks carrer at American. Or realize you will never get AMFA at American and try to start an independent union with the mechanics, inspectors, crew chiefs and maintenance controllers, and maybe GSE, whoever is part of the TWU/ IAM group. You act like you are such a saint. With the TWA buyout those people got screwed too, and I am sure you had no problem stepping over their dead carcasses to protect yours. In fact this is where the McCaskill/Bond act legislation came from. Or you could always leave like Brett did, and go somewhere else. Or realize since you are not a pilot or management that American will stay the way it is, and it will be an uphill fight for maintenance as it pretty much is regardless what union you have.
You kinda obtuse aren't you Reamster Roy? Here, I'll prove your an idiot again. You want to compare numbers of posts and time frames and who, exactly, is the daily sniveler about ones "lot in life" ?
I have been posting here for going on 15 years, only a few months away. I have a total as of today of 3613 posts after this one, or an average of 240.8 posts per year. Not really that much, it was a more back in the early days, granted.

Now then. Let's look at the board sniveler, you Reamster Roy, AKA Nutdriver shall we? 1718 posts in less than a year, lets just say a year. Yes, that is in less than a year!!! Reamster Roy, you live on this board night and day, day and night. Along with your boyfriend Dippy Dave the omnipotent ramper, who isn't even a simple shop steward at MIA and was too cowardly to go to his unions biggest protests at DFW and Centrepork last summer.

Daily whining about your money, your pay raise, your T/A to vote on, your pay raise, AMFA can't-won't-hasn't got your T/A to vote on, SSM@P is taking dues money, I want my T/A to vote on, it's been 6 years. I want my money!!! It's been 6 years!!!! Over and over and over and over...

So who is the bitchy money whore and the moaner here on a daily basis???

Reamster Roy, aka the Nutdriver is correct.

Maybe next, I will go back and see how many times you cried about money, or waiting for a T/A in your posts, I'm guessing well over 75%.
You kinda obtuse aren't you Reamster Roy? Here, I'll prove your an idiot again. You want to compare numbers of posts and time frames and who, exactly, is the daily sniveler about ones "lot in life" ?
I have been posting here for going on 15 years, only a few months away. I have a total as of today of 3613 posts after this one, or an average of 240.8 posts per year. Not really that much, it was a more back in the early days, granted.

Now then. Let's look at the board sniveler, you Reamster Roy, AKA Nutdriver shall we? 1718 posts in less than a year, lets just say a year. Yes, that is in less than a year!!! Reamster Roy, you live on this board night and day, day and night. Along with your boyfriend Dippy Dave the omnipotent ramper, who isn't even a simple shop steward at MIA and was too cowardly to go to his unions biggest protests at DFW and Centrepork last summer.

Daily whining about your money, your pay raise, your T/A to vote on, your pay raise, AMFA can't-won't-hasn't got your T/A to vote on, SSM@P is taking dues money, I want my T/A to vote on, it's been 6 years. I want my money!!! It's been 6 years!!!! Over and over and over and over...

So who is the bitchy money whore and the moaner here on a daily basis???

Reamster Roy, aka the Nutdriver is correct.

Maybe next, I will go back and see how many times you cried about money, or waiting for a T/A in your posts, I'm guessing well over 75%.
So what is your point ? If you worked for SWA and you didn't like what was going on you have a right to complain. I really don't care for AMFA because I feel they have ceased being democratic, and are being controlled by a small percentage of our work group. Let me ask you this when you guys have come an AIP, what was the general time it took to become a T/ A at American. About 30 days? There is hardly any communication going on. Rumor has it, AMFA is trying to get our bonus money to control the distribution. The company says no. You and I both know what happens to money if a union controls it. It disappears. Without insulting each other, do you guys think you can change your situation or not?