Chicago 2016

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Oct 30, 2006
Today, the IOC is supposed to announce which city will get the 2016 Olympics. Sources say that is very tight between Chicago and Rio de Janeiro. And Obama and Oprah made their pitch to the committee. So, did my great city of Chicago get the olympics? A couple more hours and we should find out.

I am not far from the celebration downtown... I plan on joining after the announcement.
they wouldn't have gotten the games regardless...because our country has hosted the games as recently as 2002 for the winter games and 1996.. and they are suppose to rotate around to different countries and not keep coming back to the same one even though it is in a different city.
Pack your bags honey, looks like we are going to ......

Maybe its possible Obama's "Special Olympics" crack didn't sit well w/IOC members? Im sure the reasons will be because:

10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings
9. Obama distracted by 25 min meeting with Gen. McChrystal
8. Who cares if Obama couldn't talk the IOC into Chicago? He'll be able to talk Iran out of nukes.
7. The impediment is Israel still building settlements.
6. Obviously no president would have been able to acomplish it.
5. We've been quite clear and said all along that we didn't want the Olympics.
4. This isn't about the number of Olympics "lost", it's about the number of Olympics "saved" or "created".
3. Clearly not enough wise Latina judges on the committee
2. Because the IOC is racist.
1. It's George Bush's fault.

For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of the IOC. :lol:
Progressives and America elect a 'Rock Star'.....get a life.......

Mr Obama was greeted — as usual — like a rock star by the IOC delegates in Copenhagen — then humiliated by them. Perception is reality. A narrow defeat for Chicago would have been acceptable — but the sheer scale of the defeat was a bombshell, and is a major blow for Mr Obama at a time when questions are being asked about his style of governance
Letterman’s top ten list why Chicago lost its bid for the 2016 Olympic games:

10) The members of the IOC are unAmerican.
9) The members of the IOC acted stupidly.
8) The members of the IOC are an angry mob.
7) The members of the IOC are bitter clingers.
6) The IOC wants to destroy Obama’s Presidency.
5) Fox News still won’t get off the President’s back.
4) Oprah didn’t buy each one of the IOC members a car.
3) The Cubs aren’t the only losers in Chicago.
2) It was a five spiral crash, boys.
1) Blame it on Rio.
Or a copy of Photo-shop ! :blink:

Do you even know how to research anything?

Daily Mail


Top News

There are tons of sites that report it as being real. Having not been there my self I cannot verify the event. I assume you have proof that it is false? I have not seen anything to indicate that it is.

Given that i is a 2,200 ft tall steel reinforced piece of concrete and is the tallest structure in the vicinity by far, I do not see any problem with the idea of it being struck by lightening and I doubt it was the first time that it has happened.
Do you even know how to research anything?

Daily Mail


Top News

There are tons of sites that report it as being real. Having not been there my self I cannot verify the event. I assume you have proof that it is false? I have not seen anything to indicate that it is.

Given that i is a 2,200 ft tall steel reinforced piece of concrete and is the tallest structure in the vicinity by far, I do not see any problem with the idea of it being struck by lightening and I doubt it was the first time that it has happened.

Take it as God may be pissed that you and others do not see the Republican light..... :lol:

Target practice :eek: to warn those who would be so arrogant/vain to think Jesus would want a 2,200 foot tall statute erected.
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