D E N Y,..... D E N I A L,...... D E N I E R (s)

I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but if you can remember way back to the late last century...it wasn't Whitewater, it wasn't the travel office, it wasn't Vince Fosters murder, it wasn't cocaine deals in Little Rock that got Bill Clinton Impeached...it was Monica.
Yeah good luck on getting Trump to commit perjury like Clinton did. After all it wasn't his having sex with Lewinsky that got him impeached.
You know, after reading some statistics, and more of the History books, things are sadly becoming 'clearer'.
For instance. A recent article that I read (in I believe 'psychology today') states that a scary 38% of people WANT to be 'LED', as opposed to 'questioning' !
Such well known examples are Hitler and Stalin !
The aforementioned LEMMINGS, strangely will be very Patriotic, in that they'll vigorously support the military troops, and loudly bemoan the losses that they'll suffer, BUT will NEVER question their Leader, while knowing deep inside that they're being lied to !

Sound even vaguely familiar, HACK JOB ????????
Poor 'Ol Gramps, are you having a senior moment? Some history books and some stats make the fog clear for the Bears. Huh, was that before or after the blue Jello today?

Obammy was was Putin's patsy. He got run over by Putin, so did the Hildabeast, they were laughed at and mocked. 8 years of Obammy/Hildabeast failure. ISIS created by Obammys pull out of the sand box, 4 killed in Benghazi including the ambassador, the Syria red line crossed and nothing done by the failed Obammy administration. $150 billion given to Iran, and a worthless agreement that lets them continue to build nukes. A failed economy that never reached 3% GDP in 8 years. On and on......

Trump is compared to Hitler and Stalin? Well simpleton, I guess you didn't retain much of what you read.

It's gonna be a long 6 years for poor 'Ol Bears, Trump will win reelection in 2020.

Lest we forget, Obammy was a moronic failure.
Every Time Trump reaches a new level of stupid his supporters rush to keep up with him.
Well then, lets go one line Wonder Mutt. I'm ready to see all that book smarts you keep telling me you have. I surmise it's just picture comic books your reading between smashing bags in the cargo bin.

I'm ready right here, right now.

Go for it. We'll see who looks stupid.
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Back on subject!
The sad thing is you believe it.:eek:
Never been a fan of Nobama or Billery.
But you already know that.
Well xUT it seem your still one of those who complains about everything, anything, and everyone. Maybe move to a desert island and you can complain to the spinney crabs how hot the sand is.

Your about as bad as Grampa Bears, just a few levels more intelligent.

You detest Trump, but you voted for him.

Makes sense to you I guess.

Don't vote next time.
Well xUT it seem your still one of those who complains about everything, anything, and everyone. Maybe move to a desert island and you can complain to the spinney crabs how hot the sand is.

Your about as bad as Grampa Bears, just a few levels more intelligent.

You detest Trump, but you voted for him.

Makes sense to you I guess.

Don't vote next time.
Again, I do not detest Trump. He has done some ground breaking decisions that I agree with.
But I refuse to swallow all of it, like you and the TRUMPetts.
I am not a devout follower that is compelled to support anything Trump does without reason.
Too bad you don't understand the difference.
I always question the motivations of our aristocratic/oligarchy , you should as well.
Waiting on the Wonder Mutt, let's see if he can muster up more than a dipsheet one liner?

I'm not confident in the Wonder Mutt after 12000+ and 14 years of dumb fk one-liners....

Must be smashing those bags yet......
Again, I do not detest Trump. He has done some ground breaking decisions that I agree with.
But I refuse to swallow all of it, like you and the TRUMPetts.
I am not a devout follower that is compelled to support anything Trump does without reason.
Too bad you don't understand the difference.
I always question the motivations of our aristocratic/oligarchy , you should as well.
Neither do I, it's laughable that you think your the only one, I don't like some of the stuff Trump does. I called him a loud mouth New Yorker. I've said I don't like all the tweeting.

However there is a lot of qualities I do like, a lot more than I don't.

Considering the lying criminal Hildabeast who could have been elected, we dodged a bullet. We are doing much better than before with the worthless 8 years of Obammy. The economy is booming where I am.

Until Trump is convicted of crimes which would have be leaked by now with the Washington Cesspool, I give him a pass.

Consider that.
Yeah good luck on getting Trump to commit perjury like Clinton did. After all it wasn't his having sex with Lewinsky that got him impeached.
REally? I guy who can't make it 2 minutes without telling a lie wouldn't perjure himself?
Well then, lets go one line Wonder Mutt. I'm ready to see all that book smarts you keep telling me you have. I surmise it's just picture comic books your reading between smashing bags in the cargo bin.

I'm ready right here, right now.

Go for it. We'll see who looks stupid.
You just did.