Layoff Numbers

I wish it was that high. It will be a trickle until but then it will increase exponentially in about 5 years.
I would have thought so as well, but...

Thaks for the clarification and correction. I had just guessed based on numbers for US East (150-200/year total including those on medical) and the difference in size of the groups.

SuperFLUF and FWAAA,

Thanks for the clarification and correction. I had just guessed based on the numbers for US East (150-200/year starting next year) and the difference in size between the two groups. I knew that a bunch of AA pilots took early retirement last year, but didn't have any idea what the age distribution for that group was. It sounds like most of them would have been among the age 65 retirements for 2012/13/14.

Maintenance is taking a hit, but frankly, there are more than enough of you guys here to speak for yourselves...

I don't think we have anyone from Facilities, and only a couple of FSC's who get drowned out on a regular basis by y'all.

Ramp is losing all cargo/mail, plus outsourced at what looks like any airport under 20 departures a day... That is a pretty big hit, since there may only be about a dozen stations outside the hubs which remain staffed.

In comparison, yes, I'd say Ramp and Facilities got screwed worse than you guys.

Well, you do have one Electrician from Facilities at least but I don't post much because, as you said, it's pretty easy to get drowned out anyway and most of what there is to be said has already been said by someone else. Still waiting to see if they are finally going to farm our entire group out as they've threatened to many times in the past. I'd say that's a pretty thorough screwing indeed.
SuperFLUF and FWAAA,

Thanks for the clarification and correction. I had just guessed based on the numbers for US East (150-200/year starting next year) and the difference in size between the two groups. I knew that a bunch of AA pilots took early retirement last year, but didn't have any idea what the age distribution for that group was. It sounds like most of them would have been among the age 65 retirements for 2012/13/14.

Another reason for small numbers of retirement-age pilots at AA is that three years earlier, in 2008, lots of AA pilots retired early due to the stock market meltdown. The 60-day lookback provision for the B-plan (defined contribution 11% plan) allows pilots to lock in historic B-plan share values after the fact when the market tanks. AA pilot retirements set a record in 2008:

Between the record pilot retirements in 2008 and the large number of 2011 retirements, the AA pilot ranks have been drained of many older pilots. The four years 2008-11 saw nearly 1,000 retirements. Had those huge years (2008 and 2011) not happened, your estimates would have been dead on.
How is eliminating Avionics saving AA money? At least we'll get weekends off when we go to the different fleet 40 hour avionics courses then the LMP course's.

That's 40 course each for the S80, 737, 757, 767, 777, 787, and A320. for roughly 3500 mechs. all without the help of avi tech c/c's, when we get that A/P job on a through trip. How shrewd is AA for that ingenious move, it's like the time AA bought TWA, another shrewd idea. At least I get to see an avi guy change a brake, adjust a t/t, do an A check, taxi aircraft, wipe a strut. etc..........
I don't know, ask the pilots. Without a contract in place by the pilots its a mute point. We could have voted in any agreement but if the pilots did not get on board it was BK. If you did not know this then you must have been living under a rock for the last few years. Put blame were its due.

I don't blame the loud mouths for BK, but I do blame them for costing every mech over $10k.....with their great insight of I'm not giving up my pre funding or I'm not working weekends.
Getting 1.5% pay raise off of $36 an hour is better then 1.5% pay raise off of $33 an hour.

I blame AA management for being so greedy that they created a toxic relationship with the 3 unions. Don't blame the pilots for this.
How is eliminating Avionics saving AA money? At least we'll get weekends off when we go to the different fleet 40 hour avionics courses then the LMP course's.

That's 40 course each for the S80, 737, 757, 767, 777, 787, and A320. for roughly 3500 mechs. all without the help of avi tech c/c's, when we get that A/P job on a through trip. How shrewd is AA for that ingenious move, it's like the time AA bought TWA, another shrewd idea. At least I get to see an avi guy change a brake, adjust a t/t, do an A check, taxi aircraft, wipe a strut. etc..........

Going to about as much fun as watching a O/H guy who bumps into a line station get sent out to a troubleshoot a 737 autopilot on a 50 minute turn or a 767 Pegasus FMC problem or load software into a 777 AIMS module on a thru flight. They'll be enough laughs to go around for everybody. I'm already laughing just thinking about all of it. Whatever idiot came up with the idea of eliminating Avionics should be led out the door as well. Just saying.
Going to about as much fun as watching a O/H guy who bumps into a line station get sent out to a troubleshoot a 737 autopilot on a 50 minute turn or a 767 Pegasus FMC problem or load software into a 777 AIMS module on a thru flight. They'll be enough laughs to go around for everybody. I'm already laughing just thinking about all of it. Whatever idiot came up with the idea of eliminating Avionics should be led out the door as well. Just saying.
About as funny as a Line guy learning how to play Dominoes or Cards......
Going to about as much fun as watching a O/H guy who bumps into a line station get sent out to a troubleshoot a 737 autopilot on a 50 minute turn or a 767 Pegasus FMC problem or load software into a 777 AIMS module on a thru flight. They'll be enough laughs to go around for everybody. I'm already laughing just thinking about all of it. Whatever idiot came up with the idea of eliminating Avionics should be led out the door as well. Just saying.

I'm laughing at the thought of anyone troubleshooting on a turn. How many placards did LAX put on last month?

Just saying.
About as funny as a Line guy learning how to play Dominoes or Cards......

Buck, it would be difficult for us to learn those games. We are on MacBooks, iPads, and laptops now and are busy watching Direct TV on our 50" LCD TVs in the terminal break rooms. We haven't seen those wood and paper games since the early 90s.

A lot of arrogance on this blog. Worked with a lot of fine AMTs out of TUL and AFW after the 92/93 RIFs. Just like anybody we all need some time to get up to speed. As far as avionics being some elite skill that only a few can understand, try reading the SRM. That's an f'n minefield.
Buck, it would be difficult for us to learn those games. We are on MacBooks, iPads, and laptops now and are busy watching Direct TV on our 50" LCD TVs in the terminal break rooms. We haven't seen those wood and paper games since the early 90s.

A lot of arrogance on this blog. Worked with a lot of fine AMTs out of TUL and AFW after the 92/93 RIFs. Just like anybody we all need some time to get up to speed. As far as avionics being some elite skill that only a few can understand, try reading the SRM. That's an f'n minefield.
True and lately a Structure mechanic, at least at TUL has to get permission from the Supervisor over seeing the work, who has to have the Crew Chief keep in contact with the engineer who is very new, who has to keep in contact with Boeing, who does not work 24/7.

BTW, what does " f'n " mean?
In the month of January there were approximately 2100 placards for the md80 fleet just saying.
About as funny as a Line guy learning how to play Dominoes or Cards......

No. I can can vouch for the fact that line guys are well versed in cards, dominos and laptops. O/H guy should fit right in here. Until they get a gate call. But's it's all good. We all work together here. Nobody will get thrown to the wolves by themselves on the gate.