Militia Arrests in Kansas

Hardly. An innocent isn't responsible for being born to liberal idiots. My only amazement there would be it's being born at all, since you liberals so love cutting even perfectly viable babies up in the womb into pieces and selling their helplessly murdered body parts for cash. Don't forget that per your glorious Queen Hillary that children in the womb, even to the very moment of their birth, have "No Constitutional Rights"....and you can even wonder why the disgusting sub-species of the human race that are you "liberals" so truly and properly/completely disgust the rest of us?

So once again...if accepting Somali or Syrian refugees means I need to have them in my home, how many abortions have you prevented by adopting a baby (preferably a minority)?
[QUOTE="KCFlyer, (preferably a minority)?[/QUOTE]

Sounds EXTREMELY Racist to me. Do I get any pass for step children that lived to become fine men?...And just exactly how many of whatever "minority" have you adopted and successfully raised?

You're the one pushing this line of utter BS. I'm not, so back up your BS on a personal level or shut up.

Why the hell should anyone care if an unborn, innocent baby is "preferably a minority"? What degree of racist lunacy of your own should one prescribe before murdering the unborn? Should, in your "enligthened" opinion, of course, an unborn caucasian child nowadays be murdered in favor of "preferably a minority"? Sigh...I'm lately becoming forced to agree with a now established cliche: "Liberalism is a form of mental illness"....
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  • #18
Dogfight challenge coming in 3...2...


If I recall correctly, this is the same internet tough guy who offered some kind of karate challenge along with the requisite dogfight. Typical troll who has absolutely no clue about who we are, and calls everyone "kid".


If I recall correctly, this is the same internet tough guy who offered some kind of karate challenge along with the requisite dogfight. Typical troll who has absolutely no clue about who we are, and calls everyone "kid".


You could of course actually accept any such challenge....but then, your just a pathetic widdle wiberal. Your family, that apparently contains some actual men, must be so truly proud of you for typing tough on the internet instead. No worries though, since liberal's well established as just another term for worthless candy-azz, so no harm done. ;)

Umm...You could always try to again dazzle us all more with your "toughness-by-association" fantasies by way of decent men of your family who, wholly unlike your pathetic self, actually amounted to anything....?

No matter. I've not bothered with this thread/are for ages, but you seem to "live" here, and have apparently found your own widdle "Safe Space" to run to mommy on via purely internet chat....How twuwy impwessive....Those men of the cold war/police persuasion in your family tree must truly stand in awe of both your "accomplishments" in life and of course your "courage".....

"Typical troll who has absolutely no clue about who we are"? It's never an issue "of who we are" when discussing with another....It's who YOU are, or are NOT. Anyone who ever feels the strange need to call on a "we" supposition for support is inherently of NO personal value whatsoever. Can you even honestly imagine that your clearly much stronger family members of the police or military persuasion EVER first concerned themselves with ANY "we" notions when needing to immediately respond to any given situation? Hint: They didn't, or they wouldn't have survived.

Be properly grateful that enough of my and your very family's vile sort have done our best to protect you from America's enemies that would otherwise slice your heads off/throw you off tall buildings/etc and laugh in the process....and that you're not, at least yet, simply hunted for sport.
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Hardly. An innocent isn't responsible for being born to liberal idiots. My only amazement there would be it's being born at all, since you liberals so love cutting even perfectly viable babies up in the womb into pieces and selling their helplessly murdered body parts for cash. Don't forget that per your glorious Queen Hillary that children in the womb, even to the very moment of their birth, have "No Constitutional Rights"....and you can even wonder why the disgusting sub-species of the human race that are you "liberals" so truly and properly/completely disgust the rest of us?
This guy hates libtards even more than I do but, not by much.

Maybe if a group in France had "woken people up" they would not be living in a war zone being attacked by "refugees" and unchecked immigrants in their own country courtesy of the libtard goal of welfare, "cultural enrichment" and open borders.

The only tragedy here is the militia failed. I for one am tired of the American government using American tax dollars to house, feed, and clothe "refugees" from countries that both sponsor and produce terrorist.

Do you remember when Obama brought a bunch of unvetted Syrian refugees here?

By the way I limited these videos to France. The same thing is happening in Germany, Sweden, and the UK.

This is the future you liberals are enabling with your welfare programs and politically correct B.S..

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This guy hates libtards even more than I do but, not by much.

For me, it's not so much an issue of "libtards", since I honestly do NOT care about how any person feels/thinks/wants to marry/etc. That's their proper Right...Period. What I am concerned with is the possible defeat/destruction of the ONLY example in ALL of human history where basically (flaws included) Free people established a government/Nation dedicated to that same idea, whatever our flaws. The average "liberal" seemingly has about the same knowledge of human history (and for that matter "intelligence") as does some randomly harvested sea sponge....and that's extremely dangerous in these sorry times. If America falls, so does the whole world fall away from even the slightest glimmer of Light of any kind...pimples/imperfections/etc...The American "social experiment" with notions of people being sufficiently capable as to actually govern themselves is unique to human history, and both an idea fully worth worth fighting for and if needed dying for...and liberal idiots, evidently bereft of ANY concept of history, or actual human nature, and artificially granted a very unusual (and always temporary) period of essential "peace" via nuclear weapons and a single foe for the nearly half century of post WWII/the Cold War, have NO/zip/ZERO idea anymore of, well...pretty much anything real. I don't honestly think they have even the slightest idea of both what's at stake and what very well might happen in the not-to-distant future....most especially if their wishes are granted.

"Hi!...I'm a liberal. I embrace "diversity" and I love you!"...."Allah akbar! (slices off liberal's head/etc)..and the muslim thing's just for starters. "Hi, I'm Vladimir Putin and I go to sleep every night laughing at your pathetic weakness while my forces conquer all the world that's immediately next to me...for starters anyway"...and the list goes on with much and many more. May God Help America.
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  • #24
The only tragedy here is the militia failed

So you are now on record supporting this militia's bombing of an apartment complex in Kansas...and sad that the: wait for it...

"tragedy here is that the militia failed" killing numerous people.

Posting support (on a public airline blog) for domestic terrorists that have just been arrested is not very smart.

Thanks for the heads up.

There is a special place reserved for you.
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There is a special place reserved for you.

Assuming the world magically continues along as you've thus far seen,and all keeps working as you've seen it. Good luck with that fantasy in the upcoming years. I find it incredible that even the dimmest of liberals can't at all even imagine anything other than fantasies of continued "safety" and essentially no changes as history flows along/ceteris paribus/etc....I hope you're right, but nothing in human history serves to sustain your ideas. Nuclear weapons have managed a feeble peace since WWII, but they're now being even gifted into the hands of our obvious enemies. I sadly suspect the next ten years will provide a far more "interesting" time than anyone here wants to see, most certainly myself, but whatcha' gonna' do?
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So you are now on record supporting this militia's bombing of an apartment complex in Kansas...and sad that the: wait for it...

"tragedy here is that the militia failed" killing numerous people.

Posting support (on a public airline blog) for domestic terrorists that have just been arrested is not very smart.

Thanks for the heads up.

There is a special place reserved for you.

The EU has pushed to disarm citizens of member countries, open welfare to migrants, and have open borders.

Everything the left is trying to accomplish in the United States.

What makes you think the situation in America will turn out any different when it has gone so horribly in Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Greece, Norway, Spain........?

Maybe if the French or German citizens had stood up to their government or gone on the offensive (as the militia did) they would not be living in the hell they are in now, being assaulted, raped, and murdered by a people they welcomed with open arms.

Those EU citizens saw those "refugees" as victims just as the left does. They wanted to help them. What they got for their trouble was a government funded invasion force. As far as I am concerned their leaders have committed treason. They have subjected their citizens to violence and death to pursue a globalist agenda. They have allowed an attack on their citizens culture and values.

You say these militia members are terrorist. I say a government that would burden its citizens with the cost of migrants from a country known for producing and funding terrorist and setting them up in large numbers in government funded housing are the real terrorist.

That is exactly what they did in the EU. Look how that turned out.

As far as I am concerned these men were protecting themselves and their homes against an invasion force sponsored by their own government.

You refuse to acknowledge what is going on in the EU though the proof is readily available and abundant. You refuse to admit the left is pushing the same agendas here.

You deny the truth of the situation. You are a coward Glenn.
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SADLY, It's Just the beginning, thanx to that Enema-Bag T - Rump stoking the flames of hatred. Just wait and see Y'ALL. Guns sales will quadruple after 11/08, Ammo sales will be off the charts. 'Preppers' will be taking out large loans $$$ so they can 'Prep' even more. There be More MF's digging huge holes in their back yards for God only know what.

On a side note. I was at the doctors office getting ready for a test, when the nurse asked that usual question. "Are you allergic to any meds' Nope I said. She (then) said, "Are you allergic to Anything" ? Yes I said. "What" she said ? I said....R E P U B L I C A N S !
(The whole friggin' office broke out in laughter) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 days to go, until ' Donald the D - Bag ' becomes History.
Adios MF'r.
SADLY, It's Just the beginning, thanx to that Enema-Bag T - Rump stoking the flames of hatred. Just wait and see Y'ALL. Guns sales will quadruple after 11/08, Ammo sales will be off the charts. 'Preppers' will be taking out large loans $$$ so they can 'Prep' even more. There be More MF's digging huge holes in their back yards for God only know what.

On a side note. I was at the doctors office getting ready for a test, when the nurse asked that usual question. "Are you allergic to any meds' Nope I said. She (then) said, "Are you allergic to Anything" ? Yes I said. "What" she said ? I said....R E P U B L I C A N S !
(The whole friggin' office broke out in laughter) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 days to go, until ' Donald the D - Bag ' becomes History.
Adios MF'r.

That hatred that T Rump is stoking won't stop there I'm afraid. I think that some of his "second amendment people" will do as their leader has suggested.
Assuming the world magically continues along as you've thus far seen,and all keeps working as you've seen it. Good luck with that fantasy in the upcoming years. I find it incredible that even the dimmest of liberals can't at all even imagine anything other than fantasies of continued "safety" and essentially no changes as history flows along/ceteris paribus/etc....I hope you're right, but nothing in human history serves to sustain your ideas. Nuclear weapons have managed a feeble peace since WWII, but they're now being even gifted into the hands of our obvious enemies. I sadly suspect the next ten years will provide a far more "interesting" time than anyone here wants to see, most certainly myself, but whatcha' gonna' do?

I find it "incredible" that you've used almost the entire runway to justify LaLi's post.
The EU has pushed to disarm citizens of member countries, open welfare to migrants, and have open borders.

Everything the left is trying to accomplish in the United States.

What makes you think the situation in America will turn out any different when it has gone so horribly in Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Greece, Norway, Spain........?

Maybe if the French or German citizens had stood up to their government or gone on the offensive (as the militia did) they would not be living in the hell they are in now, being assaulted, raped, and murdered by a people they welcomed with open arms.

Those EU citizens saw those "refugees" as victims just as the left does. They wanted to help them. What they got for their trouble was a government funded invasion force. As far as I am concerned their leaders have committed treason. They have subjected their citizens to violence and death to pursue a globalist agenda. They have allowed an attack on their citizens culture and values.

You say these militia members are terrorist. I say a government that would burden its citizens with the cost of migrants from a country known for producing and funding terrorist and setting them up in large numbers in government funded housing are the real terrorist.

That is exactly what they did in the EU. Look how that turned out.

As far as I am concerned these men were protecting themselves and their homes against an invasion force sponsored by their own government.

You refuse to acknowledge what is going on in the EU though the proof is readily available and abundant. You refuse to admit the left is pushing the same agendas here.

You deny the truth of the situation. You are a coward Glenn.

...Says the person championing the death of other human beings...

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