Mueller issues subpoena for Trumps Deutsche Bank records/Russia ?

Dell, you are the master of conspiracy theories. What do $300 million loans to Trump and a history of Russian money laundering have to do with this?
Dell, you are the master of conspiracy theories. What do $300 million loans to Trump and a history of Russian money laundering have to do with this?

The latest dying breath of the leftist stooges since Mueller's Trump/Russia Conspiracy Theory died with Flynn copping to a plea bargain.

Looks like Deutche Bank and about twelve others like to cater to rusky cash.

When you borrow from a bank, is there a disclaimer advising you that your loan is backed by laundered rusky cash?
Haven't bought any $300 million homes.

I see BNY Mellon, PNC use Deutche Bank......Hillary got $225,000 for a speech there....Obama DOJ reached an agreement with DB over $7.2 Billion in toxic securities.

A Deutsche Bank executive is suing a son and a brother of Delaware Sen. Joe Biden for at least $10 million over a deal they had to buy into a hedge fund, according to court documents.

So what's your lame point about Trump on a $300 million loan?