NMB Rules on Flight Attendant Interference


Jul 23, 2003
News Release Issued: November 18, 2011 5:32 PM EST

Delta Flight Attendant Representation Election Results Upheld

National Mediation Board denies AFA's interference claims; airline begins
process to align flight attendant pay, benefits, work rules and seniority

ATLANTA, Nov. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) today
received notification from the National Mediation Board (NMB) that the Board
has rejected claims of interference filed by the Association of Flight
Attendants (AFA) following the November 2010 Delta flight attendant
representation election. With its ruling, the NMB has upheld the decision of
a majority of voters to reject AFA representation, allowing Delta flight
attendants to move forward as a combined workgroup.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20090202/DELTALOGO )

"We have always believed that our flight attendants' voices and votes should
be respected," said Joanne Smith, senior vice president – In-Flight
Service. "We take very seriously our commitment to helping our employees take
advantage of the full benefits of the merger. To that end, we will immediately
begin the process of aligning pay, benefits, work rules and seniority for our
flight attendants, including bringing pre-merger Northwest flight attendants
up to the Delta flight attendant hourly pay rates."

Still pending are interference claims relating to representation elections
for employees in Delta's Airport Customer Service, Cargo, Reservation Sales
and TechOps Stores groups. The majority of voters in these elections also
rejected union representation.

"We are hopeful similar decisions related to those elections will come
quickly so that our people in those groups will be able to move forward as
well," said Mike Campbell, executive vice president of H.R. and Labor
Relations. "It is time to turn the page and continue to focus on making Delta
a great place to work. We have the best men and women in the industry and I am
grateful for the professionalism they've demonstrated during the past three

SOURCE Delta Air Lines
For further information: CONTACT: Delta Corporate Communications,
I am glad to hear this. Maybe we can get a break from this nonstop organizing. As for flying together, it will be a while. However, some changes will start tomorrow. For example, PMNW flight attendants will have their base pay brought up to DL standards tomorrow. Other pay will be standardized on December 1. Credit rigs will be standardized when the crews can fly with each other. May is out planned first flytogether month. At that time, work rules will be aligned.
I often wonder how it would be working for a company without union. I was doing the math the other day
and I have pay over $8000 to APFA ( flight attendant union at American) to be honest I don't have a lot
of positives that I can say about my union. They really have not done much for me as an individual.
I do know that it would take both sides company and employees to make it work. Not sure I can say
AMR management knows how either. Good luck to you all.
I often wonder how it would be working for a company without union. I was doing the math the other day
and I have pay over $8000 to APFA ( flight attendant union at American) to be honest I don't have a lot
of positives that I can say about my union. They really have not done much for me as an individual.
I do know that it would take both sides company and employees to make it work. Not sure I can say
AMR management knows how either. Good luck to you all.

Only benefit to having a union is having someone delay the inevitable, i.e. paycuts, base closings and paying them to do it !

All the former NW , AFA represented FA's, just got a raise...............right before Christmas !
Where are the usual suspects hiding , concerning this topic ?

NOPE, Not hiding, I'm right here southwindbag.

First though, it certainly looks like you were WRONG AGAIN, with your FEAR of the new Obama Labor Board, or whatever thier correct name is !

Word of caution,.....don't get too overconfident about the Ramp outcome !
You've been duly warned !

Too soon to tell what sort of momentum it'll have. I'm not in IFS, so while I applaud the effort, it won't affect my group.

Um, no, they didn't. Partial pay rate restoration =/= a raise. A decrease in overall compensation =/= a raise.

Spin it any way you can, i applaud your effort, but it doesnt change the fact that they former NW F/A will now earn more today they did the just a few days ago.
Also, profit sharing will go up (raise).
First though, it certainly looks like you were WRONG AGAIN, with your FEAR of the new Obama Labor Board, or whatever thier correct name is !

Kinda blows that whole "The-NMB-is-in-labor's-pocket" myth right out of the water, doesn't it?

Spin it any way you can, i applaud your effort, but it doesnt change the fact that they former NW F/A will now earn more today they did the just a few days ago.
Also, profit sharing will go up (raise).

No spin, just reality. The hourly rate of pay may increase, but unless both sides are making more per flight hour than they did pre 9/11, it's merely partial restoration. As far as total compensation goes, that will not be increasing, as the increase in base rate will be offset by other items.
Again, their pay went up (raise) and overall compensation went up Dec 19th from Dec 18th.
If you want to talk about pre-911 then thats another story. Truth is they will be paid overall better
Than their AFA contract.