Please,,,Do Not Follow United's Bag Fees

Even if oil was $20 a barrel LCC will still implement these charges, blaming the new fees on oil is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.
Jeez, you are offensive and don't even realize it.....calling Canadians cheap is biased, offensive, rude and bigoted......not surprising coming from you

Half of my Family was born in Windsor the other half in Detriot so I can talk, by the way I am one of the Americans in my family. Most of our extended family still lives there.
Why is it that US gets bashed on something that has to do with United? Go to the UA forum and there are only two replies to the bag charge....
OK your comparing a light hearted joke directed at Canadians with Racism and Anti Semitism? You would get kicked out of most polite company with an asinine statement like that! What is next comparing US Airways to the Third Reich?
2. All Jews are cheap

I can only speak for myself: I like value!!! I will pay more if I feel that there is value in paying more. But I am careful with my money, and do not like to waste it. I have been called "cheap," but I have also been called "generous." I like to think that being cheap in some areas enables me to be generous in others. I am not ashamed of my fiscal prudence! :D

Now, to get back on topic: UA's move was ill-timed. They never should have rolled this out with fuel on a downslide. It just makes them look greedy, not desperate. So far no other airline has matched this bone-headed move. I actually applaud US for not going down this path, and I hope they do not disappoint me.