Southwest and jetBlue win Reagan slots

AA recognized a gain of $67 million in the fourth quarter from its forced sale of LGA slots to WN, so I suspect that the DCA slots will go for a lot of money.   
ouch  e  that gonna upset wt!         of course the doj told dl and ua they would not get any slots    :)
DL and UA did not get the slots due to they are not LCC's, as it was stated from the get go that the slots would be awarded to LCC's.   Not sure (still) if the slots at the other 5 airports, are just going to LCC's, hope so, but doubt it.  Stay tuned folks, it will get more interesting indeed...
There arent five other airports that have slot controls, there are five slots still left at DCA to be sold.
700UW said:
There arent five other airports that have slot controls, there are five slots still left at DCA to be sold.
Five slots or five slot pairs?

Hard to do with only 5 slots.

* Southwest gains 54 slots, good for 27 departures