Talk about uncalled for and low class.

I have FORGET MORE, than you'll EVER learn TOTAL, in your entire Life, and all this without a college education.
Just for starters, I''l throw out 3 obvious reasons why.
First, I'm a military veteran/experience !
Second, I've Never listened to FOX NEWS, or Rush BIMBO !
And lastly, I've lived my whole life in the most highly intellectual quadrant/educated section of America, the Northeast. Unlike You, south of the Mason/Dixon line !!
Yep!...... You've been smoking those funny cigarettes again, haven't you! Your old lady is going to slap the %$# out of you if she finds out!....... Military experience? Big deal!..... You act if you were the only one!....... Fox News?...... Maybe you should listen to something besides CNN! You just may learn something! And lastly, ...... So you live in the Northeast! ....... Well, that explains a lot! Most, but not all, of those who live up there believe they are the only ones on God's give earth! Will guess what? You're not!.......The 2016 election tore "you'll" a new a$$ hole now didn't it! ..........Damn Yankee!!!..... And here's a wake-up call, there 's a hell of a lot of country out there besides what you call home!!!.......And no, I don't live below the Mason/ Dixon line........ Oh, by the way, let me remind you, Trump is from New York!.......He's one of your own!!!:D:D
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  • #94
And lastly, I've lived my whole life in the most highly intellectual quadrant/educated section of America, the Northeast. Unlike You, south of the Mason/Dixon line !!
I used to live in Huntsville Alabama. That place is crawling with PhD's due to NASA. Some of those people are literally rocket scientist.
The George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), located in Huntsville, Alabama, is the U.S. government's civilian rocketry and spacecraft propulsion research center. As the largest NASA center, MSFC's first mission was developing the Saturn launch vehicles for the Apollo program. Marshall has been the lead center for the Space Shuttle main propulsion and external tank; payloads and related crew training; International Space Station (ISS) design and assembly; computers, networks, and information management; and the Space Launch System (SLS). Located on the Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville, MSFC is named in honor of Army General George Marshall.

The center contains the Huntsville Operations Support Center (HOSC), also known as the International Space Station Payload Operations Center. This facility supports ISS launch, payload, and experiment activities at the Kennedy Space Center. The HOSC also monitors rocket launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station when a Marshall Center payload is on board.

Would it interest you to know that Norman Oklahoma produces a lot of PhD's?

The University of Oklahoma is the largest university in the state of Oklahoma, with approximately 30,000 students enrolled. The university was founded in 1890, prior to Oklahoma statehood. The university includes both Norman and Oklahoma City campuses with the main campus located in Norman. In 2007, The Princeton Review named the University of Oklahoma one of its "Best Value" colleges. The school is ranked first per capita among public universities in enrollment of National Merit Scholars and has seen 28 Rhodes Scholars graduate since the program's inception in 1902. PC Magazine and the Princeton Review rated it one of the "20 Most Wired Colleges" in both 2006 and 2008, while the Carnegie Foundation classifies it as a research university with "highest research activity."

Sorry Bears but your area hardly has the market cornered on higher education.

I really don't understand why you keep pushing this narrative that Southern people are uneducated.
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I have FORGET MORE, than you'll EVER learn TOTAL, in your entire Life, and all this without a college education.
Just for starters, I''l throw out 3 obvious reasons why.
First, I'm a military veteran/experience !
Second, I've Never listened to FOX NEWS, or Rush BIMBO !
And lastly, I've lived my whole life in the most highly intellectual quadrant/educated section of America, the Northeast. Unlike You, south of the Mason/Dixon line !!

this is hilarious thank you for making my point.lmao First of all considering what an entitled lazy union worker you clearly were doesn’t make one feel very positive about your military service.
Second you may not listen to Fox, though I doubt it, you no doubt suck up CNN or MSNBC and HuffPuff like it’s the gospel.

Lalu has already blew your location theory up ,I’ll just add you could live across the street from Harvard doesn’t mean your dumb ass is getting in
I used to live in Huntsville Alabama. That place is crawling with PhD's due to NASA. Some of those people are literally rocket scientist.
The George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), located in Huntsville, Alabama, is the U.S. government's civilian rocketry and spacecraft propulsion research center. As the largest NASA center, MSFC's first mission was developing the Saturn launch vehicles for the Apollo program. Marshall has been the lead center for the Space Shuttle main propulsion and external tank; payloads and related crew training; International Space Station (ISS) design and assembly; computers, networks, and information management; and the Space Launch System (SLS). Located on the Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville, MSFC is named in honor of Army General George Marshall.

The center contains the Huntsville Operations Support Center (HOSC), also known as the International Space Station Payload Operations Center. This facility supports ISS launch, payload, and experiment activities at the Kennedy Space Center. The HOSC also monitors rocket launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station when a Marshall Center payload is on board.

Would it interest you to know that Norman Oklahoma produces a lot of PhD's?

The University of Oklahoma is the largest university in the state of Oklahoma, with approximately 30,000 students enrolled.[38] The university was founded in 1890, prior to Oklahoma statehood.[38][105] The university includes both Norman and Oklahoma City campuses with the main campus located in Norman. In 2007, The Princeton Review named the University of Oklahoma one of its "Best Value" colleges. The school is ranked first per capita among public universities in enrollment of National Merit Scholars and has seen 28 Rhodes Scholars graduate since the program's inception in 1902. PC Magazine and the Princeton Review rated it one of the "20 Most Wired Colleges" in both 2006 and 2008, while the Carnegie Foundation classifies it as a research university with "highest research activity."

Sorry Bears but your area hardly has the market cornered on higher education.

I really don't understand why you keep pushing this narrative that Southern people are uneducated.
Goes back to the Northeastern mindset that they are the center of the world, and anyone that says differently is a dumba$$!....... But when reality sets in, they get frustrated, all they can do is cry, and call people names!
Nice job Bears. First you get LaLa to claim living in Alabama and Oklahoma means he isn't dumb.

Then the ultimate Breakroom Supervisor accuses you of being lazy because he thinks you are like him. Useless because a union keeps him employed. Even though he never supported the union organizers.

Keep pointing, the laughs never stop.
La Le Lu Le Lo.
For sure, there are Fine, and Brilliant people all over this nation, and it's true (to an extent) that we've gotten spoiled up here since the (Pilgrims landed), with so Many, Many world class institutions of higher learning, and World renowned Hospitals. (Though the BEST CANCER hospital, M D Anderson is in Houston Texas) ! Sooooo, I'm guilty of getting carried-away periodically. It's HARD when I'm jousting with Mental Midgets like Clit-rat, Insp69 and the 'Silence of the Lambs', BUT, their 'Short Comings" none the less do Not make me right. Your points are well taken !!
this is hilarious thank you for making my point.lmao First of all considering what an entitled lazy union worker you clearly were doesn’t make one feel very positive about your military service.
Second you may not listen to Fox, though I doubt it, you no doubt suck up CNN or MSNBC and HuffPuff like it’s the gospel.

Lalu has already blew your location theory up ,I’ll just add you could live across the street from Harvard doesn’t mean your dumb ass is getting in[/QUOTE
Hey Bears, this is exactly why Trump was elected. That dick head thinks everyone should kiss his a$$. This is exactly what I was referring to when I referred to the Northeastern mindset!....... Besides, who the hell eats that McDonald's carbage anyway?
there’s nothing wrong with his arrogant Yankee ass that getting his ass beat wouldn’t cure. Hopefully he’ll die soon enough from eating that McDonalds trash will be a plus for the human race
there’s nothing wrong with his arrogant Yankee ass that getting his ass beat wouldn’t cure. Hopefully he’ll die soon enough from eating that McDonalds trash will be a plus for the human race
In fact, do you see just a little, of that mindset in Bears?
You wouldn't last a micro-second on the streets of BROOKLYN,NY !
All you'd have to do, i open your mouth and speak a word, Y'ALL !!

there’s nothing wrong with his arrogant Yankee ass that getting his ass beat wouldn’t cure. Hopefully he’ll die soon enough from eating that McDonalds trash will be a plus for the human race
Who’d want to be in that trashed filled sewer? You say it like it some great badge of honor. If it was so great why do the ones who can get the hell out and retire in Fla?. What a narrow minded tool you are with your antiquated views of regions on the country besides where you’ve been stuck living in. I’d guess you’ve never really driven the highways of this country to different regions at all. Just stuck there in your little area with you 50 to a hundred year old views about how the rest country is.
I would say I feel sorry for you but I don’t mainly because you’re a pri*k and the rest of the country is better off haven not been exposed to you.