US IAM Fleet Service topic 3/6-

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You might want to ask Delaney what he told me a few months ago in not to expect much of a pay raise for the new contract as the focus will be on scope and saving stations. Recall the New Direction fainters claiming Boss Canale's contract was a sell-out to management and woefully inadequate in terms of pay? You all aren't getting anything better with Delaney either in terms of pay. Fortunate for Westies that they didn't need to wait another 5 years for wage equality.

So Returns Jester.
Saving stations? Not many out there to save after the recent outsourcing on the West side. Nothing left on the East after the 20+ were outsourced in 2005 either. Other than the Hub and Focus cities, there is very little left that are on the cusp of being outsourced due to the amount of weekly flights they operate. Anything that was even close, is gone....
Saving stations? Not many out there to save after the recent outsourcing on the West side. Nothing left on the East after the 20+ were outsourced in 2005 either. Other than the Hub and Focus cities, there is very little left that are on the cusp of being outsourced due to the amount of weekly flights they operate. Anything that was even close, is gone....
Fact is there are more votes in the hubs and focus cites then the small and medium stations. Pay is the interest in getting a contract to pass. It’s all about VOTES and getting the contract to pass. Not much interest in small and medium stations scope the interest is pay. How do you think we got here? You can thank the hubs and focus cites
Fact is there are more votes in the hubs and focus cites then the small and medium stations. Pay is the interest in getting a contract to pass. It’s all about VOTES and getting the contract to pass. Not much interest in small and medium stations scope the interest is pay. How do you think we got here? You can thank the hubs and focus cites

On that last contract ratification vote east class 2 and the west voted in favor of the agreement the hubs voted to reject to protect the contracting out of the smaller cities
On that last contract ratification vote east class 2 and the west voted in favor of the agreement the hubs voted to reject to protect the contracting out of the smaller cities

Why Not ??? The Hubs and Class I Cities made several dollars an hour MORE for doing Less. It was ALL about Them, that is why the Company added BDL to the list of Class I cities prior to merger to ensure a YES vote. How many flight does BDL have now ?

I could care less about the Hubs..... and the PIT IAM Brothers got what they Deserved !!!!!! Guess it cant be All About You anymore! I would sell them Down the River the first chance I got, like they did me.
You might want to ask Delaney what he told me a few months ago in not to expect much of a pay raise for the new contract as the focus will be on scope and saving stations. Recall the New Direction fainters claiming Boss Canale's contract was a sell-out to management and woefully inadequate in terms of pay? You all aren't getting anything better with Delaney either in terms of pay. Fortunate for Westies that they didn't need to wait another 5 years for wage equality.

So Returns Jester.
Mr. Jester...

I have ahh suggestion... why don’t you fly into CLT for our meeting on the 13th? We'll provide all tha “Q” yew can eat... then we’ll ask Mr. Delaney to verify, and validate yer assertion in the open forum of the meeting!

So adamantly asserts...

Mr. Jester...

I have ahh suggestion... why don’t you fly into CLT for our meeting on the 13th? We'll provide all tha “Q” yew can eat... then we’ll ask Mr. Delaney to verify, and validate yer assertion in the open forum of the meeting!

So adamantly asserts...


My Dear Gentle Mr. Roabiliy,

Unfortunately, my dance card is full on the day in question, so I must politely decline your gracious invite. However, might I offer additional food for thought with the following WSJ article:

Within the article were various morsels of indigestion for those who have made US Airways their careers, in particular those who are unskilled and uneducated. To wit:

"One of every five men 25 to 54 isn't working."

"'A good guess…is that when the economy recovers five years from now, one in six men who are 25 to 54 will not be working,' Lawrence Summers, the president's economic adviser, said the other day."

"Demand for workers who haven't much education -- which includes many men, particularly minority-group men -- is waning."

"At the high end, demand for skilled workers and those who rely on their brains will return when the economy does."

"Men who in an earlier era would have been making good money on the assembly line are, and will be, working security or greeting at Wal-Mart, jobs that almost anyone can do and thus jobs that don't pay well."

With the aforementioned article, perhaps during your pourparier with Mr. Delaney, you might want to query as to how the IAM will protect you should the company close? Should Mr. Delaney appear to suffer from prebycousis, providing him a hard copy to some hard questions for the hard of hearing might settle the matter if should it not intefer with the group's altarage.

So Proposes Jester.
Why Not ??? The Hubs and Class I Cities made several dollars an hour MORE for doing Less. It was ALL about Them, that is why the Company added BDL to the list of Class I cities prior to merger to ensure a YES vote. How many flight does BDL have now ?

I could care less about the Hubs..... and the PIT IAM Brothers got what they Deserved !!!!!! Guess it cant be All About You anymore! I would sell them Down the River the first chance I got, like they did me.
If my memory serves me right, the adding of BDL to the Class 1 list was done prior to the election of 2005. I recall this very well because my station was outsourced soon after as a result of the Yes vote. The voting that time was done on different days in certain stations, so the vote was over and decided before some of the Class 2 stations even voted. I think that PVD was also added days before the vote to ensure the CBA would pass with ease. The Mainline Express stations were also supposed to stay, but they got nixed with the addition of BDL & PVD. Screw job from top to bottom.
I don't think that the addition of Class 1 stations had any effect on the last vote in 2008. The Class 2 along with the West carried most of the Yes votes this time. I don't think that the East Hubs had a real good turnout either.
If my memory serves me right, the adding of BDL to the Class 1 list was done prior to the election of 2005. I recall this very well because my station was outsourced soon after as a result of the Yes vote. The voting that time was done on different days in certain stations, so the vote was over and decided before some of the Class 2 stations even voted. I think that PVD was also added days before the vote to ensure the CBA would pass with ease. The Mainline Express stations were also supposed to stay, but they got nixed with the addition of BDL & PVD. Screw job from top to bottom.
I don't think that the addition of Class 1 stations had any effect on the last vote in 2008. The Class 2 along with the West carried most of the Yes votes this time. I don't think that the East Hubs had a real good turnout either.

Your correct the class 2 and west stations did carry the ratification in 08. I do remember that the class 1 cities did vote it down for many reasons one of which was stopping the hemorage of contracting out of more cities here in the west. We all voted for the pay increase but the price will be many of us losing our jobs do to a @#% deal we got from RC . Having a higher paying job with no job security was a big mistake and many will find that out in 2011...
Your correct the class 2 and west stations did carry the ratification in 08. I do remember that the class 1 cities did vote it down for many reasons one of which was stopping the hemorage of contracting out of more cities here in the west. We all voted for the pay increase but the price will be many of us losing our jobs do to a @#% deal we got from RC . Having a higher paying job with no job security was a big mistake and many will find that out in 2011...

Sadly that's what we in the East tried very hard to tell you all.
Sad to say, but if the last vote didn't go thru the company would have found another way to outsource the outstations at some point. In this case most were blinded by the pay increase, and had that not worked somebody else would have been baited in another manor to win the vote. There has never been any true unity within the fleet group when it came to throwing the class 2 stations under the bus.Those in the hubs never cared one bit about the rest of their "Union Brothers", even when it came to outsourcing fleet work resulting in hundreds of lost jobs. Give us a raise, keep catering, and the hell with everyone else out there who needs their job and has been paying union dues just like us.
Sadly that's what we in the East tried very hard to tell you all.

Long time since furlough notice so long I didnt know my password and how to log in program. Getting better at computers as thats where the unemployment money comes online. I thought to drop a line as so as jester stirs the pot again. Second guessing the contract vote (again)? I remember what Jester said to take the money because unemployment money would be better when we lose our jobs. He was right!

LAS break room we waited and watched TV and "Pulp Fiction" on AMC in the months leading up to our last day. There was a scene in the movie and I think about jester and him telling me to vote yes on the contract...... "Pride only hurts, it never helps. Fight through that ####. Cause a year from now when youre kickin in the Caribbeana youre gonna say "Marsellius Wallace was right."" Now I am kickin it 3 months later with more money from unemployment than when I was working with the old contract. I dont have a home as I am couch surfing around the world and flying on my benefits to the Caribbeana, Hawaii and Europe. LAS didnt get outsourced and we still got furloughed. Take the money and run. Jester was right. When the unemployment money runs out in another 18 months I could transfer but I couldnt do this without the raise from the contract and the more money from unemployment. C-ya on the beach!


P.S. Any rumors on LAS calling anyone back? Heard rampers are being beaten like dogs with too few people.
P.S. Any rumors on LAS calling anyone back? Heard rampers are being beaten like dogs with too few people.
I heard one of the LAS-PHX TL transfers mention admin called him up and asked him if he was willing to transfer back to Vegas. Not sure if company is offering permanent transfers back, didn't know how many of them had been called....
Sadly that's what we in the East tried very hard to tell you all.

With 28 years with this Company there is No Reason that You make more than me because of where you work !
Screw the Class I crap. As I have said, our Brothers and sisters in PIT didnt give a Rats ### about anyone but them selves.....What goes around comes around........
Four or five PTers are being recalled to LAS. Many have declined, from what I understand because they are FT in other cities.
I heard one of the LAS-PHX TL transfers mention admin called him up and asked him if he was willing to transfer back to Vegas. Not sure if company is offering permanent transfers back, didn't know how many of them had been called....


Aren't all the recent PHX TL transfers considered to be voluntary, thus they would not have the ability to transfer back to LAS until all the involuntary transfers have been offered LAS? The PHX TL positions were not part of the original openings for the bids when the furloughs were announced, but rather just as available openings in the system on a very loose first come basis, thus I would think that any decision to go to PHX as a TL would void any recall rights back to LAS. This would be especially true for those in LAS who had made the cut and had a position, but decided to transfer to PHX as a TL instead. I think if I was involutarily furloughed or involuntarily transferred from LAS and wanted to come back, I would be asking some hard questions as to if this would be a worthy of grievance.

So Ponders Jester.

P.S. Back to CreamHorn, get back to school instead of screwing-off for the next two years.
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