10,000 Jobs And Amfa!

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003

(10,000 and counting)

AMFA negotiated the NWA agreement. In order to achieve its relatively high wage scale, AMFA gave away virtually all of the mechanics’ job protections. As a consequence, approximately 50% of the NWA mechanics have lost their jobs. Unfortunately, many of these job losses will be permanent.

At Alaska Airlines, AMFA consented to contract arbitration depriving their members of any meaningful vote on the agreement. Since only a handful of the contractual items could be referred to arbitration, the members had no alternative but to accept the deferred items, mostly unchanged from before (17 out of 31 sections to be exact). Further, the outcome of the arbitration decidedly favored management. Once the arbitrator made his decision, the members had nothing left to vote on. This certainly debunks AMFA’s claim of worker democracy.

AMFA is in negotiations with 3 of the airlines they represent and is making little headway. In the future, negotiations at NWA promise to be exciting with nothing left to give away except wages. And with the force majeure one lose in January; it will continue to be a disaster for the Northwest mechanics. NW conducted a meeting with its members on February 12,2004 and discussed the outsourcing of Brakes, APU and additional downsizing of the mechanics to a final total of 2000 to 2400 on the Property from a high of 9700.

AMFA has used many slogans in its campaign to organize aviation technicians. Some that come to mind are “mechanics for mechanics,†“a pure craft union,†and “take a stand for 100 grand.†Has there been any truth to these slogans?

Mechanics for mechanics is a misnomer since 50 plus years of National Mediation Board (NMB) decisions mandate that the craft and class be described as “mechanics and related†and this includes ground maintenance, appearance technicians, and others. They may have separate agreements, but the NMB has decreed that they cannot be excluded. (AMFA referre's to the related as splinter groups). AMFA and everyone else know that, but yet they continue to misrepresent this NMB requirement to mechanics.

While AMFA proclaims that it is a pure craft union, in fact it and its supporting organization are anything but that. AMFA’s umbrella organization is the McCormick Realty Group headquartered in Laconia, NH. Yes, Laconia, NH even though there is no air carrier located anywhere close. It also supports an independent flight attendant group (PFAA) and on and off has supported one pilot group while trying to attract others. Coincidently, these organizations have post office boxes in the same building as the McCormick Realty Group. In other words, the McCormick Realty Group provides its overpriced and limited support to any craft or class that is willing to pay for it. If you need more support, you must pay for it. (AMFA 2002 LM2 reports 1.3 million dollars in professional fees with 11,400 members). Insofar as taking a stand for 100 grand, AMFA hasn’t been close to that figure and it knows that. The TWU-negotiated agreement exceeds AMFA agreements in superior job protection language, retirement benefits and above industry average wages.

Is there an advantage to a single craft organization? The recent turmoil in the air transport industry shows there is no advantage and, in fact, there are disadvantages. The TWU status as a versatile industrial union has enabled it to strengthen its resolve during these turbulent times. Concurrently, single craft unions have drastically reduced their services and, in some cases, were forced to seek a merger partner in order to survive.

Since AMFA’s bargaining has not benefited its members, what has been its demonstrated performance as relates to representation? That, unfortunately, is as miserable as it’s bargaining. NWA and Alaska mechanics were placed in the unenviable position of having to assess themselves in order to pay off their local union’s legal expenses (Local 14). That two-year assessment ends soon and these technicians will be faced with reducing services or assessing themselves once again. TWU legal costs, conversely, are paid by the union and not through member assessment. Why then the phenomena of AMFA? Perhaps everyone hopes to get something for nothing. Children wish for the tooth fairy and someone thought the Brooklyn Bridge was a good deal.

AMFA is not a union, but rather an Internet scheme to make a profit off of the backs of highly trained aviation maintenance technicians. This scheme has brought disaster to many workers and it will injure aviation technicians for years to come. Managements see AMFA as an opportunity to roll back the clock on past gains. No self-respecting union would misrepresent itself as AMFA has, nor would it pit one member against another to benefit their organization. The purpose of labor is to help the workers and not to pick their pockets. The TWU agreements demonstrate that a real union can negotiate both wages and good job protection at the same time, no matter how tough the times. When the siren song of AMFA calls, stick to the facts, and trust your future with the AFL-CIO and North America’s Best Union. The TWU! Where the Real Strength is in the Membership.

Compliments of:

Concerned Aviation Technicians!
Checking it Out said:

(10,000 and counting)

AMFA negotiated the NWA agreement. In order to achieve its relatively high wage scale, AMFA gave away virtually all of the mechanics’ job protections. As a consequence, approximately 50% of the NWA mechanics have lost their jobs. Unfortunately, many of these job losses will be permanent.
What an absolute blatant liar!


Simply read page 3.12 of the AMFA/NWA Contract:

AMFA Contract at NWA

Here is a screen capture of the language. Not only did AMFA protect every mechanic on the payroll, AMFA also protected anyone hired for 12 months subsequent to the contract signing. When has the TWU ever protected "the unemployed future worker"?



You dumbass!

You even admit in paragraph 3 of your post that there was a "force majeure" grievance. IF AMFA GAVE AWAY JOB PROTECTION as you claim, then why was there an arbitration to begin with?
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Oh! Yes!!!!! the force majeure one listed on the site also explains how good the contract is! Informer give it up! Their is plenty of docunents to show otherwise.
Checking it Out said:
Oh! Yes!!!!! the force majeure one listed on the site also explains how good the contract is! Informer give it up! Their is plenty of docunents to show otherwise.
Do you have a "force majeure" clause in your TWU Contract? YES

Did AA use that clause to lay-off? YES

Has your wonderful TWU even put that case on? HELL NO!
Why? Because they will also lose, just as every other union has lost the 9/11 issue trying to get members their jobs back. It is the TWU who has faield to even try to argue the issue.

Piss Off - LIAR!

You claimed AMFA gave away job protections in exchange for high pay. I proved with documentation you are a blatant liar. If you have a document that proves otherwise then...

Don't just claim you have documents, post them!

P.S. I think your postings are approaching libel status, and I would like to see a Seham vs. Frazier legal battle with your sorry and worthless ass as the middle man with the name on the lawsuit. Maybe I can make that happen!
CIO: do you know who has lost millions and millions of workers? And it is not because of a bad economy! It is permanent job lost to overseas workers! The famous AFL-CIO!

Why do you bash AMFA during a bad economy, and not your lovable AFL-CIO?
And now the AFL-CIO want to replace you with illegal immigrants in the U.S.!
What's up with that?

P.S. I am not dennis hayes!


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CIO, quote;

Managements see AMFA as an opportunity to roll back the clock on past gains. No self-respecting union would misrepresent itself as AMFA has, nor would it pit one member against another to benefit their organization. The purpose of labor is to help the workers and not to pick their pockets. The TWU agreements demonstrate that a real union can negotiate both wages and good job protection at the same time, no matter how tough the times. When the siren song of AMFA calls, stick to the facts, and trust your future with the AFL-CIO and North America’s Best Union. The TWU! Where the Real Strength is in the Membership.
Compliments of: Airline management
<< Obviously these are not your words but I challenge you to back them up with examples of how the TWU has made gains for us during the last 20 years..

As for pitting one member against the other why do we allow OSM classifications at Tulsa but these same jobs at MCI are considered mechanic with license pay?? Why are we in competition with MCI ???

You should look no further than our TWU constitution to see the stated purpose is to elevate both wages and conditions of the membership..why did we violate our constitution????

Blaming an industry downturn and corporate malfeasence on AMFA is the height of ignorance, but should we expect any difference from you???

You know the truth is AMFA has inheirited dismal contracts negoitiated by industrial unions.. The base closings at United came well before AMFA ever set foot on the property..

Apparently the membership is satisfied with Kevin Mc Cormick's performance as he could be let go at a moments notice for substandard performance.. It's interesting you would bring this up as you've had multiple oppourtunities to talk to him and put him on the spot.. Most recently you and yours stood outside acting like A- holes with your coffin ..

Jim Anderson Tulsa Dock 4D
CIO, You did it again!!

You truly do not give up, Lies and more lies.
You must believe in the L.I.F.T. program.
Nobody else does.
Keep posting your tabloid based lies, it just generates more interest in A.M.F.A. and less trust and credibilty in the TWU.
Fine job CIO, Fine job.

:up: :up: :up:
Go away for a few days and nothing changes. Cio is still up to his old tricks.

Article 1: Recognition and Scope.


TEAAM TWU SUCKS! :down: :down: :down: :down:
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Thanks Tony, the scope language is working very well, I see you are pointing this out! Have a Great Day!

As for the other comment the source speaks louder than the words!!!!!

"The AFL-CIO vote to support President Bush’s amnesty plan for the first time in its 46-year history, the federation adopted amnesty as its official policy.

Even the Teamsters union, which opposes Mexican truckers delivering goods in the U.S. because it knows American drivers will lose jobs, backed amnesty.

“We are now a beacon of hope to millions of workers who’ve come to our country seeking a better life,†AFL-CIO President John Sweeny said.

But AFL-CIO spokeswoman Kathy Roeder revealed the sub-rosa reason for the endorsement. Said Ms. Roeder: “We’re always looking for opportunities for people to join unions. That’s our No. 1 reason for working with immigrants.â€

Union membership has been steadily declining over the last decade. The union share of the American work force fell to 13.5 percent last year, the lowest in more than a quarter of a century.

The unions need members to survive. What better pool of prospective new members than the millions of illegal aliens who have come to the U.S. during the last decade?

But when Ms. Roeder claims that there is no evidence that “immigrants take away American jobs†she is spouting the company line.

All across America, illegal immigrants are doing jobs once held by Americans."

How is our scope clause doing????????????
Not so good!!!!


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Checking it Out said:

(10,000 and counting)

AMFA negotiated the NWA agreement. In order to achieve its relatively high wage scale, AMFA gave away virtually all of the mechanics’ job protections. As a consequence, approximately 50% of the NWA mechanics have lost their jobs. Unfortunately, many of these job losses will be permanent.

At Alaska Airlines, AMFA consented to contract arbitration depriving their members of any meaningful vote on the agreement. Since only a handful of the contractual items could be referred to arbitration, the members had no alternative but to accept the deferred items, mostly unchanged from before (17 out of 31 sections to be exact). Further, the outcome of the arbitration decidedly favored management. Once the arbitrator made his decision, the members had nothing left to vote on. This certainly debunks AMFA’s claim of worker democracy.

AMFA is in negotiations with 3 of the airlines they represent and is making little headway. In the future, negotiations at NWA promise to be exciting with nothing left to give away except wages. And with the force majeure one lose in January; it will continue to be a disaster for the Northwest mechanics. NW conducted a meeting with its members on February 12,2004 and discussed the outsourcing of Brakes, APU and additional downsizing of the mechanics to a final total of 2000 to 2400 on the Property from a high of 9700.

AMFA has used many slogans in its campaign to organize aviation technicians. Some that come to mind are “mechanics for mechanics,†“a pure craft union,†and “take a stand for 100 grand.†Has there been any truth to these slogans?

Mechanics for mechanics is a misnomer since 50 plus years of National Mediation Board (NMB) decisions mandate that the craft and class be described as “mechanics and related†and this includes ground maintenance, appearance technicians, and others. They may have separate agreements, but the NMB has decreed that they cannot be excluded. (AMFA referre's to the related as splinter groups). AMFA and everyone else know that, but yet they continue to misrepresent this NMB requirement to mechanics.

While AMFA proclaims that it is a pure craft union, in fact it and its supporting organization are anything but that. AMFA’s umbrella organization is the McCormick Realty Group headquartered in Laconia, NH. Yes, Laconia, NH even though there is no air carrier located anywhere close. It also supports an independent flight attendant group (PFAA) and on and off has supported one pilot group while trying to attract others. Coincidently, these organizations have post office boxes in the same building as the McCormick Realty Group. In other words, the McCormick Realty Group provides its overpriced and limited support to any craft or class that is willing to pay for it. If you need more support, you must pay for it. (AMFA 2002 LM2 reports 1.3 million dollars in professional fees with 11,400 members). Insofar as taking a stand for 100 grand, AMFA hasn’t been close to that figure and it knows that. The TWU-negotiated agreement exceeds AMFA agreements in superior job protection language, retirement benefits and above industry average wages.

Is there an advantage to a single craft organization? The recent turmoil in the air transport industry shows there is no advantage and, in fact, there are disadvantages. The TWU status as a versatile industrial union has enabled it to strengthen its resolve during these turbulent times. Concurrently, single craft unions have drastically reduced their services and, in some cases, were forced to seek a merger partner in order to survive.

Since AMFA’s bargaining has not benefited its members, what has been its demonstrated performance as relates to representation? That, unfortunately, is as miserable as it’s bargaining. NWA and Alaska mechanics were placed in the unenviable position of having to assess themselves in order to pay off their local union’s legal expenses (Local 14). That two-year assessment ends soon and these technicians will be faced with reducing services or assessing themselves once again. TWU legal costs, conversely, are paid by the union and not through member assessment. Why then the phenomena of AMFA? Perhaps everyone hopes to get something for nothing. Children wish for the tooth fairy and someone thought the Brooklyn Bridge was a good deal.

AMFA is not a union, but rather an Internet scheme to make a profit off of the backs of highly trained aviation maintenance technicians. This scheme has brought disaster to many workers and it will injure aviation technicians for years to come. Managements see AMFA as an opportunity to roll back the clock on past gains. No self-respecting union would misrepresent itself as AMFA has, nor would it pit one member against another to benefit their organization. The purpose of labor is to help the workers and not to pick their pockets. The TWU agreements demonstrate that a real union can negotiate both wages and good job protection at the same time, no matter how tough the times. When the siren song of AMFA calls, stick to the facts, and trust your future with the AFL-CIO and North America’s Best Union. The TWU! Where the Real Strength is in the Membership.

Compliments of:

Concerned Aviation Technicians!
Are you aware, one of the comments Jim Adkinson's respone to NW is:

Qoute page 2; ---------So this leads me to the conclusion that outsourcing of our aircraft is costing NWA more then it would cost in house and their true intent is to just get rid of our group no matter what the cost.--------------

------If we have to leave this company at least it will be with our heads held high. Be strong!-------

Local 33 President is already in the mode of giving up! Can you imagin what would happen if we had leaders here giving in to the outsourcing?

TWU where we are willing to fight to keep work in house!!!!!!
Union membership has been steadily declining over the last decade. The union share of the American work force fell to 13.5 percent last year, the lowest in more than a quarter of a century.

I belive amfa helped with this!!!
In all fairness I believe that the AFL-CIO has aided in the fight against outsourcing overseas. I also know for a fact that Art Luby has been an integral part of getting language written and enforced to make it tougher for overseas 3rd party work, e.g. drug testing, and security checks. Do not mistake my post for that of a pro TWU person, I will retrain/relocate before the TWU takes more.

I do not believe the TWU is in my future but I do see good that a few have done and for that I am thankful. I do know what the AFL-CIO committs itself to, I do know what AMFA committs itself to, to bad we can't find a common hold of the workforce.
TWU informer said:
Do you have a "force majeure" clause in your TWU Contract? YES

Did AA use that clause to lay-off? YES

Has your wonderful TWU even put that case on? HELL NO!
Why? Because they will also lose, just as every other union has lost the 9/11 issue trying to get members their jobs back. It is the TWU who has faield to even try to argue the issue.

Piss Off - LIAR!

You claimed AMFA gave away job protections in exchange for high pay. I proved with documentation you are a blatant liar. If you have a document that proves otherwise then...

Don't just claim you have documents, post them!

P.S. I think your postings are approaching libel status, and I would like to see a Seham vs. Frazier legal battle with your sorry and worthless ass as the middle man with the name on the lawsuit. Maybe I can make that happen!

Piss Off - LIAR!

Good job Informer, I guess you told him!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


P.S. I think your postings are approaching libel status, and I would like to see a Seham vs. Frazier legal battle with your sorry and worthless ass as the middle man with the name on the lawsuit. Maybe I can make that happen!

:jerry: :jerry: :jerry:

Now, why don't you go over to air-mechanic (your home base!) and cry there!
:( :( :(